What's on TV?

This week only Find out what TV programs I'm watching and what I think about the fact that I'm watching them. Hopefully this will turn out to be a short list.

Day Show  
Sunday November 1, 1998 I watched the Packer game in the afternoon. Go Packers! Go Russ Feingold!
Monday November 2, 1998 When I went home for lunch today, Hari had The Daily Show on, and I watched about two minutes of it while my bread was toasting. Later on, when I got home from the bike team meeting, someone was watching the X-Files re-runs and I watched the last 10 minutes of that. It was one about this guy in fatigues with a gun who's sneaking through a crowd to shoot this army-guy who's giving a speech. This assassin could turn invisible, and thereby made it tough for Mulder and Scully to trick him into driving into a telephone pole or something, anyhow, they got him and rescued the general. The Daily Show is always amusing. The X-Files is great. I can't wait for next Sunday. I am happy with myself for keeping my TV intake for the day under 15 minutes.
Tuesday November 3, 1998 No TV during the day. In the evening, while I was cooking and eating dinner, someone was flipping through channels and I watched part of (god help me) Revenge of the Nerds II. The first one was funny, but the second one was just dumb. Happily I had to go vote so I only saw about 20 minutes of it.
Wednesday November 4, 1998 None, Nada, Nichts. No TV for me today. For not watching TV, I got embarrassingly little useful stuff done, but that's because I caught Kevin's Cold and had to sleep.
Thursday November 5, 1998 No TV again. Hooray for me! If I had finished my physical chemistry homework earlier I might have gotten sucked in, but those problem set always take me awhile, and by the time I was done it was late.
Friday November 6, 1998 I almost didn't watch any TV again today, but that would have been three days in a row, so I went and flipped through the channels for a half hour. The most interresting one was on the history channel (I think), that had this guy sick and dying in bed, and these wise-men type guys kept mixing up concoctions for him and he'd look at them suspiciously and then drink them. There was a chef who mixed up concoctions too, but she never went to give them to the sick guy. Watching TV for a half hour was not the automatic thing for me to do, as I was real tired and feeling lousy because of my cold and just having been outside for 2 hours to watch a soccer game and ride my bike home. But it seems to have turned fruitfully into webpage filler, and I'm feeling much better today, so there you go!
Saturday November 7, 1998 I went to the airport to see Patricia and David leave for New Mexico, and caught a few glimpses of the Badgers trouncing Minnesota on the airport TV. Later on I watched South Park. I should mention, since this will be my last day of TV-reporting, that tomorrow is the big day for X-Files, and I'll be watching that for sure. My studying seemed to be on schedule, so I figured a half hour of South Park couldn't hurt, and it didn't.