LECTURES 1 & 2 HOME PAGE Fall 2015
(still under construction for each week)

Lecture Information | Announcements | Lecture Captures (when available)

Lecture 001
105 Psychology Hall
TR: 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Lecture 002
6201 Social Sciences
TR: 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

Deb Deppeler
Faculty Associate
Email: deppeler@cs.wisc.edu
Office: 5376 Computer Sciences, (608) 265-9452
Office Hours: TR 2:45-4:45 PM, and by appointment

Click on the week number to view announcements and links for that week of semester

CS302 Final Exam
Date: Wednesday, Dec 23rd
Time: 7:45 AM - 9:45 AM

Bring your UW ID and #2 Pencils

See: Exam Information, Topics List and see the "Content" section of the course Learn@UW page for exam rooms and sample questions.

Thursday: Final Exam Review, Course Evaluations, Program 4 Due

Tuesday: Ch 13, Catch UP and Review; and Course Evals

Thursday: Ch 12, Ch 13, Program 4 Teams Due 12pm on Friday

Tuesday: Finish Ch 12, Program 4


Files, File System, File naming, Checked Exceptions, FileNotFoundException, reading from a file using a Scanner object, running another Java program from within a Java program.

Tuesday: Exception Handling, Ch 12

P4, Exception Handling

Thursday: Ch. 12.1 - 12.3, Program 3 Due

Tuesday: Ch. 7.4, Exams Returned

Exam 2: Thursday, 11/19, 5-7 PM.

  1. See Exams page for Topics list and other information.
  2. Bring your UW ID and #2 Pencils
    Links: Exam Information, Topics List, and see the "Content" section of the course Learn@UW page for sample questions and a previous semester's exam.
  3. Object Diagram: Question 8 on Exam 2 Sample Question Set

Thursday: Exam Review

  • Handout: ArrayList and Array of Objects.pdf (bring printout to class if possible)
  • Bring a copy of sample exams if you wish to follow along with questions on those papers.

Tuesday: Arrays of Objects Review

  1. Exam 2: Thursday, November 19th, 5-7pm. See Exams page for details.

Thursday: Finish Ch. 9&10, Program 3 demo and Diagrams

Tuesday: Continue Ch. 9&10

Thursday: Finish Ch. 9.13 - 9.14, Start Ch 10

Tuesday: Start Ch. 9.4 - 9.11

Thursday: Start Chapter 9, Ch 9.1-9.3

Tuesday: Read Ch. 6.8

Exam 1 Grade Reports returned in lecture on Tuesday and scores posted on Learn@UW. If you did not pick up your exam on Tuesday, please come to office hours to pick up your exam. Be sure to check your score is correct on Learn@UW.


Tuesday: Chapter 8 (2D arrays): returning arrays from methods, Program 2 Overview, Return Exam 1

  • Exam 1: Thursday 10/8, 5-7 PM

    • Lecture 001: Room: TBA
    • Lecture 002: Room: TBA
    • Bring your UW ID and #2 Pencils
    • See Exam Links: Exam Information, Topics List, and
    • See the "Content" section of the course Learn@UW
      page for sample questions and example exam.

Thursday: Catch Up and Review for Exam: Bring Questions

Tuesday: Read Ch. 6.6-6.11

  1. Program 1 is being graded.
  2. Program 2 has been released.

Thursday: Read Ch. 7.7, 7.12

Tuesday: Read Ch. 7.1 to 7.6 and start Ch. 6.1 to 6.5

Code: P1_refactored.java
  1. I will be available TR 2:45-4:45pm, and 8:30-10:30am on Wednesday and Friday.  Please see consultants outside of those times.  See the Consulting tab and schedule for hours.
  2. Be sure to work on CodeLab exercises and complete before their due dates.

Thursday: Finish Ch. 4 and start Ch. 5

  • Discuss differences between loops and several forms of incrementing variables:
      count = count + 1
      count += 1;

    For example, do not use something like this: count += count++

Exercise: Modify HiLo3.java (linked below) to play multiple times.

Code Solution:

Code Output: HappyValentinesDay.output.txt

Tuesday: Ch 4 (for loops) and nesting code

Exercise: Write a Java code fragment that determines if a date is in the past, present, or future. You are given integer variables year (>0) and month (1-12), which you may assume will have valid values. You are also given constants YEAR and MONTH that represent the current date. First, solve the problem for the year only, then modify it to work for both the year and month.

Challenge: Assume you also have an integer variable day (1-31) and a constant DAY. Write the code fragment to work for a complete date.

  1. First set of CodeLab exercises are due before 11:59pm on Monday of Week 3.
  2. Your lab scores can be viewed on Learn@UW. They are updated weekly (by Friday).
  3. Complete registration for CS 302 Forms if you have not yet completed this process (in last week's lab)
  4. Report Exam conflicts via the Forms tool (login using your cs login account name and password) and enter any Exam conflicts or accommodation requests for the entire semester before NOON on Friday, Feb 6th.  Students MUST report Exam Conflicts and any other (Religious,Sports Travel, and McBurney) accomodation requests for the ENTIRE SEMESTER via Forms tool by 12pm (NOON) this Friday 2/6:
  5. Do you have a programming assignment question? Use Piazza. For more information about using Piazza.
  6. Need Help with CS 302? See the information about Lab Consultants with a link to the lab consulting hours.

Thursday: Finish Ch. 3, Start Ch. 4

  • Exercise: Should a student walk, bike, or ride the bus? If it's raining or they live more than 4 miles from campus, they will ride the bus. If its not raining and they live less than 1 mile, they walk, otherwise, they will bike. Hint: create two control variables, one for if it is raining or not and the other for the distance a student lives from school. 
    Code Solution: Java Visualize: WalkBikeBus
  • Exercise: Complete a code fragment that determines how many days are in a month (e.g., February has 28). Assume month is an integer variable that has some value between 1 and 12 (i.e., January to December).
    Code Solutions: DaysInMonthCalculator1.java, DaysInMonthCalculator2.java

Tuesday: Ch. 3 Decisions

  1. Labs begin this week: Complete Lab 1: Eclipse Tutorial
  2. Activate your CS account before your lab session if possible.
  3. Last day to drop without notation on transcripts is this Wed (I think).
  4. Register and get started on the CodeLab exercises.
  5. See Consultants for extra help during their posted hours
  6. Enroll in Piazza.
  7. Set up Java/Eclipse your own computer. See the Software Downloads page for instructions.

Code Samples


Code Samples


  1. WES-CS Sections will be held starting this week, Tuesday 9/2, for those enrolled in WES-CS.
  2. Video recording of (Lec 002 presentations) may available via Lecture Captures.
  3. Add the Exam dates and times and to your calendar.
  4. Read the course website to ensure you know where to find information we post.
  5. Read the course policy handbook.
  6. Read the textbook chapters before lecture as well as familiarizing yourself with the course website.
  7. See the Work At HOME instructions for setting up home computer for program development.
  8. Printable Info Sheet for FALL 2015 (Caution: Information on the info_sheet may change, always check Course Web Site for most up-to-date information)
  9. Religious Observances: If you participate in any religious observances that fall within the current semester and may conflict with course requirements, notify me by 9/25 via email with dates and times of expected conflicts. Submit exam conflicts via Forms tool.
  10. McBurney Accomodations: Give a copy of your VISA to me by Friday 9/25, or as soon as its available.
  11. Note: Some CS 302 course pages are under construction, some links may not work. All links should be working by week 2, please let me know if there are any broken links after week 2. 

Check Exam Conflicts for Entire Semester:

Check your weekly schedule for both midterm exam weeks and your final exam week and report conflicts via Forms before 9/25.


Last updated: 8/31/2015 ©2012-13 Deb Deppeler, ©2010-12 Jim Skrentny (cgi by Dalibor Zelený)