---------------------------- Basics -------------------------
1/19: Introduction and Overview notes
1/21: Clocks in a distributed system and clock synchronization
1/26: Communication protocol performance; Firefly RPC performance; slides
1/28: Condor (by Prof. Miron Livny)
-------------------------- Distributed File System -----------
2/2: Review of distributed file systems: NFS, AFS, Sprite
2/4: CIFS protocol slides
-------------------------- Web ---------------------------
2/9: HTTP protocol overview
2/11: Case for Persistent Connection in HTTP
2/16: Web caching and Web cache consistency
2/18: End-to-End Arguments in System Design slides
2/23: Multimedia Delivery Techniques (by Prof. Mary Vernon)
------------------------ Security ---------------------
2/25: Needham&Schroeder protocol and Kerberos 5;
3/2: *Authentication in Distributed Systems: Theory and Practice; slides
3/4: Network transmission security: SSL, IPsec, SOCKS, SSH, and Firewalls notes
3/9: spring break;
3/11: spring break;
------------------------- Mobility --------------------
3/16: *Flexible Update Propogation for Weakly Consistent Replication slides
3/18: ... rescheduled...
------------------------ Process Migration ---------------------
3/23: *Process Migration in DEMOS/MP and in Condor
3/25: Internet Mobility 4x4 slides
3/26: Discussion of the CIFS protocol
------------------------ Distributed Snapshots ---------------------
3/30: Distributed Snapshots; slides
4/1: *Breakpoints and halting in distributed systems
------------------------ Fault Tolerance ---------------------
4/6: Group communications: ISIS
4/8: *Restoring Consistent Global State;
4/13: *Limitations of Causal Ordering
4/15: *Distributed Tranactions for Reliable Systems
4/20: Byzantine Generals Problem
4/22: *Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
------------------------ Distributed Programming ---------------------
4/27: *The S/Net's Linda Kernel
4/29: PDAs
5/4: project demo;
5/6: project demo;
*: student presentation