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In this paper, we have described the design of the Wisconsin Proxy Benchmark and the result of using the benchmark to compare four proxy implementations. We also use the benchmark to study the effect of extra disk arms and modem client connections.

Our main findings are the following:

Clearly, much more work remains to be done. First of all, the Wisconsin Proxy Benchmarks should model spatial locality and HTTP 1.1 persisten connections. We are currently working on this issue. Second, the performance of Squid is baffling and we are instrumenting the code to gain a better understanding. Third, we need to perform more experiments to better understand the impact of slow modem client connections and ways to improve proxy performance in those contexts. Lastly, we plan to investigate the effect of application-level main-memory caching for hot documents and its proper implementation (e.g., avoid double buffering with the operating system's file buffer cache).

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Pei Cao