Badger Game Devs

The Wisconsin Idea Project

The Wisconsin Idea Project is essentially the breaking of the educational barrier. Going beyong the classroom is equivalanet to having foresight into one's destiny as well as goals.


Badger Game Devs aimes to demistify the gaming industry to creative individuals that see video games as a form of digital art, expression, and a legitmate career path. Artist, 3D Modellers, Programmers, Writers, and Musicians band together in this org to go throughout the creative process of developing a video game

A Bit Of Inspiration

Team Members

Target Audience

The target audience is any individual that would like to be a part of the game developemetn process. Collaborating in a team, understanding what is necessary to achieve in large group efforts, such as game development, and lastly, any individual that has a passion to create. By taking creativity and expanding upon it in a group setting, Badger Game Devs hopes to open the world of game developement to the individual.

Links to Our Creation

We found that Facebook and Google Groups was a much more beneficial tool for the org.


At this current moment Badger Game Devs is working on its first game, Rummage Sailing. Much detail cannot be given on the project at this time, but it is determined to be complete by the end of next semester. As this is a new student org and new idea on the UW Campus, the org has been off to a great start. Half the battle of creating this student org was finding individuals passionate enough to stick throughout the course of things.

What's next?

As of right now the Badger Game Devs have entered the concept sci discovery competeition for the video game Rummage Sailing. We hope to have Rummage Sailing finished by the end of next semester. Beyond next semester we plan on entering workd in the I.G.F (Indie Game Festival) as a way of promoting Badger Game Devs and testing the skill that the student org has built up to. We will also be developing games further and hopefully making partnerships with game studios such as per blue, and ravensoft.