SCRATCH Animation Labs

The Wisconsin Idea Project

The Wisconsin Idea is the belief that knowledge gained from and research completed at the University of Wisconsin – Madison should be shared not only throughout this great university, but across the state as well. By sharing this wealth of knowledge with many the people, it is believed that it will improve lives not only in the classroom, but also outside with the spread of ideas among Wisconsin’s residents.

Beginner’s Programming

The purpose of this project is to introduce students to basic computer programming. I chose to discuss beginner’s programming as a way to teach a new topic to younger students while guiding their development of problem-solving skills as well as utilizing their creativity.


·     Sierra Flury – Lecture 2, Section 322

Target Audience

This set of labs is geared to upper elementary students to students entering middle school. Students can benefit from completing these labs for a couple of reasons. For example, students will be introduced to computer programming (very likely for the first time) and everyone can benefit from learning something new. Also, by working through the labs, students work on problem-solving and teamwork skills.


This project is a set of three labs similar to the structure of the labs college students complete in Computer Sciences 302. Students will work in groups of two, or three if necessary, to complete the labs while learning new ways to utilize the SCRATCH program.

Links to Labs

Lab #1 – Introduction

Lab #2 – Band Time

Lab #3 – Amazing Maze – COMING AT A LATER TIME!


Links to SCRATCH (for partial viewing)

Tutorial –

Tutorial Solution –

Band Prep –

Band Prep Solution –


What's next?

If I had more time, I would put together additional labs for students to work on. As with Java programming, there are so many features to work with that cannot be learned through just a few exercises.

While “Tutorial” and “band prep” can be found on the Scratch website, they aren’t suitable for viewing with all of the features because the point of the labs is to edit them to make them do something. With additional time, I could make Animation Stories to try and teach new concepts.


The Wisconsin Idea Project

Fall 2012 Instructor: Deppeler