the source for cs302_handbook.pdf is found at: ~deppeler/programs/latex/cs302Handbook the Makefile must be executed twice for the Table of Contents to reflect changes in the title of chapters or sections. CS302 Handbook includes: 1. Intro (desc, language, textbook, grading, academic misconduct) 2. Exams topics format results letter grades 3. Programs Follow specs carefully Hand in source only Interpret testing server results 4. Laboratory Work 14 In person labs (required attendance) Other lab resources: CodeLab Piazza Google 5. Lecture Meetings (recommended) prepare (read text first and do problems) take hand written notes review notes Programmer's Handbook includes: 1. Eclipse IDE 2. Java API 3. Commenting Guide 4. Style Guide 5. Pair Programming 6. Testing (and Test-Driven Development) 7. Debugging Tips (and debugger tool)