Cool Stuff From the SWAP Shop.

The Solid Waste Alternative Program (SWAP) Shop sells used university stuff every Friday. I shop there sometimes to get parts for the Doomsday Machine I'm building. This week I'm going to list some of the extra-cool stuff I've found, how much it cost, and how I got it home.

Date Cool Stuff Price How I got it home
Sunday December 27, 1998 Power cord - ths was actually a big tangle of power cords and other types of cords. $3.00 I think I just stuffed them in my backpack.
Monday December 28, 1998 Short token ring cable - a real interesting piece of computer network history. Free! I just stuffed it in my backpack.
Tuesday December 29, 1998 A bunch of round bottom flasks $7.00 I wraped them in bags and placed them carefully in my backpack.
Wednesday December 30, 1998 A TV with some missing buttons and "UW HOUSING" painted on the top. $15.00 I left it there until I could come back with a car to pick it up.
Thursday December 31, 1998 Two Apple 800k 3.5 inch floppy drives, an old Cabletron MRX 10BaseT hub with a blown fuse, and some wires. $3.00 I put the disk drives and wires in my backpack and carried the hub to class with me.
Friday January 1, 1999 Two Macintosh SE's, an old Apple 5.25 floppy drive, and a bunch of wires $6.00 I left them there until after biology class when I came back with a car.
Saturday January 2, 1999 An old Macintosh keyboard (the old ones withough F-keys) $7.00 I put it in my bag and went to biology class