Introduction to Inheritance in C++

  1. Introduction:

    Modern object-oriented (OO) languages provide 3 capabilities:

    which can improve the design, structure and reusability of code.

    Here, we'll explore how the object-oriented (OO) programming capability known as inheritance can be used in C++.

    All code examples are available for download.

  2. Employee example:

    Real-world entities, like employees, are naturally described by both data and functionality.

    We will represent different types of employees:

    For these employees, we'll store data, like their:

    And...we'll require some functionality, like being able to:

    Note: We don't care what the pay period for an employee is. They might receive pay weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc. It is not important in this example.

  3. Employee class:

    Object-oriented languages typically provide a natural way to treat data and functionality as a single entity. In C++, we do so by creating a class.

    Here is a class definition for a generic Employee:

    class Employee {
      Employee(string theName, float thePayRate);
      string getName() const;
      float getPayRate() const;
      float pay(float hoursWorked) const;
      string name;
      float payRate;

    Note: For now, just think of the "protected" keyword as being like "private".

    The class consists of:

    Definitions for each of the methods follow:

    Employee::Employee(string theName, float thePayRate)
      name = theName;
      payRate = thePayRate;
    string Employee::getName() const
      return name;
    float Employee::getPayRate() const
      return payRate;
    float Employee::pay(float hoursWorked) const
      return hoursWorked * payRate;

    Note that the payRate is used as an hourly wage.

    The class would be used something like:
    #include "employee.h"
      Employee empl("John Burke", 25.0);
      // Print out name and pay (based on 40 hours work).
      cout << "Name: " << empl.getName() << endl;
      cout << "Pay: " << << endl;

  4. Manager class:

    In the real world, we don't view everything as unique; we often view something as being like something else but with differences or additions.

    Managers are like regular employees; however, there might be differences. For example, they might be paid by a salary.

    Note: Employees paid by a salary (i.e., those that are salaried) get a fixed amount of money each pay period (e.g., week, 2 weeks, month) regardless of how many hours they work.

    Our first attempt to write a class for a manager gives the following class definition:

    class Manager {
      Manager(string theName,
              float thePayRate,
              bool isSalaried);
      string getName() const;
      float getPayRate() const;
      bool getSalaried() const;
      float pay(float hoursWorked) const;
      string name;
      float payRate;
      bool salaried;
    It mainly differs from Employee in that it has an additional field (salaried) and method (getSalaried()).

    The method definitions for class Manager do not differ much from Employee either:

    Manager::Manager(string theName,
                     float thePayRate,
                     bool isSalaried)
      name = theName;
      payRate = thePayRate;
      salaried = isSalaried;
    string Manager::getName() const
      return name;
    float Manager::getPayRate() const
      return payRate;
    bool Manager::getSalaried() const
      return salaried;
    float Manager::pay(float hoursWorked) const
      if (salaried)
        return payRate;
      /* else */
      return hoursWorked * payRate;

    They add very little new code to what was written in Employee.

    Compared to Employee, in Manager...

    Finally, the payRate has 2 possible uses in the Manager class...

    float Manager::pay(float hoursWorked) const
      if (salaried)
        return payRate;
      /* else */
      return hoursWorked * payRate;
    If the manager is salaried, payRate is the fixed rate for the pay period; otherwise, it represents an hourly rate, just like it does for a regular employee.

    Such a Manager can be used in a similar manner to an Employee:
    #include "manager0.h"
      Manager mgr("Jan Kovacs", 1200.0, true);
      // Print out name and pay (based on 40 hours work).
      cout << "Name: " << mgr.getName() << endl;
      cout << "Pay: " << << endl;

  5. Reuse:

    We have done unnecessary work to create Manager, which is similar to (and really is a "kind of") Employee.

    We can fix this using the OO concept of inheritance. If we let a manager inherit from an employee, then it will get all the data and functionality of an employee. We can then add any new data and methods needed for a manager and redefine any methods that differ for a manager.

    Here, we show a new implementation of Manager that inherits from Employee:

    #include "employee.h"
    class Manager : public Employee {
      Manager(string theName,
              float thePayRate,
              bool isSalaried);
      bool getSalaried() const;
      float pay(float hoursWorked) const;
      bool salaried;

    The line:

    class Manager : public Employee {
    causes Manager to inherit all the data and methods of Employee.

    Note: Although other access specifiers (besides "public") can be used with inheritance, we will only discuss public inheritance here.

    The only things included in the class definition are:

    • a constructor,
    • the new field salaried,
    • a way to access it with the method getSalaried(),
    • and a declaration for pay() (which is redefined in Manager).

    Like this new class definition, the method definitions are also simplified:

    Manager::Manager(string theName,
                     float thePayRate,
                     bool isSalaried)
      : Employee(theName, thePayRate)
      salaried = isSalaried;
    bool Manager::getSalaried() const
      return salaried;
    float Manager::pay(float hoursWorked) const
      if (salaried)
        return payRate;
      /* else */
      return Employee::pay(hoursWorked);
    There are some things to note about these method definitions...

    Member initialization list

    For constructors that require arguments, you must write a new constructor for each class.

    Note: Classes don't explicitly inherit constructors.

    For the Manager class, we needed a constructor:

    Manager::Manager(string theName,
                     float thePayRate,
                     bool isSalaried)
      : Employee(theName, thePayRate)
      salaried = isSalaried;

    that does some of the same work as the Employee constructor. To do so, we reused Employee's constructor.

    The only way to pass values to Employee's constructor in this context is via a member initialization list.

    A member initialization list follows a constructor's parameter list. It consists of a colon (:) and a comma-separated list of inherited class names (and values to be passed to their constructors).

    Note: The member initialization list can also be used to pass values to constructors of data members. For example,
    class SomeClass {
      const int SIZE;
      AnotherClass data;
    SomeClass::SomeClass() : SIZE(10), data("foo")
      // more initialization code

    Without doing so, SIZE could not be initialized (because its constant) and data's default constructor (if it has one) would be used.

    The protected access specifier

    Methods of Manager have access to payRate because it was declared in Employee as "protected":
    float Manager::pay(float hoursWorked) const
      if (salaried)
        return payRate;  // Yeah, I can use!
    I.e., classes that inherit a "protected" field or method can access them.

    For those using an object (versus those defining a class), "protected" works like the "private" access specifier:

    Manager mgr;
    mgr.payRate;  // Doesn't work!
    I.e., the "protected" fields remain inaccessible just as they were in Employee:
    Employee empl;
    empl.payRate;  // Doesn't work!

    Calling inherited methods

    The pay() method of Manager uses a different calculation if the manager is salaried. Otherwise, it makes the same calculation as a regular Employee:
    float Manager::pay(float hoursWorked) const
      if (salaried)
        return payRate;
      /* else */
      return Employee::pay(hoursWorked);
    We reused the pay() method of Employee to define the pay() method of Manager.

    Note that when we call Employee's pay() method:

    we must explicitly specify the class from which it comes (i.e., from which it was inherited). Without doing so, we'd have an infinite recursive call:
    float Manager::pay(float hoursWorked) const
      return pay(hoursWorked);  // Calls Manager::pay()!

    This new Manager class can be used just like our first attempt:
    #include "manager.h"
      Manager mgr("Jan Kovacs", 1200.0, true);
      // Print out name and pay (based on 40 hours work).
      cout << "Name: " << mgr.getName() << endl;
      cout << "Pay: " << << endl;
    Excitingly, it has methods from Employee, like getName(), that we did not declare or define in Manager...

    Remember, it inherited all the data and methods of an Employee! Thus, we have reused our definition of an employee to simplify defining a manager.

  6. Class Hierarchy:

    Since we now have one class that inherits from another, we have the beginnings of a class hierarchy:

    We say that Employee is the base class and Manager is a derived class of Employee.

    Note: Alternatively, we may call Employee the superclass and Manager the subclass.

    If needed, this hierarchy could be extended to include more classes.

    Adding a Supervisor

    To add another type of employee, such as a supervisor, a new class can be created. Two choices of where to place a Supervisor class in the hierarchy are:
    a) Employee	 b) Employee
          |		     /    \
       Manager	Manager  Supervisor

    1. A supervisor is a kind of manager.
      The Supervisor class directly inherits from Manager and indirectly inherits from Employee.

    2. A supervisor is just a special kind of employee.
      Supervisor directly inherits from Employee.

    Aside: We can say that Supervisor inherits from Employee when there is either a direct or indirect inheritance relationship.

    Which hierarchy would we choose?

    If a supervisor is viewed as part of management, then choice a) is probably your answer. Nonetheless, this is a decision not to be taken lightly. How one designs the inheritance hierarchy greatly affects what you can do with those classes later.

  7. Exercise:

    Take the code we've provided for the Employee class (employee.h and employee.cpp) and the Manager class (manager.h and manager.cpp).

    Add methods to the classes named:

    • setName()
    • setPayRate()
    • setSalaried()

    that let users change the corresponding fields. Take advantage of the inheritance relationship between Employee and Manager--you only need add each of those methods to 1 class.

    Write a Supervisor class. A supervisor is responsible for employees in a specific department and must:

    • Have a field to store the department name (as a string).
    • Have getDept() and setDept() methods to access the department field.
    • Always be salaried (i.e., pay for a single pay period is fixed, no matter how many hours are worked).
    • Have a constructor that takes initial values for all fields.

    What class should Supervisor inherit from?

    Your code should compile and run correctly with the test program empltest.cpp.

BU CAS CS - Introduction to Inheritance in C++
Copyright © 1993-2000 by Robert I. Pitts <rip at bu dot edu>. All Rights Reserved.