Assignment 2: Introduction to B+ Trees
Due: Wednesday, September 27, 1996, at 5 p.m.
Instructor: Raghu Ramakrishnan
In this assignment, you will answer several questions about B+ trees, in particular, their current implementation in Minibase. You will write small programs using an object library we provide that has an implementation of B+ trees. Your programs will output ``trace'' files that you will then use as input to our B+ tree visualization tool.
You will carry out this assignment in teams of two with the same partner as for the first assignment.
This assignment involves no programming beyond modifying the (given) template program for inserting/deleting entries in a B+ tree. Try and use the visualization tool to help you think through the problems!
You should begin by reading the chapter on Tree Structured Indexes, in particular the sections on B+ tree insertion and deletion. The visualization tool provides on-line help.
"02", "16", "07", "20", "29", "33", "39", "38", "03", "05", "14", "19", "22", "24", "27", "34"
When you run this program, it will print a trace to stdout. To save the trace to a file, redirect output to the file. Use this file as the input to the B+ tree visualization tool. Work with the tool to see what the tree's structure is. Draw a picture of the tree similar to Figure 5.10 in the text.
The code and documentation for this assignment is in ~cs564-1/assigns95/assign2/. You have to copy the Makefile and btree-template.C to your directories. The file you have to modify for this assignment is: btree-template.C You can change it to insert and delete different keys from the tree, and then compile it with the following command:
make NAME=<your-file-name>You can ignore most of the setup code in this file. You should start reading where it says "begin reading here".
The visualization tool can be run by typing
/p/course/cs564-raghu/assigns95/assign2/bin/btviewNote that you have to run the visualization tool from the directory in which your trace is stored.
You should turn in:
The assignment is due at 5PM on October 4th. The solution will be made public then, and solutions turned in after that time will not receive any credit. So be sure to turn in whatever you have, even if it is not working fully, at that time.