CS 302 Lectures 3 & 4 Home Page

LECTURES 3 & 4 HOME PAGE Fall 2015

Lecture Information | Announcements | Lecture Captures

Lecture 3
3650 Humanities
MWF: 1:20 PM - 2:10 PM

Lecture 4
105 Psychology
MWF: 9:55 AM - 10:45 AM

Jim Williams
Faculty Associate
Email: jimw@cs.wisc.edu
Office: 5387 Computer Sciences, (608) 890-0125
Office Hours: Tue 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, Wed 2:30-3:30 PM and by appointment

Click on the week number to view announcements and links for that week of semester

CS302 Final Exam
Date: Wednesday, Dec 23rd
Time: 7:45 AM - 9:45 AM

Bring your UW ID and #2 Pencils

See: Exam Information, Topics List and see the "Content" section of the course Learn@UW page for exam rooms and sample questions.

Week 15 Slides

Week 13 Slides


Week 12 Slides

Portal Snake UML

Car.java Person.java Test.java

Week 8 Slides

TicTacToe3D.java Config.java

Week 7 Slides

Week 6 Slides

Week 5 Slides

Week 4 Slides

Week 3 Slides

Week 2 Slides

Try writing java programs on paper that (use book examples as templates) that solve exercises 1.1,1.5,1.8, 1.12, and 1.3. 

Try activating your CS account in one of the Windows lab (1350cs, 1370cs)

Students who wish to work on their own computers, can get started with the Work At Home instructions.
WES-CS sections begin this week for those enrolled in WES-CS.

Week 1 Slides

Check Exam Conflicts for Entire Semester:

Check your weekly schedule for both midterm exam weeks and your final exam week and report conflicts via Forms before 9/25.

  • Midterm Exams are held on Thursday Evenings from 5-7pm. Report exam conflicts and accomodation requests via the Forms tool before 4pm on Friday, 9/25. Examples include:
  • Exam Conflicts: Another exam at same time.
  • Class Conflicts: Our exam overlaps a lecture, lab, or discussion section of another class.
  • Religious Observances: You participate in religious observances that conflict with exam dates and times.
  • McBurney Accomodations: Report accomodation requests via Forms tool and give a copy of your VISA to me by Friday.
  • UW Team Travel Accomodations: Give a copy of your travel letter and itinerary to me as soon as possible to maximize the chance of an accomodation being possible.

  • Final Exam Conflicts: Report final exams that fall at same time via the Forms tool before Friday 9/25.
  • Three Exams in 24 hours (applies to Final Exam requests only): If you do not have a direct conflict for the final exam, but you do have three final exams within 24 hours, submit this as a conflict request and include the course, day, time, of each of your final exams.  There is no guarantee of any suitable accomodation other than a potential alternate directly before or directly after the regularly scheduled final exam.  The earlier we have such exam information from all students, the more likely we can offer something helpful.