Overview | CS 368 C++ is intended for students who are already familiar with Java and are interested in learning C++. The course is offered on a Credit/No Credit basis and may not be taken for a letter grade. |
Enrollment Waiting List |
Many students are still waiting to enroll in CS 368 C++. Please attend the course during the first two weeks. As space opens, those on the waiting list will be invited to enroll. Invitations are sent to your @wisc.edu email address and your invitation will expire so please act quickly. Those on the signup sheet passed out in lecture will get priority over others and depending on any special circumstances that you list on that sheet. |
Course Accounts | Each student registered for the course has an account on the CS instructional machines. The instructional Linux machines are located in room 1350 of the Computer Sciences and Statistics building. |
Course Resources | The material comes from many sources:
lecture, the textbook, the course web site, and piazza.
Recommended Textbook: C++ for Java Programmers by Mark Allen Weiss (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004) |
Course Work | Your grade (Credit/No Credit) is based on:
Students meeting both of the following requirements will receive 1 credit (i.e., a grade of CR) for the course:
If you miss more than 3 lectures, then for each lecture missed (beyond 3), the cumulative score on the assignments required to earn credit for the class is increased by 5 points. For example, if you attend 10 of the 15 lectures, credit will be given if your cumulative score on the assignments is 80% or better. |
Collaboration Policy |
The homework assignment must be done individually. Collaboration on the homework assignment is not allowed. Programs can be done in pairs. You may have one partner for each programming assignment. You may not pair program with multiple partners on the same assignment. Your partner must be currently enrolled in this course. Using someone else's work or allowing someone else to have access to your work in violation of the collaboration policy is academic misconduct and will be dealt with in accordance with University Academic Misconduct procedures. If you are not sure if something violates the collaboration policy, please ask me. Ignorance of what constitutes a violation of the policy is not a defense; it is your responsibility to know what is allowed/disallowed. |
Reminders |