Database Management Systems

by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke

Access to Supporting Material

The following material is available for instructors upon request:
  • An instructor's manual.
  • Slides for all chapters in Microsoft Powerpoint format.
  • A solutions manual that contains the solutions to all exercises in the book, both odd-numbered and even-numbered.
  • The Minibase Software for Windows and Linux environments
  • Teaching material for several commercial database systems:
    • A guide on how to configure Oracle on Unix for classroom use.

Note: We receive many requests for material related to the book. In order to receive this material, you have to provide sufficient information about the course you teach to enable us to confirm that you are an instructor. (Examples are: A link to your homepage, a link to the course homepage that states that you are an instructor etc.) Given the many requests for instructor-only material from students and others, we can only reply if you provide the information that we ask for below. If you don't, we will very likely not respond (unless we know that you are an instructor through other means!). We use your email as another form of verification, and so we will not reply to emails from unaffiliated accounts such as and Please use your email account at your home institution, where you will use the material.

Please send an email to dbbook AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your institution
  • Some way for us to verify that you are really on the faculty of that institution.

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