Video Introduction to Computer Science

The Wisconsin Idea Project

The Wisconsin Idea is a way for the University of Wisconsin-Madison to give back to the taxpayers & the world at large. By freely sharing our knowledge, the taxpayer has something to show for their investment, and it helps to educate anyone interested in the subject topic.


Our project was split into 4 basic videos.

Team Members

Jared Herman: Producer, Editor, Narrator, and Makeup Artist.

Target Audience

The video was made to introduce anyone knew to computer science, but due to the pacing of the video, anyone less than 13 years old may have had trouble keeping up.


The project was a 5 part series, uploaded to Youtube, to give the viewer an introduction to Computer Science as a whole, with focus on Java Programming. Rather than a simple series of programming tutorials, this series was made to give the viewer a comprehensive knowledge of programming, rather than just "following" along the creator's code.

Links to Our Creation

What's next?

To expand upon this project, I would have discussed AND/OR statements, then covered how to make separate methods, rather than coding everything in the main method.

CS302 The Wisconsin Idea Project Fall 2012 Instructor: Deppeler