If you're like me you never throw anything out and you have a drawer filled with hundreds upon hundreds of old reciepts, mostly organized by purchase type, and sorted by date. Ths week and this week only, I will try and count my various types of receipts and put the results on my web page (taadaaa!).
Date | Type of receipt | |
Sunday May 23, 1999 | Grocerey store receipts | 128 Give or take a few. I've been kind of sloppy, especially lately, about saving and sorting my grocerey store receipts. Many certainly got lost or thrown away. Pending the discoverey of any more, however, I've only got 128. They're mostly from Woodman's, then Cub, then Kohls. I've also got some from Copp's and Pick 'n Save. Maybe some others too. |
Monday May 24, 1999 | Bike stuff receipts | 73 Wow! That's a lot of bike-related stuff. Those reciepts go all the way back to my Emery's-shopping days back in Milwaukee. I'm sure I'm missing quite a few of these. The little cash-register ones especially tend to get lost. Update: I found anoter receipt from Woodman's and one from Capitol center. That brings yesterday's total up to 130. So much for powers of 2. |
Tuesday May25, 1999 | Tyme machine receipts | 73 Now that's a coincidence! Overall I'd bet that I've lost more Tyme receipts than bike receipts, though. For one thing I always throw out the receipts I get for forgetting my pin number, so that's about 2/3 of the receipts right there. I have a feeling that there's a bunch of Tyme receipts around here somewhere, not bein counted. When I find them I will certainly post the new sum. |