]> Exercises


Plot the following functions with the given instructions

    Use Commands

  1. x 2 6 (Name the expression ex1)

    x ranging from -3 to 3

    ex1 := x^2 → - 6
    plot( ex1, x=-3..3 )

  2. 15 x 2 + 10 x 3 (Name the expression ex2)

    x ranging from -2 to 2, y ranging from -50 to 50

    ex2 := 15x^2 → + 10*x - 3
    plot( ex2, x=-2..2, y=-50..50 )

  3. cos(x)

    x ranging from 0 to 2 π

    plot( cos(x), x=0..(2*Pi) )

  4. sec(x)

    y ranging from -10 to 10

    plot( sec(x), x, y=-10..10 )

    Comment: Notice that a dummy x is required between the function and the range of y's to make sure the graph has x as a variable. Try this problem without the x in between and Maple will not make the plot and comment that it is an empty plot.

  5. x 2 3 + y 2 9 = 12 (Name the equation eq6)

    Enter the equation and plot the ellipse equation using commands.

    eq6 := (x^2)/3 → + (y^2)/9 → = 12
    implicitplot( eq6, x=-7..7, y=-10..10 )

    Comment: Notice that the ellipse equation must be plotted using the implicitplot command and that it looks like a circle. Add the attribute argument scaling=constrained to the implicitplot command see the ellipse as an ellipse.

  6. x 4 e x = 0 (Name the equation eq7 and expression ex7)

    Plot the expression.

    eq7 := x^4 → - exp(x) = 0
    ex7 := lhs(eq7)
    plot( ex7, x )