Please complete each exercise or answer the question before reviewing the posted solution comments.
Use the clear
command before starting your work on a new problem
to ensure that any existing variable name assignments don't interfere with your work on
the new problem.
Write a program that asks the user for the distance (in miles) to school and whether it is raining or not and then displays a message according to the table below.
distance raining message less than or equal to 1 mile no walk yes walk more than 1 mile and less than 10 miles no bike yes bus more than 10 miles no bus yes bus Here's one program that will work. There are many others that will work also.
% Transportation.m % Author: Deb Deppeler, Oct 30, 2006 % Get the user input distance = input('How many miles from school do you live? '); raining = input('Is is raining (1-yes and 0-no) ? '); % Determine the mode of transportation to get to school if distance > 10 disp('take the bus'); elseif distance > 1 if raining == 1 disp('take the bus'); else disp('ride your bike'); end else disp('walk to school'); end
How would you change this program so that it didn't ask the user if it was raining unless they answered that the distance was greater than 1 mile and less than 10 miles?
Write a program that allows the user to play the game rock, paper, scissors against the computer.
Here's some pseudo-code to help you get started:
- Assign the values 1 to ROCK, 2 to PAPER and 3 to SCISSORS.
- Randomly generate a value between 1 and 3.
- Ask the user for ROCK, PAPER, or SCISSORS. Hint: have them answer as an integer 1-rock, 2-paper, and 3-scissors.
- Check that their answer was between 1 and 3 inclusive.
- If it was not, display an appropriate error message and exit the program.
- Determine winner as indicated by this table.
- Display a message that includes what the computer's choice was and wheter the user won or not.
ChoiceOutput Message to Display ROCK ROCK It's a tie ROCK PAPER You win, PAPER lays on top of ROCK ROCK SCISSORS I win, ROCK breaks SCISSORS PAPER ROCK I win, PAPERlays on top of ROCK PAPER PAPER It's a tie PAPER SCISSORS You win, SCISSORS cuts PAPER SCISSORS ROCK You win, ROCK breaks SCISSORS SCISSORS PAPER I win, SCISSORS cuts PAPER SCISSORS SCISSORS It's a tie Here's one program that will work. There are many others that will work also.
% RPS.m % Author: Deb Deppeler, Oct 30, 2006 clear; clc; % Assign constant values to make program easier to read ROCK = 1; PAPER = 2; SCISSORS = 3; % Display intro message to user disp( 'Let''s play ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS '); disp( 'Each of us picks ROCK, PAPER, or SCISSORS and I''ll determine who wins.'); % Randomly choose for the computer r = randperm(3); % randomly generate values from 1-3 c = r(1); % pick the first one for the computer disp( 'I have picked my object, now it''s your turn '); % Get the user's choice u = input('Choose 1-ROCK, 2-PAPER, or 3-SCISSORS: '); % Check for valid choice if u < 1 | u > 3 disp('ERROR: Your choice was not 1,2 or 3. Please try again.'); else % If it was valid choice, determine the output message if c == u disp( 'It''s a tie!' ); elseif c == ROCK & u == PAPER disp( 'You win. PAPER lays on top of ROCK.' ); elseif c == ROCK & u == SCISSORS disp( 'I win. ROCK breaks SCISSORS.' ); elseif c == PAPER & u == ROCK disp( 'I win. PAPER lays on top of ROCK.' ); elseif c == PAPER & u == SCISSORS disp( 'You win. SCISSORS cuts PAPER.' ); elseif c == SCISSORS & u == ROCK disp( 'You win. ROCK breaks SCISSORS.' ); elseif c == SCISSORS & u == PAPER disp( 'I win. SCISSORS cuts PAPER.' ); else disp( 'I''m confused. I didn''t think this could happen. CHECK CODE' ); end end
Note the use of two single quote characters (
) in an output string. Do this when you want to output a single quote character ('
) as part of a string of characters. -
Write a code fragment that displays whether or not the value in a variable named x is a prime number or not. If is not a prime number, also display whether it is even or not.
Hint: A code fragment is not a complete program, it assumes that other code has been executed first. In this case, it assumes that the variable x has already been assigned a value.
if prime(x) disp( [num2str(x) , ' is a prime number' ] ); else disp( [num2str(x) , ' not a prime number' ] ); if rem(x,2) == 0 disp( [num2str(x) , ' is an even number' ] ); end end
function returns the remainder of dividing the first argument by the second. In this case, it returns the integer remainder of dividing the value in x by 2. This works because ifrem(x,2)
equals 0 than we know that x is even.