Programming Assignment 2 (P2)
CS536-S25 Intro to PLs and Compilers

In this page: Due date | Overview | Specifications | Handing in | Grading criteria

Due Tuesday, February 18 at 11:59 pm


For this assignment you will use JLex to write a scanner for a language called bach, which is based on a small subset of a C++like language. Features of bach that are relevant to this assignment are described below. You will also write a main program ( to test your scanner. You will be graded both on the correctness of your scanner and on how thoroughly your main program tests the scanner.


Getting Started

Skeleton files on which you should build are available through links below

The files are:

Please download and use
You can directlys start using it without any dependency issues.


Use the on-line JLex reference manual, and/or the on-line JLex notes for information about writing a JLex specification.

If you work on a CS Department Linux machine, you should have no problem running JLex. You will not be able to work on the CS Department Windows machines.

The bach Language

This section defines the lexical level of the bach language. At this level, we have the following language issues:


The tokens of the bach language are defined as follows:

Token "names" (i.e., values to be returned by the scanner) are defined in the file For example, the name for the token to be returned when an integer literal is recognized is INTLIT and the token to be returned when the reserved word integer is recognized is INTEGER.

Note that code telling JLex to return the special EOF token on end-of-file has already been included in the file bach.jlex — you don't have to include a specification for that token. Note also that the READOP token is for the 2-character symbol ->, the WRITEOP token is for the 2-character symbol <- and ^ (caret) is used for NOT.

If you are not sure which token name matches which token, ask!


Text starting with a double percent sign (%%) or with a hashtag (#) and going to the end of the line is a comment (except of course if those characters are inside a string literal). For example:
%% this is a comment
# and so is this

The scanner should recognize and ignore comments (but there is no COMMENT token).


Spaces, tabs, and newline characters are whitespace. Whitespace separates tokens and changes the character counter but should otherwise be ignored (except inside a string literal).

Illegal Characters

Any character that is not whitespace and is not part of a token or comment is illegal.

Length Limits

You may not assume any limits on the lengths of identifiers, string literals, integer literals, comments, etc.

What the Scanner Should Do

The main job of the scanner is to identify and return the next token. The value to be returned includes:

Your scanner will return this information by creating a new Symbol object in the action associated with each regular expression that defines a token (the Symbol type is defined in java_cup.runtime; you don't need to look at that definition). A Symbol includes a field of type int for the token name and a field of type Object (named value), which will be used for the line and character numbers and for the token value (for identifiers and literals). See bach.jlex for examples of how to call the Symbol constructor. See for code that accesses the fields of a Symbol.

In your compiler, the value field of a Symbol will actually be of type TokenVal; that type is defined in bach.jlex. Every TokenVal includes a lineNum field and a charNum field (line and character numbers start counting from 1, not 0). Subtypes of TokenVal with more fields will be used for the values associated with identifier, integer literal, and string literal tokens. These subtypes, IntLitTokenVal, IdLitTokenVal, and StrLitTokenVal are also defined in bach.jlex.

Line counting is done by the scanner generated by JLex (the variable yyline holds the current line number, counting from 0), but you will have to include code to keep track of the current character number on that line. The code in bach.jlex does this for the patterns that it defines, and you should be able to figure out how to do the same thing for the new patterns that you add.

The JLex scanner also provides a method yytext that returns the actual text that matches a regular expression. You will find it useful to use this method in the actions you write in your JLex specification.

Note that, for the integer literal token, you will need to convert a String (the value scanned) to an int (the value to be returned). You should use code like the following:

double d = Double.parseDouble(yytext()); // convert String to double
int k =  Integer.parseInt(yytext());    // convert to int

Errors and Warnings

The scanner should handle the following errors as indicated:

Illegal characters

Issue the error message:
ignoring illegal character: ch
(where ch is the illegal character) and ignore the character.

Unterminated string literals

A string literal is considered to be unterminated if there is a newline or end-of-file before the closing quote. Issue the error message:
ignoring string literal: unterminated     
and ignore the unterminated string literal (start looking for the next token after the newline).

Bad string literals

A string literal is "bad" if it includes a bad "escaped" character; i.e., a backslash followed by something other than an n, an s, a t, a single quote, a double quote, or another backslash. Issue the error message:
ignoring string literal: contains bad escaped character
and ignore the string literal (start looking for the next token after the closing quote). If the string literal has a bad escaped character and is unterminated, issue the error message
ignoring string literal: contains bad escaped character and unterminated     
and ignore the bad string literal (start looking for the next token after the newline). Note that a string literal that has a newline immediately after a backslash should be treated as having a bad escaped character and being unterminated. For example, given:
"very bad string \
the scanner should report an unterminated string literal with a bad escaped character on line 1 and an identifier on line 2.

Bad integer literals (integer literals larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE)

Issue the warning message:
using max integer value: literal too large
and return Integer.MAX_VALUE as the value for that token.

For unterminated string literals, bad string literals, and bad integer literals, the line and column numbers used in the error message should correspond to the position of the first character in the string/integer literal.

Use the fatal and warn methods of the ErrMsg class to print error and warning messages, respectively. Be sure to use exactly the wording given above for each message so that the output of your scanner will match the output that we expect when we test your code.

The Main Program

In addition to specifying a scanner, you should extend the main program in The program opens a file called for reading; then the program loops, calling the scanner's next_token method until the special end-of-file token is returned. For each token, it writes the corresponding lexeme to a file called allTokens.out. You can use diff to compare the input and output files (diff allTokens.out). If they differ, you've found an error in the scanner. Note that you will need to write the file.


Part of your task will be to figure out a strategy for testing your implementation. As mentioned in the Overview, part of your grade will be determined by how thoroughly your main program tests your scanner.

You will probably want to change to read multiple input files so that you can test other features of the scanner. You will need to create a new scanner each time and you will need to set CharNum.num back to one each time (to get correct character numbers for the first line of input). Note that the input files do not have to be legal bach programs, just sequences of characters that correspond to bach tokens. Don't forget to include code that tests whether the correct character number (as well as line number) is returned for every token!

Your should exercise all of the code in your scanner, including the code that reports errors. Add to the provided Makefile (as necessary) so that running

make test

runs your P2 and does any needed file comparisons (e.g., using diff) and running

make cleantest

removes any files that got created by your program when P2 was run. It should be clear from what is printed to the console when make test is run what errors have been found.

To test that your scanner correctly handles an unterminated string literal with end-of-file before the closing quote, you may use the file eof.txt. On a Linux machine, you can tell that there is no final newline by typing:

cat eof.txt

You should see your command-line prompt at the end of the last line of the output instead of at the beginning of the following line.

Working in Pairs

Computer Sciences and Computer Engineering graduate students must work alone on this assignment. Undergraduates, special students, and graduate students from other departments may work alone or in pairs. If you want to work with a partner, but don't have one, check out the "Search for Teammates!" note in Piazza.

Below is some advice on how to work in pairs.

This assignment involves two main tasks:

  1. Writing the scanner specification (bach.jlex).
  2. Writing the main program (

An excellent way to work together is to do pair programming: Meet frequently and work closely together on both tasks. Sit down together in front of a computer. Take turns "driving" (controlling the keyboard and mouse) and "verifying" (watching what the driver does and spotting mistakes). Work together on all aspects of the project: design, coding, debugging, and testing. Often the main advantage of having a partner is not having somebody to write half the code, but having somebody to bounce ideas off of and to help spot your mistakes.

If you decide to divide up the work, you are strongly encouraged to work together on task (1) since both partners are responsible for learning how to use JLex. You should also work together on testing; in particular, you should each test the other's work.

Here is one reasonable way to divide up the project:

The most challenging JLex rules are for the STRINGLIT token (for which you will need several rules: for a correct string literal, for an unterminated string literal, for a string literal that contains a bad escaped character, and for a string literal that contains a bad escaped character and is unterminated). Be sure to divide these up so that each person gets to work on some of them.

It is very important to set deadlines and to stick to them. I suggest that you choose one person to be the "project leader" (plan to switch off on future assignments). The project leader should propose a division of tokens, as well as deadlines for completing phases of the program, and should be responsible for keeping the most recent version of the combined code (be sure to keep back-up versions, too, perhaps in another directory or using a version-control system like Git).

Handing in

Please read the following handing in instructions carefully.

Turn in the following files to the appropriate assignment in Gradescope (note: these should be the only files changed/needed to run with the provided materials):

Please ensure that you do not turn in any sub-directories or put your Java files in any packages.

If you are working in a pair, make sure both partners are indicated when submitting to Gradescope.

Grading criteria

General information on program grading criteria can be found on the Assignments page.

For more advice on Java programming style, see these style and commenting standards (which are essentially identical to the standards used in CS200 / CS300 / CS400).

Last Updated: 2/9/2025     © 2025 Beck Hasti