
This short lab introduces you to the SCRATCH program. You will meet Sprite who will give you some tips on the program.

Getting Started

Open SCRATCH by clicking on the icon on your home screen.

Open the file Tutorial by clicking File -> Open…






Click the green flag in the upper right corner to begin.





Task #1

After hearing from Sprite and practicing moving him around the screen, it is time for you to start programming. In the center screen under “Scripts” is the list of instructions that the tutorial program runs. If you scroll to the end, you will see this:

The if statement will not do anything until it receives a command. Under the “Sensing” tab, find the icon that says key space is pressed. Click and drag this icon to match it with the shape after if.

If you click on the down arrow, you can pick any key to press.

After selecting your key, you can then pick something for Sprite to say. Change “Hello!” in the purple say icon and write a good-bye message from Sprite.

Once you are finished, click the green flag once again to run your program. When you press the key you selected before, Sprite should say your message and the program will end.



Using the “Sensing” tab, see if you can make Sprite talk for a certain amount of time for the good-bye message. (Hint: look at statements at the beginning of the program.)


The Wisconsin Idea Project