CS 367:
Introduction to Data Structures

Spring 1999

Teaching Assistants:

Chaojun Liang, chaojun@cs.wisc.edu, 262-6601, Room 1306 CS&S
               Office hours:  Monday 10-11, Thursday 2-4

Xiaohua Lu, lxh@cs.wisc.edu, 262-1721, Room 3310 CS&S
            Office hours:  Tuesday 2-5

Ramasami Muthaiyah, ramasami@cs.wisc.edu, 262-1012, Room 1345 CS&S
                    Office hours:  Monday 2:30-4:30, Thursday 11:30-12:30

Son Pham, phamson@cs.wisc.edu, Room 3310 CS&S
          Office hours:  Friday 10-1

Walter (Miao) Yuan, miao@cs.wisc.edu, Room 1349 CS&S
                    Office hours: Wednesday 2:30-5:30

TA Responsibilities: solutions to homeworks, grading of homeworks, office hours to discuss homework/programming assignments, and questions about grading.

You can go to any of the TA office hours for help with the programming assignments in this course. During the first week of office hours, Jan. 21-27, the TAs will hold their office hours in Room 1370 CS&S, so they can help with your startup problems on the course machines. For office hours later than 4pm, or after 1/27, the TA will be in their office given above.