Homework 5 // Due at Lecture Monday, October 18, 2010
You will perform this assignment on the x86-64 Nehalem-based
systems you used in Homework 3:
ale-01.cs.wisc.edu and ale-02.cs.wisc.edu.
You should do this assignment alone. No late assignments.
The purpose of this assignment is to gain experience with pipeline
parallelism, as well as exploring Serialization Sets (SS), an approach
to parallelizing programs using a sequential program representation
with annoatations on data that reflects dynamic dependences in the
Programming Environment: Serialization Sets (SS)
Sets (SS) (class slides here) is a recently developed technique to parallelize programs
using a sequential program representation. To use SS, programmers
associate data with constructs called serializers, which are used to
represent dependences among objects. Potentially independent
methods, which may execute in parallel when they are accessing
different objects, are the unit of parallelism in SS. These methods
are indicated by the programmer using the delegate directive.
Delegated methods that access objects with the same serializer are
executed in order and one-at-a-time. Delegated methods that access
objects with different serializers may be executed in parallel by the
SS runtime.
Note that the syntax in the referenced paper is out-of-date. This
assignment will walk you through parallelization using SS and describe
all the necessary syntax you will need to add to the provided code.
Programming Task: Parallel bzip2
For this assignment, you will be using SS to parallelize bzip2, a well-known
lossless compression algorithm written by Julian Seward. You will
compare your results with Parallel Bzip2 (pbzip2), a
pipeline-parallel implementation of bzip2 using pthreads, written by
Jeff Gilchrist.
document provides an overview of the bzip2 algorithm and the
implementation of bzip2. pbzip2 is implemented using pipeline
parallelism. With pipeline paralleism, each thread performs a
task on a piece of data, which is then passed on to another thread for
further processing.
Pipeline parallelism in pbzip2. (image
credit: Jeff Gilchrist) |
The pipeline in pbzip2 is very simple. A single thread reads chunks
of data in from an input file, placing them into a shared queue. N
threads process the chunks, producing compressed chunks which are
passed to a File Writer thread. The File Writer reorders the data
chunks and writes them out to a file.
In general pipeline parallelism there is typically an input stage, M
stages of data processing (each typically implemented with N threads),
and an output thread.
In this assignment, you will be using serialization sets to derive a
pipeline-parallel implementation of bzip2, and comparing your results
with the pthreads version. Note that the SS code provided with the
assignment is a bare minimum implementation for this assignment, and
not the current research prototype. Nevertheless, you may only use
this code for the current assignment, on CSL machines. You are not
authorized to use this code for any other purpose, or on any non-CSL
The code for this assignment is available here. The tarball contains the
following directories:
bzip2_cpp |
Sequential C++ version of bzip2. For reference only. |
pbzip2 |
Jeff Gilchrist's parallel bzip2. |
bzip2_ss |
Contains the skeleton of an SS bzip2 implementation. Your working
directory for this assignment. |
input |
Contains media.dat, the input file for this assignment. |
libss |
A barebones Prometheus prototype SS implementation. You do not
need to examine this code. |
common |
Makefile support for the SS library. You do not need to examine
these files. |
To run the various bzip2 implementations in this assignment, use the
following command line (replace pbzip2 with the appropriate executable
pbzip2 -f -k -v ../input/media.dat
The pbzip2 and bzip2_ss programs probe the system to identify the
number of processors, and use that as the default number of threads.
You will also need to specify the number of processors to evaluate
your implementation:
pbzip2 -f -k -v -pN ../input/media.dat
where N is the number of processors to use.
Problem 1: Familiarize yourself with pbzip2.
Examine the code in pbzip2.cpp. Trace
through the compression code (you can ignore the decompression code).
Identify how the parallel execution is coordinated, and what kind of
synchronization is used. You will need this to answer Question 1.
Problem 2: Modify the bzip2_ss code to use objects.
The first step in writing a Serialization Sets program is identifying
the independence in the data being processed, and to encapsulate these
computations in an object-oriented style. In bzip2, the obvious
candidate for parallelization is the compression of different blocks.
Modify the code in the pbzip2_ss directory to operate on block
objects. You need only work with the code in compress.cpp (you can
ignore the bzip2.cpp file for the remainder of the assignment). A
suggested interface is given in block.hpp. Use of this interface is
not mandatory, and you may change it. However, the templates used in
the SS library can be a little finnicky, and this interface is
guaranteed to work.
Your class should inherit from prometheus::private_base_t. This will
automatically create a separate serializer for every instance of the
object. The provided class skeleton gives an example of how to do
this. No other manipulation of serializers is necessary for this
Note that you should try to keep all the computation local to this
object. As a matter of discipline, it's a good idea to do all dynamic
memory allocation and deallocation inside this class, and not pass or
return any pointers. The provided interface would require you to
write things this way--another reason it's recommended. Don't forget
to deallocate the memory you allocate in the destructor!
To compile the code in the bzip2_ss directory, simply execute the
makefile. To compile a debugging version (which eliminates
optimization, adds the gdb flag, and turns on many assertions in the
SS runtime), use make config=debug. When
changing between debug and optimized configurations, be sure to do a
make clean to ensure the SS runtime is
also cleaned up.
Once your object-oriented code is up and running, proceed to the next
Problem 3: Unroll the compression loop to create a pipeline.
The next step in crafting our SS version of bzip2 is to unroll the
compression loop to give the runtime some parallelism to work with.
You can use a call to prometheus::get_num_threads() to determine how
much to unroll the loop. (Having the programmer reason about the
number of threads is not necessarily desirable, but is unfortunately
necessary for writing pipeline-style parallelism in SS.) When you do
this, execution of the program should proceed something like this
(assuming four processors):
Read in block #0
Read in block #1
Read in block #2
Read in block #3
Compress block #0
Compress block #1
Compress block #2
Compress block #3
Write out block #0
Write out block #1
Write out block #2
Write out block #3
Read in block #4
Read in block #5
Read in block #6
Read in block #7
Note that I strongly recommend using an array/vector of
pointers to block objects, rather than an array/vector of block
objects, for the inner loop. There are two reasons for this. First,
dynamic allocation will generally avoid the false-sharing problem that
can arise with continguosly allocated objects. Second (and
most importantly), C++ STL types have very confusing initialization
semantics for containers of objects. Using an array/vector of
pointers will require you to new/delete the objects on every loop
iteration, but it's worth the headaches it will avoid.
Even though you've unrolled the loop N times for N threads,
the code is still executing sequentially (the runtime has started N
threads, but they are doing nothing). Now might be a good time to
make sure that your program is giving the same output as bzip2_cpp or
pbzip2. Once it's working, proceed to the next problem.
Problem 4: Add the private wrapper template.
The Prometheus C++ implementation of SS uses a wrapper template called
private to perform implicit
synchronization of method calls. The two supported methods of private: delegate,
which indicates potentially independent methods that may execute in
parallel (depending on their serializers), and call, which indicates dependence, and requires a
serializer be synchronized before the method is executed.
The next step in writing our SS program is to use the private wrapper template. And look, that nice
TA has already put the typedef in block.hpp for you! Now all you need
to do is replace all the instances of your block_t type with private_block_t type.
Now every method call on a block object needs to be modified to use
the wrapper interface. For now, we will just be using call to get our code working, and we will add delegate in the next step. Note that constructor calls should work
unmodified. Other methods must be called through the wrapper method
call. A call that looks like this:
int bytes_written = block.output(outFile);
should be modified to look like this:
int bytes_written = block.call (&block_t::output, hOutfile);
The first argument to call should be a C++ method pointer to the
method in the underlying class (note that we use block_t and *not*
private_block_t). Next, the arguments should be passed in the same
order as the original method call. Return values work as normal.
Once you've verified this version is working, we'll proceed to the
next step: parallel execution!
Problem 5: Delegating the compress method.
At last, it's time to get to parallel execution and speedups. You
should have a method that causes block objects to be compressed. If
you've coded your class correctly, invocations of this method on
different objects should be independent. This is the source of
parallelism we will exploit in bzip2.
First, you need to surround the outermost loop that compresses
the file with calls to prometheus::begin_nest
() and prometheus::end_nest ().
Furthermore, you should also add prometheus::end_nest () on the exceptional exit
paths from the method. Calls to begin_nest() tell the runtime to
start expecting delegated method calls. Calls to end_nest() tell the
runtime that delegation has finished and create a barrier until all
delegated methods complete.
If everything's working correctly now, you should be able to change the
call of your compress method to delegate. At this point, if your program still
works, you should see some significant speedups.
If your program doesn't work, you need to review your code. Does your
compress method touch any state that's not private to the object?
Note that calling BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress
is perfectly safe because it is reentrant, meaning that all
data it manipuates is passed in by the caller. Make sure that you
aren't accessing any global variables in your compress method, and
that you're not sharing pointers with any other instance of the block
class. Finally, it's probably futile to debug the parallel program.
If this doesn't work, go back to step 4 and make sure you're following
the guidelines listed above.
Next, let's see if we can improve the performance a bit.
Problem 6: Improving the pipeline performance.
If you've made it this far, you may have noticed that while we've sped
up bzip2 quite a bit, we've not yet matched the performance of pbzip2.
Our loop processes N data items in parallel, but then writes them out
sequentially, because the calls to the method that writes out the
block must wait until the delegated compress methods complete. We can
improve this by overlapping the compression with the output of
compressed data.
For the changes in this section, make sure to keep your code from
problem 5 so you can compare the improvements. Our general
strategy will be to delegate the compression of blocks i ... i+(N-1) while
we are writing out blocks i-N ... i-1. Thus the execution in 4
threads will proceed as follows:
Read in block #0
Read in block #1
Read in block #2
Read in block #3
Compress block #0
Compress block #1
Compress block #2
Compress block #3
Read in block #4
Read in block #5
Read in block #6
Read in block #7
Compress block #4
Compress block #5
Compress block #6
Compress block #7
Write out block #0
Write out block #1
Write out block #2
Write out block #3
Read in block #8
Read in block #9
Read in block #10
Read in block #11
Compress block #8
Compress block #9
Compress block #10
Compress block #11
Write out block #4
Write out block #5
Write out block #6
Write out block #7
It would be a good idea to change the delegate back to a call while
you are debugging this, since it can get a little tricky. Then once
your decoupled pipeline is working, put the delegate back in and you
should see a performance boost over your Problem #5 results.
And now you're done with the code writing bits! On to the
Problem 7: Evaluation
Evaluate your code on the Nehalem (ale) platform. Provide a
table showing execution time in seconds for bzip2_cpp (sequential bzip2) and bzip2_ss (both Problem 5 and 6 versions) and
pbzip2 for [2, 4, 8, 16] threads each (use
the -p flag). (pbzip2 will work with 1
thread, but the SS version must have at least 2). Provide a graph
that shows the speedups of two versions of bzip2_ss and pbzip2
for the given number of threads.
Problem 8: Questions (Submission Credit)
Describe the parallelization of pbzip2. How are pthreads used to
achieve parallel execution? Describe the synchronization used.
Comment on the relative complexity of the pbzip2 and SS
implementations. Use wc -l to measure the
line counts of each and summarize in a table. Also provide your
qualitative impression of these two techniques.
Which implementation performs the best? Comment on why you think this
implementation performs the best.
Please give your subjective impression of programming with SS.
Negative comments will not lower your homework grade! How does SS
compare to the techniques we've used so far in class (pthreads,
OpenMP, TBB)? What problems did you encounter implementing the
Tips and Tricks
Start early.
Email the Gagan Gupta (Gagan cs.wisc.edu) if you can't figure out a problem. Please include the
code files you've changed--usually the error message is not enough.
What to Hand In
Please turn this homework in on paper at the beginning of lecture.
A printout of compress.cpp, block.hpp, and any other files you have modified.
The table and graph from Problem 7.
Answers to questions in Problem 8.
Important: Include your name on EVERY page.