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Course Announcements | Lectures | Lecture Captures (when available)

Lecture 3
3650 Humanities
MWF: 1:20 PM - 2:10 PM

Lecture 4
105 Psychology
MWF: 9:55 AM - 10:45 AM

Jim Williams
Faculty Associate
Email: jimw@cs.wisc.edu
Office: 5387 Computer Sciences, (608) 890-0125
Office Hours: Wed 2:45-4:45 PM, Thu 9:00-11:00 AM and by appointment

Check Exam Conflicts for Entire Semester:

Check your weekly schedule for both midterm exam weeks and your final exam week and report conflicts via Forms before 9/25.

Week 1: 9/2 - 9/5


Try writing java programs on paper that (use book examples as templates) that solve exercises 1.1,1.5,1.8, 1.12, and 1.3. 

Try activating your CS account in one of the Windows lab (1350cs, 1370cs)

Students who wish to work on their own computers, can get started with the Work At Home instructions.
WES-CS sections begin this week for those enrolled in WES-CS.

Week 2: 9/6 - 9/12

Lab 1: Introduction to Programming in the CS Instructional Labs
Assignments: Program 1 Assigned

Week 3:

Lab 2: Navigating Mazes

Week 4:

Lab 3: Guessing, Paradoxes and Conjectures
Assignments: Program 1 Due before 12 PM (Noon) on Friday

Week 5:

Lab 4: Hangman
Assignments: Program 2 Assigned

Week 6:

Lab 5: Static Methods
Exam: Midterm 1, Thursday, Feb 26th, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Week 7:

Lab 6: Quilt Patterns
Assignments: Program 2 Partnerships must be registered before 12 PM (Noon) on Friday

Week 8:

Lab 7: Debugging Java Programs with Eclipse
Assignments: Program 2 Due before 12 PM (Noon) on Friday

Week 9:

Lab 8: Developing an Instantiable Class: Candidates
Assignments: Program 3 Will be assigned

Week 10:

Lab 9: 9.9 - 9.14UFOs

Week 11:

Lab 10: Exploring the Flexibility of Classes in Java
Exam: Midterm 2, Thursday, April 9th, 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Assignments: Program 3 Partnerships must be registered before 12 PM (Noon) on Friday

Week 12:

Lab 11: ArrayLists and Wrappers: Hangman 2
Assignments: Program 3 Due before 12 PM (Noon) on Friday

Week 13:

Lab 12: Designing Classes: Candidates 2
Assignments: Program 4 Assigned

Week 14:

Lab 13: File I/O and Exceptions: Bank Program
Assignments: Program 4 Partnerships must be registered before 12 PM (Noon) on Friday

Week 15:

Lab 14: Interfaces and Comparing: Playing Cards
Assignments: Program 4 Due before 12 PM (Noon) on Friday

Week 16:

Exam: Final, Sunday, May 10th, 12:25 PM to 2:25 PM
See Exams page for room assignments and other information.
Grade Information will be available via My UW one day after we submit to registrar.

CS302 Policy Handbook

Please be sure to read about course policies in the policy handbook (See Policy in the menu).