You may use this script as a starting point for your Homework 5 solution.
#!/usr/bin/env python """Homework for CS 368-4 (2011 Fall) Assigned on Day 05, 2011-11-08 Written by <Your Name> """ countries = {} def read_country_file(filename): country_file = open(filename, 'r') for country_line in country_file: (code, short, long, region) = country_line.strip().split(' : ') countries[code] = {'short': short, 'long': long, 'region': region, 'pop': {}} country_file.close() def read_population_file(filename): pop_file = open(filename, 'r') for pop_line in pop_file: (code, year, population) = pop_line.strip().split(' : ') if countries.has_key(code): countries[code]['pop'][int(year)] = int(population) pop_file.close() def short_name(code): pass # replace this line with your real function def population(code, year): pass # replace this line with your real function def world_population(year): pass # replace this line with your real function # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Main" program starts below # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- read_country_file('input-05-country.txt') read_population_file('input-05-population.txt') while True: # Get and validate user input # Stop looping if country code is empty string # Get country and world populations for given year # Print report