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CS 368 (Summer 2009) — Resources

Class Texts

All of these resources are available for free online. Several of the books are available through Safari Books Online. To access these use the links below and select “Available through Safari Books Online”. If you are off-campus, you'll need to use the link “Off Campus? Login To Our Remote Access System First” to get set up first.

Additional Resources

These are not formally part of course, and should not be necessary to complete the class. They are provided if you are interested in more information.

★ - A star indicates resources that one or more of the instructors have personally used and can recommend this resource.

Bourne Shell

Unix initialization scripts are frequently written in Bourne shell, and it is a common Unix administrator's tool. Even the most bare-bones The core language is very small, and any non-trivial Bourne shell script will call out to other programs for essential functionality.

EMCAScript, JavaScript, ActionScript

EMCAScript is standardized scripting language with at least three well-known dialects: JavaScript, ActionScript, and JScript.

JavaScript is most famously built into modern web browsers, and is the language that the frontends to Gmail and other Web 2.0 or "AJAX" applications are built in.

ActionScript is the scripting language used for Flash development.


Lua is commonly used as an embedded language inside other applications, including Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, World of Warcraft, and Crysis (CryENGINE).


Notable Perl applications include SpamAssassin and the engine behind Slashdot (Slashcode), LiveJournal, and the Internet Movie Database.


PHP was originally designed as a scripting language for developing web applications. Many major applications, including Wikipedia (MediaWiki) and Facebook are written in PHP.


Python is used inside EVE Online (in the "Stackless Python" variant), and YouTube. Industrial Light & Magic uses Python as part of their production pipeline.


Ruby itself is one of the top 3–4 most popular general-purpose scripting languages, but it’s even better known for being the language on which the Ruby on Rails (aka Rails) web application framework is built upon. Twitter, Kongregate, and Hulu are implemented in Ruby on Rails.


Tcl (the Tool Control Language) is designed to be easy to embed in other applications.