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CS 368 (Summer 2009) — Day 13 Homework

Due Tuesday, August 4th, at the start of class.


In this assignment, you'll write a Perl script that functions as a simple calculator. This script should employ the Perl exception handling capabilities to handle illegal operations (such as division by zero, etc).


Your script should prompt the user, and then read a math operation from the standard input stream. At a minimum, the program should handle input of the form: <number><operator><number>, where <operator > is "*", "/", "+", or "-".

Your script should then process this operation, compute the result, and print it. Here's a sample of my solution running:

perl ./
Enter operation (q to quit): 7/8
7/8 = 0.875
Enter operation (q to quit): 3*4
3*4 = 12
Enter operation (q to quit): 0/0
0/0: Illegal division by zero

Optional. If you wish, you can make your script handle more generic forms of input:

Enter operation (q to quit): 3+5*5
3+5*5 = 28
Enter operation (q to quit): (3+5)*5
(3+5)*5 = 40
Enter operation (q to quit): q
