Error Page

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Old Error Conventions

Dewitt-minirel: An enumerated type, Status, is used to show what error was encountered. When errors are detected, the program exits.

Old Minibase: It uses a layered approach, with Record, PageFile, Buffer Manager, and System layers. An error in one layer will propogate up to the higher layers.

Current Error Convention

Carey-minirel & Minibase: A layered approach was needed, but since the possibility exists of different groups calling each other (DB->BufMgr->DSM), the path that error discovery may take is slightly confusing. A global error class will log errors as they go. Each layer (when an error is discovered) will enter an error into a linked list of error msgs, allowing the user to see where the error was first discovered and see how the error caused various functions to fail.
The Status enumerated type is still used, and care must be taken that different groups recognize that not all Status types are actual errors. In some cases, Status is used to signal a condition. In these instances, the different groups must be aware of the types used so that the proper interpretation is made.
Header File

Possible Improvements

Bill Kimmel