Brenton Walker's Resume
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Brenton D. Walker
1130 Erin St #1
Madison, WI 53715
(608) 286-0416
email: bdwalker@students.wisc.edu
Objective Challenging, computer related position
- 6/95 Diploma, John Marshall High School, Milwaukee, WI
- 3.7 Cumulative GPA
- National Honor Society 1994, 1995
- University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
- 6/94 - 6/95 PSEO High School Special Student
- 4.0 GPA
- University of Wisconsin - Madison
- 5/95 Admitted to Honors Program
- Major in Math, Computer Science, and Chemistry
- 3.8 Cumulative GPA
- Planned Graduation Date: December 2000
Skills and Abilities
- Programming: Basic, C++, HTML, Java, \LaTeX, Lisp, Pascal, Perl
- Operating Systems: MacOS, Unix, VMS, DOS, Windows 3.1/95/NT, Cisco
- 1/95 - 6/95 Organizer, Marshall High School Computer Networking Club
- Taught students and teachers about how to use the
- 2/96 - 6/96 InfoLab Consultant, Social Sciences Microlab
- 2/96 - 6/96 Computer Operator, Social Science Computing Coop
- Monitored Unix, VMS, and NT systems
- Mounted tapes
- Performed various syetem administration tasks and wrote Perl
- 6/96 - 4/99 Network Assistant, Social Science Computing
- Configured, installed, and supported network equipment
- Troubleshoot problems involving Ethernet, FDDI, ATM, IP,
- Wrote network management applications
- Installed and maintained data wiring
- 4/97 - 6/98 Webmaster, Social Sciences Microlab
- 4/99 - present Network Manager, Madison Property Management
Inc. and Madison Telecom Inc.
- Set up and maintain NT3, NT4 servers and Win95/98 client
- Set up and maintain Linux servers, DNS records, Sendmail,
- Configure and maintain IP firewalls
- Travel to customer sites to install new software and
Honors and Activities
- American Chemical Society Award for Excellence in Physical
Chemistry 5/1999
- Elected to Phi Beta Kappa 2/1999
- Member, Brazen Dropouts Cycling Club, 7/97 - present
- Member, UW Cycling Club, 1/97 - present
- Marshall High School Math Award 1994, 1995
- Air Force Recruiting Service Math and Science Award 1995
- Bausch & Lomb Honorary Science Award 1994
Interests Cycling and bike repair, writing small
math-intensive programs, Internet surfing, and reading.
References Available upon request