Fixing missing library problems on the simulated target

  1. Run ldd on your binary on chianti:
    chianti(3)% ldd bin/cTree => /lib/ => /usr/sfw/lib/ => /lib/ => /usr/sfw/lib/ => /lib/

  2. Copy each library to your AFS space, I used a directory called ~/libs -- you'll want the files alone in the directory.
    chianti(4)% scp /lib/ gibson@mustardseed:libs/
    chianti(5)% scp /usr/sfw/lib/ gibson@mustardseed:libs/
    chianti(6)% scp /lib/ gibson@mustardseed:libs/
    chianti(7)% scp /usr/sfw/lib/ gibson@mustardseed:libs/
    chianti(8)% scp /lib/ gibson@mustardseed:libs/
    chianti(9)% scp /platform/SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200/lib/ gibson@mustardseed:libs/

  3. In your $GEMS/microbenchmarks/transactional/ctree directory, open ctree.simics. Find the command_lines variable, at about line 36 or so. It looks like this (though the default shell is bash, I've changed mine to tcsh):
    @command_lines = [
          "mount /host\n",
          "cp " + hostpath + "cTree_%s cTree\n" % lock_type,
          "umount /host\n",
          "./cTree \n"

  4. Add a line to command_lines, right after "bash\n", to cd to "/space", like this:
    @command_lines = [
          "cd /space\n",
          "mount /host\n",
          "cp " + hostpath + "cTree_%s cTree\n" % lock_type,
          "umount /host\n",
          "./cTree \n"

  5. Add a line to cp each of the libraries above to the target's /space drive, like this:
    @command_lines = [
          "cd /space\n",
          "mount /host\n",
          "cp " + hostpath + "cTree_%s cTree\n" % lock_type,
          "cp /u/g/i/gibson/libs/* .\n",
          "umount /host\n",
          "./cTree \n"

  6. Set a magic environment variable that will make the world again sane. Note that the syntax varies from shell to shell (I used TCSH, default is bash):
    @command_lines = [
          "cd /space\n",
          "mount /host\n",
          "cp " + hostpath + "cTree_%s cTree\n" % lock_type,
          "cp /u/g/i/gibson/libs/* .\n",
          "umount /host\n",
          "setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /space\n",
          "./cTree \n"