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CS 368-1 (2011 Summer) — Day 14 Homework

Due Thursday, August 4, at the start of class.

Weather Forecast Analysis, Part III

The purpose of this three-part project is to compare weather forecasts against actual weather observations. In this third and final part, the goal is to do the comparisons and print a textual report of the findings.


We have daily forecast data. We have hourly observation data. Now we want to make a report that looks like this:

On July 29, the high was forecast to be in the upper 80s and the actual
high was 86.5F, 0.5F lower than predicted; the low was forecast to be
in the lower 60s and the actual low was 71.2F, 8.2F higher than

On July 30, the high was forecast to be in the upper 80s and the actual
high was 88.1F, as predicted; the low was forecast to be in the upper
60s and the actual low was 72.1F, 3.1F higher than predicted.

On July 31, the high was forecast to be in the upper 80s and the actual
high was 89.1F, 0.1F higher than predicted; the low was forecast to be
in the upper 60s and the actual low was 74.7F, 5.7F higher than

Skipped 2011-08-01: Only 7 hours of data

Skipped 2011-08-02: No actuals found

The starting script is available here.

As always, there are some challenges to this assignment:

Optional Work


Do the work yourself, consulting reasonable reference materials as needed; any reference material that gives you a complete or nearly complete solution to this problem or a similar one is not OK to use. Asking the instructors for help is OK, asking other students for help is not.

Hand In

A printout of your own portions of the final script, ideally on a single sheet of paper printed on both sides; if you need to have multiple pages, that is OK. Be sure to put your own name in the initial comment block of the code. Identifying your work is important, or you may not receive appropriate credit.