How many pop tarts did I eat?
Based on concerns that my special features haven't been inane enough lately,
I came up with a really silly one for this week. As everyone knows
pop tarts aren't just part of this nutritious breakfast anymore. They
also make good lunches, dinners, and between meal snacks. I actually have
some this week and I'll be keeping track of what I use them for. This
will also give me an incentive to make them last through the end of the
Date |
Pop tarts eaten |
Tuesday April 1, 1999 |
- 2 chocolate pop tarts with breakfast
- 2 strawberry pop tarts between work and the practice crit
Wednesday April 2, 1999 |
- 2 chocolate pop tarts for breakfast
Both toasted.
Yum yum. Sometimes I don't bother toasting them, but today I did.
Thursday April 3, 1999 |
- 2 Strawberry poptarts for breakfast, toasted, one of them severely.
- 2 Strawberry poptarts after I got homw from work, before leaving for
a bike ride, raw.
I am so weak!