. the "onion ring" view of an operating system;
. the functionality view of an operating system:
- handle hardware details: disks, keyboards, CPU architectures;
- coordinate the working of different parts of a computer;
- allocate and manage resources for different tasks;
- separate and protect different users on the same computer;
- store information;
- talk to other computers
- protect the integrity and privacy of stored information;
. the Application Programming Interface (API) view of
an operating system
- the interface which application developers use to get their programs
to run across different hardware platforms and environments;
- Part 2 (till late 80's): computers are cheap, people are expensive
- interactive time-sharing: airline reservation systems, interactive debugging;
- multi-user systems;
- file systems;
- resource management;
- networking;
- Part 3 (now): computers are really cheap, people are expensive, but people
are spending a lot
of using (or wrestling with) computers --- the Personal Computer Era
- personal computers;
- multimedia;
- networking, WWW;
- "chips everywhere";
- everywhere is networked!
- complexity and reliability;
- would we specialize (wearable computers, special purpose computers, etc.)
integrate (PC on a TV, TV on a PC, WebTV, Digital TV, DVD, ...) ?