Database Management Systems

by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke

[Database Management Systems (3rd Edition)] [Lecture Slides (Second Edition)]


To print 4 pages on a single page (assuming that the source file is a postscript file), you can use the "psnup" command (which is located in /s/std/bin/psnup in the CS Dept at at UW-Madison).

psnup -p4 -R -s0 >
The -pn option indicates how many pages of Postscript (or "spots") should be printed per piece of paper. N is constrained to be 2, 4, 8 or 16.
The -R option indicates that the first spot goes in the upper left hand corner and progresses to the lower right. This is for non-reversing printers.
The -sn option indicates which spot the first page of output occurs in. The first spot on the page is 0.
The defaults are: -p2, -R, and -s0.
For more information look at the man page (man psnup).

Potential Problem:
You may have trouble doing this with the ps files available here (which were generated by Powerpoint). If this happens, sigh.

Raghu Ramakrishnan [] and Johannes Gehrke [], August 1999.