Mining over the Web:

Introducing Query Tone


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Table of Contents

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Dial Tone vs. Query Tone

Dial Tone

Query Tone

Evolution of the Crystal Ball

The Expansion of the Web is Driving this Industry

Demographic Database on the Web

Telecommunications Database on the Web

Credit Card Database on the Web

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The Web is an Asset Magnifier

Yellow Pages for Query Tone
Imagine as Many Queries as Phone Calls

Present State of the Telecommunications Industry

Industry Support is Building

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Departmental System: Data Refining before Internet

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Enterprise System: Data Refining after Internet

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Commercial System: Data Refining for the Masses

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Bottle Nect for Mining over the Web

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Social Issue

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Creator: Wayne Li, MicroStrategy Inc. (based on a presentation authored by Michael J. Saylor, President & CEO of MicroStrategy Inc.)
