I have a lot of studying to do this week. Too much. I have a plan. Let's see how well I can stick to it.
Sunday October 18, 1998 | Group theory - rewriting my notes from lecture in a way that makes sense to me. Using A Course On Group Theory by John S. Rose for help. |
Monday October 19, 1998 | Group theory again - going through my re-written notes and filling in (huge gaping) holes in my understanding. Using Rose's book again and especially Herstein's Abstract Algebra. My plan is a little behind schedule, but can still be salvaged if I try real hard. |
Tuesday October 20, 1998 | More group theory - Yes, the exam is tomorrow. I slept for awhile, but got up to go through my notes again and review the statements of important theorems. My plan is definitely behind schedule, as I didn't have time to go do any exercises, but I don't think I'm too bad off now. This has been a rather boring week to read about study-wise, but starting tomorrow I'll surely be studying something different and exciting. |
Wednesday October 21, 1998 | I looked at group theory in the morning, of course. Later in the day I read the first four chapters if The Astonishing Hypothesis by Francis Crick, for my philosophy class. I was supposed to do my physical chemistry problem set too, but there wasn't time. |
Thursday October 22, 1998 | I studied physical chemistry first and did this week's problem set. Not too hard, but it took me awhile because I haven't been keeping up in that class for the last few weeks. Then I wrote a summary of the first four chapters of Crick's book for my philosophy class. I was also supposed to re-write at least two lectures of p-chem notes and solve the last CS 810 homework problem, but there is never enough time! |
Friday October 23, 1998 | Physical chemistry - reading the book and doing my notes. I need to finish a Scheme programming project by Tuesday morning, but I'm way behind in p-chem so I had to try and catch up a little. |
Saturday October 24, 1998 | I started the programming assignment for CS 538. It was a busy day, and I didn't get much done at all. |