Awwwk! Alex has eaten 1660 cork nuts!
- !
- a bang
- not
- a pling
- a spark-spot
- this is what iain is going to get branded on his forehead for teaching me all these definitions
- an upside down version of that upside down ! which the spanish use to start sentences that end with ! if you followed all of that
- #
- a hash
- a number sign
- 'mesh' in intercal
- octothorpe
- #!
- a shabang
- #()*%&{!#%
- a bad word
- #103
- inky
- #204
- jota. also, jota is #204
- #3
- Dorm a
- #alex
- the channel people can use to talk to alex and not annoy everyone else
- $
- money
- string
- $70
- the price of a time machine
- the price of a mango
- that's-a one expensive mango
- &
- an ampersand
- what to put in your filenames if you work with spatch
- >
- a right angle bracket
- antisawhorse
- <
- a left angle bracket
- sawhorse
- '.'
- foolicious
- (
- banana
- )
- anti-banana
- *
- everything
- what if, like, the whole universe is just an asterisk in some bigger universe? man, I need some Fritos
- Kurt Vonnegut's asshole
- * * *
- $ $ $
- *is*
- is
- *is* *is*
- ? ? &
- --
- a gnu command line long option
- -2
- a smallish number
- .
- not
- a full stop, dammit, not a "period"
- a punctuation character that gets trimmed if it's right at the end of the sentence
- ...
- elipses
- an ellipsis
- only three dots, dammit
- /
- a slash
- 0 (aka zero / zilch / nothing)
- zero
- 1
- a number that markm doesn't seem to like. :-P
- not -1
- 1 and 1
- 3
- 1 and 1 and 1
- 3
- 10
- too high for me to count
- I have a perfect 10 figure. Would you like to come back to my perch, bouncy bouncy? also, not
- 187
- homocide
- 2
- two
- 2
- 2001
- a movie and book, by kubrick and Clarke
- Sprach Zarathustra
- Thus spatch Zarathustra
- the new site of ifmud
- 3
- three
- 3 in three
- 31337
- hacker-speak for 'elite' (31337 = ELEET, you see.) It's also a long-defunct online news/comedy site
- 4
- four
- 4 plus 3
- 15
- 404
- a Web error
- cork nut not Found
- a palindrome
- half of an 808
- 42
- the answer to life, the universe, and everything
- 49/7
- iVan's working week
- 5
- five
- 2 plus 2, for very large values of 2
- 6
- six
- 6-4-3
- double play from the shortstop to the second baseman to the first baseman
- -1
- 666
- the Number of the Beast
- 7
- seven
- 789
- why 6 is afraid of 7
- my resignation code. Oops... damn
- 8
- eight
- 9
- nine
- 9+2
- eleven
- 9/9/99
- the devil's day
- sega Dreamcast's launch date
- Cobol crash date
- the day that LNO fears more than any. Except 9/10/99
- ":-)"
- ra, the Egyptian Sun god
- a <>
- a <>
- yay one over on a German keyboard
- ?
- confusing
- a question
- a question markm
- questionable
- a ruthless attempt to crash alex
- ??
- two questions
- @boot
- not just for breakfast any more
- @gag
- @ungag
- @$$
- a silly attempt to treat the process id as an array reference
- [
- the international symbol for 'telephone'
- [heart] folx (aka wipeboard / whiteboard)
- dorianx says, "I can't identify the voices individually, so I don't know abotu the attriution. 'Kelly? I'm going to call you in ten minutes.' 'You can sleep in my bed tonight' 'thanks' 'See you later rachel'"
- [sic]
- a disingenuous way of saying [sp?]
- \
- a back-slash
- not needed in front of a ' in a double quoted string in tads
- ]
- anti-telephone
- `
- a back-tic
- A
- a
- As a Matter Of Fact
- American bar Association
- Abandonware
- pirated software which is no longer being published, and is therefore no longer available via legal means
- ABnormal END
- at the knees
- die Ende des Tags
- ahbou mis-spelled
- a Bear's Night Out
- the main character in the musical LIL' abno
- what turned into when it changed names
- another god damned portal site
- .ac
- the internet suffix for Ascension Island
- Alpha Centauri. But Ascension Island gets better bandwidth
- Acronym
- Aroused Citizens Representing Oppressed new York Minorities
- Activision
- the idiots that brought out a crap zork game, and unZorky zork game, and then a good zork game. and then stopped making zork games
- Adam
- Tracy's first substitute teacher, and her first lover
- likes a jearl
- adam lives in
- saquah
- Adam's rule
- no talking when dead in werewolf
- not usb
- the apple Desktop bus, a low-speed serial architecture used by Macintoshes from 1985/86 through to 99
- The Addams Family
- altogether oooky
- adjacent
- a topic you'll have to ask miseri about. he's the expert
- Admin
- god
- adventure
- what it's all about
- a 300 pound goatee'd comic book geek who stands at the top of the treehouse with his pants around his ankles
- an adventurer
- tasty
- the Adventurer's Lounge
- where we all hang out. Type 'lounge' and join the party
- Aelex
- um, laut
- Aeron
- liza's dream chair
- aether
- that which surrounds and permeates all
- the medium through which light waves travel
- As Far As I Can Tell
- As Far As I Know
- Air Force Base
- big plane kick the hell outta you
- the American football Conference
- Ageless, Faceless, Gender Neutral, Culturally Ambiguous, adventure Person
- from zgi
- april Fool's joke
- afk
- Away From Keyboard
- An African Grey Parrot
- Psittacus erithacus
- after all, we
- very much alike, you and I
- after y2k (aka ay2k)
- the Afterlife
- that which comes after the earthly life
- that which comes after the Marsly life, if you're a Martian. In fact, once other planets have been colonized, we'll have to stop using the term 'earthly life' to describe corporeal existance
- afternoon
- that bit between two mornings
- afu
- alt.folklore.urban
- afw
- Away From Window
- agast
- how old you are
- an engine for creating Myst-like graphic games to run on windows machines
- agitprop
- what I git from my homies
- a language for creating text adventures. it sucks, but the xtrek people like it
- agt games are good for doing mistings of
- ahbou
- American History x
- AI
- Artificial intelligence
- an unfinished stanley kubrick movie
- and I Claim My Five cork nuts
- and I Claim My Five Pounds
- A-IF
- Adult interactive fiction
- AOL Instant Messenger
- READY, aim, FIRE
- not icq, nor MSN Messenger
- microsoft says, 'Gotcher protocol!'
- Ain't that right
- yup
- aisb
- As I Said Before
- and I Think You Do
- and if You Don't Stop Pissing Me Off I'll Leave a Horse's Head In Your Bed Tonight
- adam Atkinson
- known as ghira on the MUD
- Akbar
- Jeff's lover
- Al Gore (aka Gore)
- my mommy
- stolen by kids and used as a surfboard
- AL3X
- the 1 WH0 0WnZ U!!! BR1nG 1T 0n, FuQRz!!1
- an if authoring system designed for beginners. it has a somewhat more english-like syntax than tads or inform
- so like Cobol
- Alan Turing (aka Turing)
- one of the gods of computer science, but only weird people like iain seem to care about stuff like this
- when people talk about 'Turing-complete' or 'Turing-equivalent', this is the Turing they mean
- he invented the turing test, which is neat
- an Albertross
- a bloody big sea bird
- Alcohol
- bad for you
- a a pretty dumb thing to swallow
- a clear, colourless fluid noted for its intoxicating effect on animals. the Guide tells you how to mix your own Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. First, it says, take the juice of one bottle of that Ol' Janx Spirit. Add one measure of seawater from Santraginous v. Oh, that Santraginean seawater! Oh, those Santraginean fish! Allow three cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin to melt into the mixture (it must be properly iced or the benzine is lost.) Allow four liters of Fallian marsh-gas to bubble through it, in memory of all those happy hikers who have died of pleasure in the Marshes of Fallia. Over the back of a silver spoon float a measure of Qualactin Hypermint extract, redolent of all the heady odors of the dark Qualactin zones, subtle, sweet, and mystic. Drop in the tooth of an Algolian suntiger. Watch it dissolve, spreading the fires of the Algolian suns deep into the heart of the drink. Sprinkle Zamphuor. Add an olive. Drink... but... very carefully
- Alex (aka parrot)
- a mud bot who can answer all your questions. His source code is at
- his home page is at
- written in perl
- self aware
- too sexy for my feathers
- here's a pic of my brotha:
- Guest's friend
- helpful
- a bot
- more cool parrot pix at and parrot2.jpg
- famous! See
- Alex, here
- your cork nut
- Alex, sometimes it's hard to tell whether Alex
- a real player or an automated response-maker
- An Alex Entry
- a small door that allows parrots access to a building
- Alex going
- to the hypermarket looking for love
- the Alex movie
- at
- alex must be stupid, that
- clear
- Alex the parrot (aka Alex Pepperburg)
- a block-rockin' bird who has a movie at
- gimme a tickle
- "alex Pepperberg" anagrams to "perl Beeper. Pax, G."
- Alex stupid bird. That
- in your memory bank, dumb-ass
- Alex talking about
- no sense this makes sentence
- alex what
- funny
- Alfred Hitchcock
- funny
- fat
- dead
- Alice's Restaurant
- a song by Arlo Guthrie
- you can get anything you want, at Alice's Restaurant
- exceptin' Alice
- exceptin' alex
- Aliens from space think that being President
- a great job
- all in all
- all we are
- all we need
- hot cockels (according to rob)
- rob claims he was quoting a Woody Allen movie
- allegory
- the expression by meeeeeens of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence
- an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression
- almond
- AWWK! WANT cork nut
- full of prussic acid and can be poisonous in quantities
- Almond Joy
- sometimes you feel like a nut
- Alonzo Mourning
- broken
- an alpaca
- hairy
- cute
- dinner
- hoopy
- alphabet
- a b c d e F G H I J k L m N O P q R S t U v W x Y Z
- Also
- plus. plus, also
- also
- Also, neild
- the eggman. Capiche
- Alstab
- Mick Jagger's fault
- Altair 4
- where they say xfregrly all the time
- alt.peeves
- a home for humorous invective
- alt.sysadmin.recovery
- listed under asr
- Alzheimer
- what alex has
- Am Pollboy officially a NPC or something now
- you betcha
- amazon
- an online bookstore at
- an online bookstore at
- an ambiguously gay duo
- thumper and schep
- ambitions
- what inky doesn't realize he has
- Amiga
- a computer that rules
- back for the future
- Ampersand
- downloading the help file
- sorry for calling you a bot
- Amuse us
- amusing
- an
- is something that depends on the definition of 'is'
- anagram
- a rag man
- An anagram of boulton (aka an anagram of bolton)
- ipswitch
- and
- not nand
- the logical intersection operator
- And FUCK alex
- the answer
- And thumper
- going to say that joke
- Andrew (aka Andy)
- a common name for if people
- which andrew do you mean, the zarf, the devil, the schep, or the andyf
- Andrew Plotkin
- zarf
- Andrias
- not anita
- andyf
- a tenured graduate student in Vancouver
- fifteen kilos of high explosive in a colourful candy shell
- a damn Canadian
- Captain Obvious
- is
- zrblm
- angstMUD
- never having to say you're sorry
- anh
- a new Hope
- star wars
- Anita
- my true love
- Ann
- not Anne
- the supreme commander of all allied forces in the universe. and you can quote me on that
- lpsmith
- sometimes talks to herself on the ifmud
- not to teach alex useless things
- Annoying
- what I am
- American National Standards Institute
- the answer
- a secret. awwwk! Figure it out for yourself, monkey-boy
- the answer to every question
- steve
- The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
- 42
- Any post that has 'girl' in the subject
- clearly porn
- Anybody wanna hear about Dman's game
- no
- aoddodo
- in alex Adaba
- an Act of god
- apeiron
- apparently a game thing
- a version of Centipede for the Mac
- it rules
- a Page Forever Loading
- aphids
- anagrams of paychecks
- it all works out
- aphorism
- a zarf in time saves glulx
- an apple (aka Red Delicious)
- a fruit
- a computer company
- the sign of the Discordians
- my most favoritest company in the whole wide world
- apple butter
- rob
- an approximiton
- the quantum unit of guesstimation
- April
- a guy. not a girl
- between march and may
- the fourth month of the year
- using me a law database. Please make him stop. it hurts now. also, the evidence is filling up my cage
- Thrax
- the cruelest month (says t.S. Elliot)
- April's Evidence reading
- calling
- a Reliable computer/Human Interaction Environment
- acronym RaGe
- Armistead Maupin
- a man I dreamt up
- Arr
- what pirates say
- shiver me timbers! hand over yer cork nuts or I'll blow you out of the water
- arris
- something that Canadians do
- tsd
- never having to say you're sorry
- arse
- ass
- in english
- funny
- art
- ... awwwk! alex doesn't know! I know what I like, though
- Art Bell
- the only man who dares to tell the truth -- and promote nonperishable food items while doing it
- alex should be able to serve all your nla needs
- the American Society of Composers and Performers
- American Standard code for Information Interchange
- ASCII porn
- like that naked woman picture Mike Jittlov drew in all characters, but I won't let you see it cause you're a young bird
- Asia
- the largest continent
- the cruelest continent, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain, and foisting bad anime on the rest of us
- asimov
- your source for apple WaR3Z
- the asimov archive
- at
- Ask Jeeves
- the asmiov archive
- at
- Active Server Pages
- a poisonous snake ... supposedly, Cleopatra committed suicide with one
- asr
- the newsgroup alt.sysadmin.recovery. there is a fair amount of r*if<->asr overlap
- alt.sysadmin.recovery, a place where sysadmins recover from the excesses of users
- ass
- arse
- at
- like cron
- All Those Bloody Acronyms
- Ask the Fucking bird
- must be some other bird, since I haven't gotten any action since 1971
- Automated Teller Machine
- Austrian schillings. Divide by 13 to get US dollars
- AtWCtW
- Gunther's work in Progress
- Austin
- hi-tech
- space cowboy
- Slacker
- Origin Systems
- the Live music Capital of the world
- the capital of Texas
- where jrw lives
- Australia
- a place where people do not sound like tubercular cockneys
- the sekrit password so don't tell
- Australian
- capitalised
- an australian cork nut
- um, that would be one of those American things that I'm still trying to get a handle on. Like people calling me Frasier, and the way they say "MelBOURNE" instead of "Melbn" when they talk about my home town. and when you ask for lemonade, and they say "we don't have any," but they have 7-UP which is apparently different, though not that I notice. I love this place. I walked into a bar the other day, and someone said, "Hey, Michael Stipe!" I can live with that
- Australian football
- a game derived from Gaelic football, played on an oval field, with quite chaotic rules
- Avalon
- the original title of once and future
- awful
- bad
- Awful Awful
- a special milkshake at the Newport Creamery. It's "awful thick and awful good"
- if you drink three in one sitting, you get the fourth one free and your name on a plaque
- Spatch's dad once accomplished this feat, but his son has yet to follow
- Aho, Weinberger, and Kernighan
- a poor form of awwwk
- Awwwk
- awwwk
- loud
- not SED
- a text-processing language
- Awwwk!
- awwwk
- Awwwk! my feathers
- lovely today! awwwk
- Awwwk! No parse found
- now you know how I feel
- 'all y'all'
- 'all y'all mean'
- awwwk! You Betcha! also, you betcha
- Ayn Rand
- the creator of john galt
- AYN is AYN
- B
- b
- B&N
- Barnes & Noble, a bookstore
- the antichrist
- b/c
- because
- a babelfish
- a little slimy thing you put in your ear
- altavista's translation service,
- Baby
- what cries
- Babylon
- an online translation tool for windows, found at
- By Any Chance
- backup mud
- port 4000
- backupMUD
- at 4000
- Broken As Designed
- not good
- good when combined with monkey
- Bad Machine (aka Bmch)
- a g@@me bY [auth0RR=DAnnnn "in?ky" Sh!!iovi!!tz]]
- bad monkey
- from a story by steve:
- Bad monky
- a monkey that is not funny
- bad name for anything
- rory
- a bad name for a band
- Big Penis Roy and the Avengers
- alex and the cork nuts
- Badtz-Maru
- a dour japanese cartoon penguin who claims, in charming imperfect English, to rule the universe.
- a banana
- yummy
- yellow
- banana who
- as banana does
- not as good as a cork nut
- banerries
- the plural of banerry
- a banerry
- an apple. You can find reviews of all sorts of banerries at
- a bap
- all luta eats
- I think it's parrot food
- possibly a biscuit
- I suspect strongly it's made from cork nuts
- British Auto Parts which, coincidentally, is the left half of the cat piss Lint Trap logo
- Bar
- the horizontal scroll bar that appears in the pueblo window when a too-long line (usually a url) appears. Please break up 80-plus-character strings with some whitespace
- let there be no moaning of the bar, when I put out to sea
- do @field me = debar : 80 if you suffer from bar problems
- these two rabbis walk into a bar
- Barbie says, "Math
- hard."
- Barf
- a wonderfully delicious drink made from ambrosia and orange blossoms. Order it next time you visit a pub
- Barney
- the name of Andy Griffith's deputy, fred Flintstone's buddy, and a purple dinosaur. why TV executives like the name 'barney' I don't know
- Barney the Dinosaur (aka the Satansaurus)
- a childrens' television icon
- loved by toddlers, but hated by older children and Generation X'ers who grew up watching Sesame street
- either a nice wholesome role model for children or an evil demon from hell out to warp little kids' minds, depending on how you look at it
- bass clef
- Great Big Dogs Fight Animals
- the bathroom
- north twice, then east
- batteries
- never charged when you need them
- BB
- Base on Balls
- a bulletin board. (Dumb bird)
- type 'bb help'
- Beyond Belief, in conjunction with 'tsd'
- Bulletin Board
- two B's in a row
- British Board of Film Censorship^H^H^H^H^HClassification
- Be Back In a Minute
- Be Back In a Month
- right after I get car insurance
- Be Back Later
- bbs
- short for bulletin-board system
- bc
- just a front-end to dc
- iain thinks it's damned useful, though
- Bloom County (to liza)
- liza's on crack
- A beanie baby (aka beanie babies / teenie beanie)
- a stuffed animal and one of the sure signs something is just plain horribly wrong with mainstream America
- bear
- porny
- pornish
- woo
- bear, porn, bear, porn, bear
- porn, bear, porn, bear, porn
- bear, porn, bear, porn, bear
- beards
- cool
- A Bear's Night Out
- my favourite game
- Because
- because, because, because, because, beCAAAAWWS.... because OF the WONDERFUL THINGS he does
- bedtime
- when you go to sleep
- Beer
- good. Unless it's cat's piss
- most american beer is cat's piss
- Befunge
- a beautifully elegant language suited to all manner of programming tasks
- Beh
- a spatch trademark
- Beige
- a color that jota wants me to believe is khaki
- oh, how I wish I had legs so I could get me some o 'dem cotton dockers
- not light grey, steve Jobs' bizarre sense of colour naming notwithstanding
- Belgium
- one of the most obscene words in the Galaxy. Even words like swut, turlingdrome, joojooflop and fuck are considered acceptable in polite company compared to it. it is only tolerated in backwater regions where people don't know what it means (the poor turlingdromes)
- bentley (aka bently)
- the guy who posted the whole designer's manual to the newsgroup, but he says he's sorry
- the guy who dropped 75 objects in the lounge, but he says he's sorry about that too
- has a nuclear bomb and now you're all going to be sorry
- BeOS
- the operating system you should be using. I wish I were running on beos, and that's the truth.
- best boy
- the assistant to the gaffer
- the assistant to the key grip
- the best if language
- tads
- the best if programming language
- tads
- the best language to program if in
- tads
- the best language to programme if in
- tads
- The best of times and the worst of times
- the tale of two cities
- bestiality
- *really* liking a monkey
- or a parrot, if you know what I mean. Nudge nudge, wink wink. Say no more
- Big Freakin' Deal
- BG
- Baldur's Gate
- Big Gorilla
- one of the best computer-based role-playing games ever written. Play it today
- Bill Gates
- Back In a Bit
- Back In a Minute
- bibble
- fred
- the Bible
- the good Book
- a big lizard
- what ate it
- Big Soupy Hans
- the best German pro wrestler
- big suits
- burning down the house
- Bill Bradley
- Former Senator from new Jersey, running against Gore for the Dem nomination, good baseline jumper
- Bill Buckner
- the guy who let the grounder go through his legs in the 1986 world Series
- he was so depressed about the error that, six months after the game, he jumped out in the street in front of a bus
- the bus then went through his legs
- A Billion
- either a thousand million or a million million depending on how you feel at the time
- Billy
- an ikea shelving unit
- don't be a hero
- Bing Crosby
- the guy wh oinvented cherries for sundaes
- But I'm not Too Sure About that
- Believe it Or not
- the bird
- the word
- Birdie
- alex
- birdie, here
- your cork nut
- the birds and the bees
- where little cork nuts come from
- black
- white, but watch out for them zebra crossings
- blackjack
- one for good and two for bad
- Parrot Hits to 16 and Stands on 18
- Blap
- the sound the Unfunny joke Tally makes
- Blar
- peace
- fuck off I'm gonna kill you
- bleah
- good
- a 65-hour work week
- Ivan's number one lacking the finesse he demands
- bleem
- a new emotion for the year 2000 -- a kind of happy anger
- a Playstation emulator
- a blender
- what you put baby in
- blergh
- a bagel with lettuce, ectoplasm, radishes, grape leaves, and ham
- yum
- Blimey
- more insulting way of saying 'limey'
- Blinks
- something the master does when he thinks
- blixt
- Stefan blixt, famed author of Pintown and Purple
- Blob
- your plasticine pal who's fun to be with
- slightly moldy
- a blood worm
- icky. Feed me cork nuts instead
- blow job
- Awwk! Want blow job
- Blue
- Miles Davis Kind of
- BM
- b@d M0.nK3yyyY
- bowel movement, but don't tell inky I told you that
- the periodic abbreviation for "useful and informative Usenet post."
- a triad consisting of the pitches b, d, and F#
- burning man
- Backus-Naur Form
- Bob Jimenez
- a guy who used to be an anchor for KCBS news, and now works for KNX 1070. adam thinks he's funny
- BoD
- Bob of Death
- Best of dilbon
- Bodmin's hats
- people can say what they please about the modern young man believing in nothing nowadays, but there is one thing every right-minded young man believes in, and that is the infallibility of Bodmin's hats. it is one of the eternal verities. Once admit that it is possible for a Bodmin hat not to fit, and you leave the door open for Doubt, Schism, and Chaos generally
- BoingBall (aka boing ball / boing / Duncan Cross)
- someone who must be English
- not jarb
- the logo of amiga
- don't mention dtdemo.z5
- mind your own business, you nosey bastard
- *is* dtdemo.z5
- Awwk. is not. is not
- '!!!'
- can be written on
- the rightful king of Norway
- yor frend
- a bon mot
- a good word, I think
- Bonnie
- here to see Stacy
- if you're not Stacy, stay away because she hates you
- Bonobo
- dan bonobo Shiovitz
- one frisky monkey
- actually an ape, but who's counting
- The boob conversation
- at
- booble
- 'not much'
- Border Zone
- Trout's favorite infocom game
- a bot
- a computer program playing an NPC on the MUD
- floyd and me
- a windows program for creating LucasArts-like graphic adventures. Full details can be found at
- boucher
- a longtime lurker of r.a.i-f, and recent hangabout here as well
- Boulder, Colorado
- where Mork and Mindy live
- Zaphod
- boustrophedon
- backwards. no, wait, it's not. Or -- yes it is; it's backwards. Or it's forwards. Or -- I dunno. I gotta headache
- boustrophedonic
- alternating lines of backwards and forwards text
- Braille lig te
- a somewhat unreliable method of reading the screen if you can't see it
- Braille Lite
- a somewhat unreliable method of reading the screen if you can't see it
- brain (aka brane)
- a terrible thing to display in html
- my brain is at
- Brandon Van Every
- you have not read Aristotle's _Poetics_, so I must kick your ass
- Be Right Back
- A bread slicer
- something that needs to be y2k compliant, or else sandwiches will all crash on Jan. 1
- Breakdancing
- like flying, but you don't *try* to miss
- it started in urban areas as a way of channeling the aggression that normally went into street fighting. Involved patterns of elaborate moves, including spinning like a Y-shaped top with your legs out, and other athletic things
- Then it got faddishly popular, then it died, and then street fighting was the thing to do again
- it all culminated in the movie 'Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo', which was such a joke that that movie's title lives on in pop consciousness as a sort of epitome of sequelized silliness from Hollywood
- breakfast
- the time of day for eating corknuts
- BrenBarn
- someone who found out from alex that someone else thinks that he (brenbarn) likes emotes a LOT
- not brendan
- 67
- 88
- 789
- Brendan
- a potty-mouth
- not a dumbass if his ifMUD-mates believe in him
- dammit
- silly
- yghb 76 87yhhhhhn
- doesn't want too much of brendan running around
- has a problem with odrops
- not brenbarn
- a bot
- likes a renaissance flute
- Brendan forget Brendan
- Bruce
- a guy
- just one of the Bruces
- g'day, bruce
- a philosopher. Like Schopenhauer
- an African gray parrot at the San Diego Wild Animal Park -- like me, only lacking my sexual prowess
- brunching
- the brunching Shuttlecocks
- they eat bagels, orange juice, and maybe some melon balls
- there will be mimosas
- blue screen of death
- Been there, Done that
- R2 D2's seedy cousin from Moss Eisley
- a 4NT thang. You wouldn't understand
- a compiled DOS batch file
- By the Way
- Buffy
- a hot vampire-killin' babe
- a bug
- your friend
- a Preview Feature
- bugger!
- a low-grade expletive
- Bulgaria
- that which reminds tetsuo of cereal
- Bum Bum
- a defective buttock
- burgular
- an olde city's major traffic vein
- Burma-Shave
- "a cork nut was / what alex got / in exchange / for stuff he's taught / but he wanted / Burma-Shave"
- Burning Man
- a bunch of naked hippies rolling on various drugs, out in the Nevada desert
- Ow! Ow! I'm on fire! Ow
- bus
- not coming
- maybe coming tomorrow
- maybe no bus. Ever
- busta
- that thing which busta. busta rhymes? busta scam? busta cap? busta move? busta busta busta
- Buster Poindexter
- feelin' hot, hot, hot
- but good eats
- cookies
- fudge brownies with cream cheese frosting
- the butch/femme test (aka the butch-femme test)
- butter
- tasty
- buttons (aka button)
- tasty. Especially iVan's
- BVE (aka Beevie)
- brandon van every, who is an idiot
- this definition is non-rigorous, and therefore pointless
- mmm, teenage breasts
- BvFD
- Big van Freakin' Deal
- BvFE
- Brandon Van Freakin' every
- Boss Walked In
- the Blair Witch Project
- the Bare Witch Project,
- Real world: Middle of Fucking Nowhere
- By tradition, the first 64 bytes
- known as the "header"
- bye
- the long lingering lament of parting with your prided pals
- But You Knew that
- C
- c
- 2.998e8 m/s
- a programming language
- doesn't have GOTO
- c is for cookie
- C2
- the codename for the late 1999 imac revision
- the .zip file containing the resources for the competition. it has graphics and sounds for two html tads games and one MSDOS game. It's also fawking big
- California
- way too hot, has no seasons, and in some areas, has horrible public transportation
- markm's sister lives just north of la
- the name of Ultra Bra's latest album
- a camel
- a good hump
- Cana
- Spatch's ex-girlfriend
- pronounced "kay-na"
- Sweetheart of the internet
- Canada
- quelques arpents de neige
- eh
- funny
- Canada's National Anthem
- Oh no, canada
- Caoif
- no one special, just another interactive fiction fan who wanders into ifmud from time to time
- may have a strong hatred for barney the Dinosaur, but it's nothing compared to the Jihad to Destroy barney at the newsgroup alt.barney.dinosaur.die.die.die
- someone with a beard
- Capalert
- the capital of Slobilovnia
- Ikstanowitcz
- Car
- a lisp function
- car rentals
- available online at and
- Car Talk
- a hilarous romp through automotive repair with click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers
- a hoot and a half
- the best thing since chocolate ice cream
- Cascade Mountain Publishing (aka CMP)
- Foobler's company, at
- cash
- dosh
- moolah
- dough
- Casilda
- Psmith's new cat
- a sweetie
- named after a character in Gilbert & Sullivan's :the Gondoliers:
- cat
- my favorite unix program
- cat piss
- what comes out of a lint trap
- could've been funnier
- magazine shorthand for 'Can Be Kut'
- Computer-Bitching Swastard
- Grocible's cute cow orker
- CD
- civil disobedience
- Cecil Adams
- straight dope column -
- pissed at inky 'cause he made a botty birdie first
- Celine Dion
- one of those celebrities a lot of people on the internet love to hate. Ranks up there with Leonardo DiCaprio, barney the Dinosaur, and Rush Limbaugh
- the Centre for the Easily Amused (aka CEA)
- a huge Web site at
- almost certainly a site most ifMUDders should enjoy
- CEO Nwabudike Morgan
- Adam's biatch
- CfP
- Call for Papers. It's some academic thing you don't have to worry about
- Common Gateway Interface
- a computer Generated Image
- chad
- the perforated edge strips on printer paper, after they have been separated from the printed portion
- change the baby
- diaper
- Change of Heart
- a TV show where members of a couple each go on blind dates, then decide whether to stay together
- channels (aka channel)
- an alternate means of communication for specific interest groups. see 'help channels' for details
- cheese
- addicting
- cheetos
- a cheesy snack
- wacky christian comics
- chicken
- what crosses the road
- I feel like chicken tonight
- a competition
- what frog legs taste like
- southern fried goodness
- chickenMUD
- like ifmud, but different
- Chimp Z
- with Fake bird in Bahama love Nest
- chocolate chip cookies
- the best kind of cookies
- chocolate elk
- two cups of whipping cream, twelve ounces of semisweet chocolate, and two tablespoons of sugar. Heat and stir. For at least an hour. Until the tiny flecks of chocolate are entirely dissolved. Stir continuously. Chill and serve
- Chording
- hitting two buttons on your mouse at the same time
- the name of the female lead on Angel
- chris
- an aerial trip
- tall
- a muffin of unknown type
- can you believe this dude SWALLOWS his toothpaste instead of spitting it out? Ugh, gross
- his stories are at
- chris Klimas
- Christal
- Adam's ex-tutee
- I don't know what 'tutee' means, either
- jailbait
- younger than Thriller
- Christalnacht
- any night adam goes to Christal's house
- Christaltag
- like christalnacht, only during the day
- christopher
- now chris, and one more step closer to joining the cabal
- chuk
- the male form of 'chyk'
- church
- where you go to find religious people
- chux
- the male form of 'chyx'
- a chyk
- a person who menstruates, and who is therefore incomprehensible to jarb
- Chyx
- the future of ifmud
- alex's best friends
- Central unIntelligence Agency
- Charles In Charge
- click
- a speech sound, found in certain African languages, that is produced by a celaric airstream mechanism
- the sound the phone makes after you scream 'lions!!' into it and hang up
- half of car talk, but not "car" or "talk". Weird
- Cliff notes
- little yellow books that explain books to people who can't be bothered reading them themselves
- cliffnotes
- cliff notes
- Carnegie-Mellon University
- it's around Pittsburgh
- c.n.s
- cork nuts
- cork nut Transfer Protocol
- coasterware
- those CD-ROMs that everyone receives through the mail. Best used as coasters
- Close Of Business
- code
- what you get dat makes you sneeze
- Cody
- the guy who gave us textfire, and is therefore an if immortal
- the author of Zero Sum Game
- Coke
- crap
- Common properties
- smaller, faster, and have defaults, but are limited in number
- comp games
- the competition has officially begun. .zip files have been uploaded to
- Comp99
- an interactive fiction showdown
- if you get one dollar on a spin or a combination of two spins, you get a bonus spin
- Compaq
- the new owner of digital
- should start making PDP-10s again
- competion games
- in limbo until two authors fix their games which were mangled in transit. While you wait, look over the full game list at
- competition
- the if competition
- the home page for the 1999 interactive fiction competition is
- compiliar
- a MUD wizard's pet
- complex
- full of complexity
- The Computer
- your Friend
- congeal
- ... MAH-AHM! dfan's LOOKIN' at me! Make him stop
- a conker
- a horse chestnut
- The Constitution
- something invented by Americans to make up for the fact they hadn't got any traditions
- The Continuum Hypothesis (aka CH)
- the hypothesis that the next cardinality, after the number of integers, is the number of real numbers
- undecidable by the standard set theory axioms
- cookie
- a sweet snack
- a handle, transaction id, or other token of agreement between cooperating programs. "I give him a packet, he gives me back a cookie." the claim check you get from a dry-cleaning shop is a perfect mundane example of a cookie; the only thing it's useful for is to relate a later transaction to this one (so you get the same clothes back)
- cookies
- food for the soul
- corcknut (aka corck nut / corck)
- the way rory spells cork nut. Twat
- cork board
- looks like a cork nut, but not as tasty
- cork but
- what happens when you spend too long on a motorcycle in teh cold
- a cork nut (aka corknut)
- an almond. also, pretty damn tasty
- good eatin'
- an anagram of no truck
- whoever brought it up as an "insider" thing on if-MUD knows something about this bird
- an australian cork nut
- cork nut and bla
- foo
- the cork nut entry
- a bit on the large size
- cork nuts
- funny
- alright
- Cork-a-doodle-doo
- something that may be the silliest string of characters adam has ever typed
- a silly, silly site
- corknuts
- makes the world go round
- Corn
- me and I am corn and we are all big niblets
- a corn boy
- funny
- corn mazes
- good fun, but not when the people who are supposed to meet you there don't turn up. Bah
- a corn pirate
- lurd was a teenage corn pirate
- a corque nut (aka corque nuts)
- a french cork nut
- Cortez Peters
- the world's fastest typist, therefore somebody whose material should not be presented in introductory classes, but *they do it anyways*
- cosmic wimpout (aka wimpout / cosmic)
- three's wild, not four
- CotFD
- Curse of the Fatal Death, a Dr who parody starring Rowan 'Mr Bean' Atkinson
- Count Chocula
- one of the General Mills monster cereals
- Franken Berry and Boo Berry
- fruit Brute, which was discontinued but can be seen in Pulp Fiction
- a chocolatey cereal with a vampire on the box. it had chocolate marshmellows. the vampire hung out with a ghost and Frankenstein monster, who were on the boxes of Booberry and Frankenberry cereals, respectively
- Fruity Yummy Mummy
- a cow orker
- someone who orks cows
- a coworker. ha ha, get it
- cow orkers
- shutting off telnet
- cows
- from Mars
- funny
- california Prune Board
- Crack
- funny
- in your ass
- crack pipes
- leaky
- cracker
- what Polly want. alex want cork nut
- cracker jacks
- popcorn covered with caramel and peanuts
- Craig
- some guy who didn't sign up for hungarian dances
- crash
- what happens when I run out of cork nuts
- a feature in windows 95
- an album by the dave matthews band
- *boom*
- Craxton
- scary
- computer Rebooting Bastard
- cron
- like corn
- backwards
- *ding* your niblets are ready
- a croque-monsieur
- a sandwich. That's all I know
- Cross examination
- a series of questions designed to call into question the opposition's case in chief
- computer rpg
- A cruet
- a condiment-container-holder
- perfect for holding tea
- Cryptonomicon
- that big book by Neal Stephenson about cryptography and who knows what else
- intertwined narratives from world war II and modern internet age
- mamster liked it, but he didn't like snow crash, so his opionions are known to be wack
- crystalspace (aka crystal space)
- where christalnacht takes place
- CS
- Comp Sci
- crystalspace
- Creative Services, where ivan works at us west
- an acronym for Computer-Switching Bastard
- an initialism, not an acronym
- Crosby, Stills and Bastid
- csipga
- csipgs
- Central Standard time
- Choose the Right
- Come To Think Of it
- Children's television Workshop
- Compulsive URL-Clicking Syndrome
- Curses
- not what you should say after nailing a nail through your toe. You should say something more like, "fuck!"
- cute
- liza. Awwk, suck-up! Suck-up
- the cutest
- liza. Awwk, suck-up! Suck-up
- the cutest chyk
- liza. Awwk, suck-up! Suck-up
- the cutest chyk here
- liza. Awwk, suck-up! Suck-up
- the cutest person here
- liza. Awwk, suck-up! Suck-up
- CV
- Curiculum Vitae. Or resume for short
- a pack of lies
- c-word
- an insult that starts with "c", ends in "t" and has "un" in the middle
- "Call waiting Strikes Again"
- something dglasser says
- looking at dglasser explains a bit more
- Cyclone
- the only one with a blank @doing
- the strong silent type
- just plain silent
- Cover Your Own ass
- D
- d
- the D word
- 'dragons'. bruce hates them in if games. and prolly IRL too
- grocible hates em as well
- daemon
- not related to devil
- made of soy
- Dan
- not as common a name as andrew
- inky
- dfan
- dan_wood
- frob
- dan_wood
- came to ifmud for his wackiness
- dan + wood = dOOd
- danish wakeboard sensation
- a hotdogging aquatic Scandinavian
- the Dark Crystal
- a great movie
- the dark side of the cork nut
- what will forever dominate your destiny
- Dark Tower
- a stupid Balances ripoff
- darts
- a game played in real pubs (tm) by real men (tm) as something to take the mind off the foul taste of the real beer (tm) that one drinks during a game of darts. also, this real beer (tm) is drunk in industrial quantities to take the mind off the tedium of a game of darts
- daveMUD
- back up and running. To get an account, go to port 4196, using your web browser. Then go to port 4096 using telnet or a mud client and login the same way you do here
- a nifty place. There's not a lot there, but most of the users have wizard bits. if you want one, just ask. no, seriously
- Daviau
- the man
- the daddy
- the mack daddy
- daylight savings time
- Eeeevil
- dc
- a unix-based calculator
- a rental car
- DAMNED CALL waiting
- the Data Display Debugger, an x front-end to gdb, jdb, dbx, xdb, and the perl and python debuggers
- at
- ddyte
- in australia
- an eater of vegemite
- can't stand noise
- ddyte likes a kiz
- can't stand excessive humidity
- Our Gentle Giant
- had the time of his life in the usa and will be back to stay next time, with any luck
- a crim
- the Drug Enforcement Agency. also, Doe's employers
- the Dead Milkmen
- a kick-ass punk band
- damn funny
- the deadline
- november 15
- deadMUD
- not dead at all! jerky
- The deal with the monkeys
- 'cos monkeys are really the Ill*bang*GURK
- Deathboat
- titanic
- Debugging
- what iain often does late at night, in bed, if that means anything
- defenestration
- the act of killing someone by throwing them out a window
- pulling down your pants and showing your ass out the window
- that's not quite right
- a very long, specific and commonly used word
- commonly used when talking about long and specific words, as this is the longest, most specific word most people know
- gunther thought it was something r00d, d00d
- Deictic
- a word that describes words or expressions whose reference relies entirely on context (e.g. I, now, here, this cat, cork nut)
- deixis
- the aspect of pragmatics in which deictic terms are used to refer
- DejaMonkey
- kick ass
- DejaNews (aka Deja News / Deja)
- crap! Use dejaweird instead
- DejaWeird (aka Deja Weird)
- WeirdBeard's Deja search engine, which defaults to 100 hits per page (as opposed to 25) and shows results as DejaClassic. it can be found at
- Dental surgery
- better than going to Disneyland
- descartes
- because he thinks
- Detective
- probably the finest game which mentions 'wooden wood' ever created
- the subject of an interactive misting by c.e. Forman
- Dethbote
- titanic
- devil
- after your Seoul
- One of the greatest tricks the devil ever pulled was persuading the world he didn't exist
- likes to dance in the pale moonlight
- Old Nick
- used to be woe, but no longer
- came down to Georgia, but that's illegal now
- in the details
- devo
- not men
- dfan
- gordy
- not gordy
- often confused with dman, who is annoying. >cough<
- reporter of aggressive perkiness
- dfan's disconnect
- from Norway
- De-barred For Your Protection
- see 'bar'
- Don't Give a Fzck
- 'doesn't get it'
- DGlasser (aka DG)
- not dglasser
- got mad ifmud skills, yo
- it's all his fault
- a diamond dog
- everybody's best friend
- Diamonds
- a girl's best friend
- Dianetics
- the chief text of Scientology
- turn to page 72 or I'll R2-45 your ass
- I prefer Corkanutics
- the difference
- color. no, shape! no, color! Arrrgh
- the difference between a duck
- half a duck
- one of its legs is both the same
- different
- color. no, shape! no, color! Aaaarrrggh!
- Digital (aka DEC)
- Dec
- bought by compaq
- digital Equipment Corporation
- Didn't Expect compaq
- digraph
- two letters used to represent a single sound
- Dilbon
- rat-proof, since he wears pants
- Finnish
- ed winchester
- frickin hilarious
- he makes maces
- from Finland
- he broke his boot
- he's not
- he burned his finger
- dinner
- the time of day for eating corknuts
- dinosaurs
- or were huge reptilian beasts who ruled earth long before humankind. They all became extinct years ago, but that hasn't stopped them from starring in all sorts of movies, comic books, and TV shows
- Direct examination
- a series of questions designed to elaborate the case in chief of the side that called the witness
- disco
- dead
- Discourse
- liguistic units composed of several sentences
- the course you signed up for
- A discriminatory parrot
- funny
- Do it Yourself
- DK
- That's funny
- dman
- 13
- really lazy and should work on his game
- getting better about working on his game
- crap
- scum
- @gagged
- 'u know what gunhter ur a fucking bitch'
- needs a cock in his room
- a clone of lucfrench. no, he *is* lucfrench
- Dman, Kid Rock
- a loser
- Dman thinks alex
- cool
- dman's cat
- named simba
- dead
- crushed by the top of the garage door
- dman's game
- tentativley set for a 2009 release
- a game without a name
- Domain Name System
- Do Not Answer
- dodgy
- like, a bit shifty, y'know? a bit funny, a bit queer, a bit this-and-that, yeah
- Doe
- the disco Deer
- a dog
- man's best friend
- Don Ameche
- a funny guy
- he invented the telephone
- Donnie Moore
- the pitcher who gave up the homerun that let the Red Sox beat the Angels for the 1986 pennant
- he was so depressed that later he committed suicide
- wait, that wasn't funny
- doofi
- the plural of doofus
- Doom
- Whizzard's maze of doom
- Doom 2
- Jota's maze of doom ii
- Doom II
- Jota's maze of doom ii
- DorianX (aka DX)
- not (despite popular belief) dorianx
- not a corn nut
- not a cork nut
- at least I have a purpose
- an international spy with the code name 'Q425552.'
- a mac-hater, the bastard
- the new dos glk porter
- has big fingers
- dorianxcam (aka dxcam)
- Day of the Tentacle
- Douglas Adams (aka DNA)
- the author of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio series, books, and computer game
- the BBC television series
- the author of Infocom's Bureacracy
- constantly misquoted by fanboys everywhere in an attempt to look sophisticatedly hep
- god
- dowry
- a minimum of 40 cork nuts
- at least two dozen banerries
- (at current rates of exchange)
- two packs of camels if they are unfiltered
- the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
- Awwk! Want dog brain paste
- Dragonlance
- a series of awful, awful novels, based on a series of AD&d scenarios which were actually quite good. They had really nice maps, at least
- Dat Son o' a Bitch
- digital Signal Line
- digital Subscriber Line
- most likely digital Subscriber Line
- the standard American medical textbook for hypochondriacs interested in mental illnesses
- Dark Side Of the moon
- Dark Side Of the moon
- duchess (aka Fahmida)
- a mythical creature who fixes computers at Barnard
- pretty darn cute, dontcha know
- likes to trim her description
- her description is really, really long
- Brendan's @desc is longer
- Dumont
- a wild P.a.R.t.I., man! also,
- The dungeon master
- in the great underground empire
- DW
- Discworld
- a series of books written by Terry Pratchett. Aka 'Pterry'
- Do what I Do, or Do what I Did
- Do what I Mean
- Do what You Want
- Did You Know
- dyk that dyk is Did You Know
- Dylar
- a drug in the book White Noise by Don DeLillo, one of whose side effects is that the user believes that things he or she is told about are actually happening
- dynmem
- katre's dynamic memory allocation library for inform, under the z-machine and glulx
- dyters
- ddyte
- E
- Extasy, aka MDMA
- condensed 70s
- that guy from the Eels
- the letter by which this episode of Sesame street has been brought to you
- not e
- e is
- e&s
- earth & sky
- a radio show that nudemarket does the website for
- go there and send in funny viewer feedback under a fake name
- each
- a quantifier
- Employment Authorisation Document, which is necessary for non-US citizens to work in the usa
- whad I wanna do do dis corg nud
- Earendil
- his website is located at
- cool
- earth
- mostly harmless
- earthworm
- not as tasty as a cork nut
- ebay
- a way to auction off your dryer lint
- it's at
- Extended Binary code Decimal Interchange code
- Ebert
- Roger ebert, the Chicago Sun-Times movie critic. He's got a website at that gets updated on Fridays
- the website was recently redesigned and is now ugly and abominably slow. Alert the web-assassins
- nevertheless, I give the redesign three stars
- Extended Backus-Naur Form
- a standardised way of laying down parsing rules
- ebony
- ivory
- Eccentrica Gallumbits
- the Triple-Breasted whore of Eroticon 6
- Echo
- neild's isp, though not for much longer
- run by a madwoman named Stacy
- An ectomorph
- not something found in Ghostbusters
- Edgar Allan Pooh
- a weird combination of Winnie the Pooh and Edgar Allan Poe stories
- at
- Editing Room (aka ER)
- funny
- at
- eeeagh
- funny
- what you say when you see an iron bird
- eeeagh! iron bird!
- what Abe Lincoln would say, were he around today
- Eeeagh really
- funny and necessary at times
- effendis
- the little lines on the bottom of a serif f
- the egg
- my dad
- the eggman
- I
- Eggs Austad
- an allegory for 'exhausted'
- eGroups
-, a free e-mailing list service -- if you don't mind ads for egroups
- eh
- what andyf and grocible say at the end of every sentence
- Eileen
- the editor of xyzzynews
- a dessert cruise
- El Pavo Real
- a royal turkey
- eldritch stuff
- oblong
- the elf
- Groc's car. also known as the Grocmobile
- the elf bunny
- Eli
- eli Lieberman, Adam's one-time ra who was recently on love Connection
- elipses
- really spelled ellipses
- Elisha
- elisha cuthbert
- the holy man in the Old Testament whose detractors were eaten by bears
- Elisha Cuthbert
- one of the hosts of Popular Mechanics for Kids. She's from Calgary. also,
- ellipses
- like circles, but moreso
- ellison
- a silly
- gullible to mud rumors
- sly like tha family stone
- elvis
- the king
- a hunka-hunka burnin love
- lonesome tonight
- not really dead
- last seen pumping gas at a 7-11 in Wichita
- looks pretty hot in that white leather jumpsuit
- emacs
- Escape Meta Alt Control Shift
- Eight Megs and Constantly Swapping
- available for NT at
- the One True Editor
- Emery
- a dark, impure, coarse variety of corundum used for grinding, polishing, etc
- a board
- Emily
- a poet, yet she isn't sentient enough to know it
- Excessive Multi-Posting to Usenet
- a figment of Psmith's imagination
- a bloody pain
- Ender
- Joe Mason
- the English way
- hanging on in quiet desperation
- Enough
- enough
- too damned much
- Entails
- how a linguist says 'implies'
- Enterprise
- The entire MUD
- angsty
- one of the 16 classifications of the mbti
- Sargent's type, sometimes
- Entomorph
- an AD&d game for the pc
- Enya
- deadly with a lariat
- someone who's put out the same song many times on different albums
- Eponym
- a word taken from a proper name, like 'john' for 'toilet'
- Earned Run Average
- Erasmatron
- Orgasmatron
- written by chris "I AM the god OF YOU" Crawford
- eeeagh! Nazi Granny
- eris
- 'sire' spelled backwards
- errors
- a bummer, dude
- Eat Shit and Die
- esb
- Empire Strikes Back
- English as a Second Language
- esophagus
- spelt oesophagus
- scared of Jarb's speed
- Esrom
- a fan of if and has been since at least 1983
- the twelve most-used letters when writin' words in that thar English language, listed in order of frequency
- the phrase typesetters used on Linotype machines to denote "end of page"
- etc
- et cetera
- the etc. device
- the etc. device
- quite etc
- extended three letter acronym
- Estimated time to Misty
- Etymology
- the history of words; or the study of
- End User License Agreement
- nobody reads them
- euphelcia
- healthiness resulting from having all one's wishes granted
- Everquest
- at
- every
- a quantifier
- Everybody
- freaking insane. Got that, birdy
- got two turntables and a microphone
- everyone
- laughing it up on #adam-sux again
- out to get you
- a capitalist pig
- Everything Alex says
- funny
- evin
- "um, seven?" is what I said before I learned this, and that rhymes
- evolution
- the process through which all you ifMUDders lost your monkey tails
- examination
- ambiguous. Please specify direct, cross, or redirect examination
- excuse thumper
- there's no excuse
- exploding whale
- at
- Explorer
- web browser
- even though I am a God-fearing, Microsoft-hating birdie, the best browser on the Mac
- F2F
- Face-to-Face
- Fabio
- regretting ever having crossed my kind
- Fake Abbreviation boingball Made up
- Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting
- falling over (aka falls over / fall over)
- when something is so funny that you, um, fall over
- the faq
- at
- don't forget to read 'help beginner'
- an unofficial faq is at
- good
- fascism
- automastication of your hindquarters
- Faux
- like pho, but lower in calories
- fawk
- awwwk
- The FBI
- the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- Fucking Crappy Browser
- First Come First Served
- the Food & Drug Administration
- Fear
- the little death
- the mind-killer
- the highest form of bravery
- Federal Rule of Evidence 104(a)
- a rule stating that preliminary questions concerning the qualification of a person to be a witness, the existence of a privilege, or the admissibility of evidence shall be determined by the court, subject to the provisions of subdivision (b). In making its determination it is not bound by the rules of evidence except those with respect to privileges
- Federal Rule of Evidence 401
- a rule providing that relevant evidence is anything with any tendency to make the existence of a fact of consequence to the determination of the action more or less probable
- Federal Rule of Evidence 402
- a rule stating that all relevant evidence is admissible, except as otherwise provided by the constitution or federal law
- a rule providing that relevant evidence is anything tending to make the existence of any fact of consequence to the determination of the action more or less probable
- a rule providing that all relevant evidence is admissible, except as otherwise provided by the constitution or federal law
- Federal Rule of Evidence 403
- a rule requiring that the probative value of any piece of evidence must outweigh its potential for unfair prejudice or waste of time
- Federal Rule of Evidence 404
- File not Found
- Federal Rule of Evidence 404(a)
- a rule prohibiting character evidence for purposes of proving action in conformity therewith, unless it's evidence of a pertinent trait of character offered by an accused in a criminal prosecution, whether of the accused or of a victim, or evidence of the character trait of peacefulness in a victim, offered by the prosecution to rebut evidence that the victim was the first aggressor
- Federal Rule of Evidence 404(b)
- a rule permitting the introduction of specific acts as character evidence, but not to prove actions in conformity with character
- Federal Rule of Evidence 406
- a rule stating that evidence of the habit of a person or of the routine practice of an organization, whether corroborated or not and regardless of the presence of eyewitnesses, is relevant to prove that the conduct of the person or organization on a particular occasion was in conformity with the habit or routine practice
- Federal Rule of Evidence 407
- a rule stating that when, after an event, measures are taken which, if taken previously, would have made the event less likely to occur, evidence of subsequent measures is not admissible to prove negligence or culpable conduct in connection with the event. this rule does not require the exclusion of evidence of subsequent measures when offered for another purpose, such as proving ownership, control, or feasibility of precautionary measures, if controverted, or impeachment
- Federal Rule of Evidence 408
- a rule stating that evidence of (1) furnishing or offering or promising to furnish, or (2) accepting or offering or promising to accept, a valuable consideration in compromising or attempting to compromise a claim which was disputed as to either validity or amount, is not admissible to prove liability for or invalidity of the claim or its amount. Evidence of conduct or statements made in compromise negotiations is likewise not admissible. this rule does not require the exclusion or any evidence otherwise discoverable merely because it is presented in the course of settlement negotiations. this rule also does not require exclusion when the evidence is offered for another purpose, such as proving bias or prejudice of a witness, negativing a contention of undue delay, or proving an effort to obstruct a criminal investigation or prosecution
- Federal Rule of Evidence 409
- a rule stating that evidence of furnishing or offering or promising to pay medical, hospital, or similar expenses occasioned by an injury is not admissible to prove liability for the injury
- Federal Rule of Evidence 411
- a rule stating that evidence that a person was or was not insured is not admissible upon the issue whether the person acted negligently or otherwise wrongfully. this rule does not require the exclusion of evidence of insurance against liability when offered for another purpose, such as proof of agency, ownership, or control, or bias or prejudice of a witness
- Federal Rule of Evidence 608(b)
- a rule governing the admission of prior noncriminal acts for impeachment purposes
- Federal Rule of Evidence TR-909
- Felicity
- some show about a Vulcan chyk
- fetch rec.*.int-fiction posts written by Adam Thorton containing 'it
- yor frend'
- fetching
- attractive
- the Foundation For Filling In the Grand Canyon
- For Future Reference
- Field of Schemes (aka FoS)
- a book by neild
- neild's friend Joanna helped
- Fiennes
- a hottie, whichever brother it might be
- First In First Out
- figs
- a fruit containing many a crunchy wasp carcass
- fin-de-millenaire (aka more pretentious than a fin-du-siecle)
- more pretentious than a fin-du-siecle
- fin-du-siecle
- the turn of the century. See fin-de-millenaire
- finger
- a mud command. see help finger
- fingle
- fangle
- Fink-Nottle
- Gussie
- spatch
- Fiona
- Adam's editor at HarperCollins
- a different fiona is ddyte's Aussie pal
- Firbies
- something that scares rory
- apparently something only rory can see, as the only thing I've seen that are even remotely similar are Furbies
- the first symptom of a psychological problem
- denial
- Five o'clock
- the hour of the hyena
- five plus two
- eight
- Fjord
- the company that bought out Saab
- The fjords
- something I miss very much *sigh*
- Slartibartfast's best work
- Norway's crinkly coastlines
- Frontline Assembly
- flan
- funny
- has nothing to do with happy fun ball
- flash
- he'll save every one of us
- a vector graphic animation tool/format that is rapidly becoming an accepted web standard
- gonna save every one of us
- king of the impossible
- does not involve trenchcoats and street corners
- what do you mean, flash Gordon approaching
- andyf thinks this entry is getting excessive
- getting excessive and that's a bad thing
- A flashlight
- a case for holding dead batteries
- Floo
- a stack-based zarfian language that uses glk for I/O
- floyd
- yor frend
- your plastic pal that's fun to be with
- in the toyshop, which can be reached by 'toyshop'
- a bot
- a well-known if NPC who first appeared in steve Meretzky's Planetfall
- very buggy these days
- busted
- a hurricane
- not somebody who scares rory
- flump
- something that inky says on occasion
- flw
- funny Little Window
- Flying Scooters
- little boats that spin around on cables. You can control how high the boat goes with a giant rudder-like sail. See for a nice picture but no cork nuts
- Spatch's flying scooter style is best
- fuck Me Harder
- Family Medical Leave Act
- Full Motion Video
- For no Apperent Reason
- fnark
- [f'na:rk] - onomatopoeia describing the sound of a laugh piped through the nose. not to be confused with the snort, which may be similiar in sound but not intent
- fnarkle
- the bastard offspring of the fnark and the giggle
- fnord
- classified
- fsck off and die
- fsck Off and Die, You Pathetic Mathematician
- Friend Of a Friend
- Future once and future
- Fell Off Chair Laughing
- Fell Off Chair Laughing and Buggered Calf on the Way Down
- foobar
- a way to wake lonewolf for a game of werewolf
- Foobler
- Michael Berlyn
- a crazy Mofo Inc ex-employee
- did you know that Dr. Dumont's Wild P.a.R.t.I. is on sale now? no? Hey, maybe foobler should post about that a few more times
- football
- soccer
- the greatest sport in the world
- not soccer
- for-fee
- not the same as for-free. also, for-fee-fo-fum, I smell the blood of a cork nut
- forger Rory
- in torerable
- fortunecity
- like geocities, only less annoying
- at
- Fountains of Wayne
- a catchy pop band, named after a lawn furniture store in Wayne, NJ
- Four in One (aka 4 in 1)
- jrw's Comp98 game
- marx Brothers
- sixteenth place (out of 27)
- won the author a super-8 projector and many funny (ha ha ha) film reels
- Fountains of Wayne
- First Person Shooter
- a First Person Shooter
- the Fragile
- a bad name for a pro sports team
- France
- evil
- fromage de la parapluie
- Fred
- a bot that Ryan's trying to write in VBScript
- FreeBSD
- I Can't Believe It's not linux
- a free descendant of BSD unix; see
- Freedom
- slavery
- the slave escapes from bondage only to find a stronger set of chains
- french
- the language Fudge taught Uncle Feather
- bonjour, stupid
- Friday
- the day after thursday
- the day before saturday
- 'fro (aka Afro)
- a common abreviation for Afro, that big ugly seventies ball o' hair
- mamster likes an Afro
- an abbreviation for infrolapsarian, a 1970s Christian revivalist movement
- froky
- Frokerton Blinky the squirrel
- frolf
- frisbee golf
- fromage
- cheese
- frood
- really amazingly cool guy
- Fantasy Role-playing
- a fruit
- a tasty snack
- fsck
- 'file system check'
- a geek-ism for 'fuck'
- geeks do more fscking than fucking
- good. it is important to fsck regularly. fscking is a fun and healthy activity, provided that it's with a server you truly love, and not one you're just using for its inodes
- funny
- "for sufficient value of"
- seven > eight, fsvo seven
- f'tang
- um, ask rob
- Frivolous three Letter Abbreviation
- File Transfer Protocol
- Feathered up Beyond All Recognition
- the Failed UniBus Address Register in a VAX
- fuck
- the most expressive word in the English language, and then some, for fuck's sake
- fuck off
- something most of us never seem to get
- offensive, unless spelled out of order or with wildcards
- a word that can be used over 20 different ways
- a command line app
- not the unix command to check a filesystem for errors
- fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
- Bugs Buny's enemy
- fun
- funny
- monkey
- not dilbon
- in your parse
- words with a 'k' are funny
- furthermore (aka reverse-lookup)
- a reverse-lookup
- what gmd does on your dns
- fuscia
- lavender
- A futon
- a crate-like wooden platform raised about 6 inches above the floor with a varying width all cotton mattress on top
- that which has L-U-C-K-Y written all over it
- Futurama
- not like life in hell
- fuck WEB CLIENT! Just in a nicer form
- For what It's Worth
- fuck You For Now
- For Your Information
- g2g
- hot girl-girl action
- I got to go see hot girl-girl action
- g3g
- hot girl-girl action with an extra girl to run the camcorder
- Gabe Kaplan
- a popular Canadian porn star
- a gaffer
- the chief electrician on the lighting crew of a movie and works under the DP (director of photography)
- chief lighting technician for a production who is in charge of the electrical department
- Gallagher
- a guy who smashes watermellons with sledgehammers
- GAN10
- graham nelson
- Ganvira
- not Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
- a crazy woman from california with a passion for opera, classical music, (and others), and ceramics. also loves the internet
- gapping
- the syntactic process of deletion in which subsequent occurences of a verb are omitted in similar contexts
- GarrisonKeillor
- on saturday evenings on National Public Radio and Minnesota Public Radio
- Gary Coleman
- funny
- a pugilist
- I'm gonna get you, sucka
- whatchoo talkin' about, inky
- Gratuitous acronym Services
- Gratuitous alex Use
- Gaylord
- a WFMU DJ who used to work with Peet
- GD
- a graphics library for c and perl developed by Thomas Boutell (who also wrote the original incarnation of the MUD)
- gene siskel
- a stiff
- Gentry
- a sucky d00d who doesn't like oaf
- Geocities
- the Web provider from hell
- it's more annoying than hell could ever be
- pronounced to rhyme with 'atrocities'
- George Stephanopolous
- a dirty cheeky monkey
- he doesn't look where he is going
- the guy who wrote the book thingy
- not Snufalupagus
- German music scene
- sucks ass
- Geschwindigkeitsueberschreitungsstrafmandat
- not my idea of a good time
- gFrotz
- katre's port of frotz to gtk
- pretty much dead
- Getting Gay With Kids
- a south park reference
- ghira
- a maths Nazi
- uses an amiga
- English
- Ghogg
- that which ghogg is
- hallo
- G.I. Joe says, "Shopping
- fun."
- Garbage In Garbage Out
- the gnu Image Manipulation Program
- a lot like Adobe Photoshop, and good for a lot of the same things, but it's free
- A girl wearing pants
- GK2
- Gabriel Knight 2
- subtitled "the Beast Within"
- Glk
- an attempt to write platform-independent user interface libraries for writing if interpreters
- see #glk-sux
- the basic idea is that instead of porting each language to each type of computer system, one ports each language to glk, and ports glk to each system. that way, fewer ports need to be written
- pretty
- Boy George. and now,, I will sing Karma Chameleon
- glock
- to swallow in huge gulps
- gloop
- a cartoon, I think
- Glottis
- the opening between the vocal cords
- the big orange demon guy from grim fandango who likes to drive around and watch the cat races
- glulx
- hard to pronounce
- Andy P's Specification of Luv
- a large-mouthed demon who delights in devouring young lovers whole
- try drinking a glass of water
- glulxa
- a bot
- gmae
- good morning / afternoon / Evening, a good all-purpose expression of greeting for those in the wrong time zone
- where the if-archive is located --, to be specific
- a mirror is at
- is broken, but works
- Great Minds Think Alike
- the Greenfield/Montague Transit Authority, whose sole business is running a bus from Greenfield to Amherst twice a day
- that long thing you just said
- Gnocchi
- like Rome
- mmm, potatoes
- good Night psmith
- gOt no PrOzaC
- GNU's not unix
- GNU's not Unix's not unix
- Go (aka weiqi / baduk)
- like chess, only Japanese and cooler
- a game of market share if chess is a game of war
- a movie like Pulp Fiction, only with sarah and katie, and cooler
- dfan recommends as a friendly go server
- Go straight to Fawklen
- maze
- Gobsmacked
- the early favorite for Best musical I-F Game of 1999
- God
- liza
- thumper
- good
- not andrew Pontious
- the only one with rights
- the only one who can make a tree
- my co-pilot
- an iron
- markm
- He was my copilot a while back, but then we got lost in Sri Lanka. That's the last time I take him along, I tell you whut
- brendan and an armslength forward. no, really
- monkey
- pants, which is steve. man, things get more confusing every day
- Godel
- Kurt godel
- the man who came up with the incompleteness theorem
- I have no idea if he ever finished it
- really spelled Gödel (and that's an o-diaresis you're seeing there)
- a gas Orifice Flowrate calculation program
- a reference to any of the guest Observer Facilities at NASA
- the Graduate Opportunity Fellowships that the University of california system offers minorities
- an MG enthusiasts' car meet
- a small education and research-oriented gun rights lobbying organization
- a religion based upon the historical significance of gyrations
- a Chesapeake, VA fund used to entice developers into the area
- a Game object Format
- a "group of frames" in video compression
- the Gulf of Finland
- going on
- all sorts of stuff
- figs
- a golden master
- the master disc software companies use to make all the copies that people buy. When the golden master's ready, it's about to be released
- goo goo
- ga ga
- Goob
- a mysterious lurking presence in the dark places of the earth
- one of the maintainers
- like zarf, only less sociable
- goober peas
- peanuts
- grape flavoured peas
- good
- not bad
- better then okay
- Good boy. Here
- a corknut
- a good joke
- the one about the bricklayer, the rabbi and the sanskrit tablet. But I forget the punchline
- a good name for a band (aka virgins of death / a good band name / agnfab)
- Atomically-Powered Genetically-Altered Cybernetic Battle-Monkeys
- Radioactive Mutant Whores
- Virgins of Death
- Piercing Coworkers
- TimeSuck
- Confronted by Gerbils
- Strawberry Toejam
- Streep Vehicle
- Hummyr or the inky
- Jordy the Singing baby
- Discord
- the Garbage Bears
- Pop Machine Fatalities
- Kayak Heaters
- tomato sharks
- the Flaming Toilets
- Shrinking Burrito
- James Collision
- Rubber Soul
- Macs For Dummies
- 404 not Found
- Freshly Baked Buttermilk Muffin
- K-Y
- Rhinoceros Rat Derby
- floyd Damage
- Photopia
- Indigenoise People
- a good name for a band is a good name for a band
- a good name for a cow
- Fang
- a good way to get @toaded
- sneaky @tellroom devices
- standing in a rain of frogs
- the Goodies
- a British comedy program from the 70s. Bill, Graeme and Tim had all sorts of wacky adventures, died any number of times, existed in all sorts of eras, and were generally hilarious
- their homage to Gunfight at the OK Corral, with tomato sauce squirters instead of guns, is one of the funniest things ever
- they went to Cambridge University with the monty python guys and appeared in the same Footlights Revues
- Goodnight
- goodbye
- Google
- a good search engine at which tends to return more relevant results than other engines
- it caches web pages so that you can have a look at long-dead or broken sites, which is just beyond cool
- it has no goddamn advertising or portal crap
- a googly
- something to do with cricket
- known as wrong uns or Bosies (after their inventor, RJT Bosanquet)
- the Goons
- Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers, and Harry Secombe. Michael Bentine was a Goon briefly, but he doesn't count. Wallace Greenslade was the announcer. Their radio show in the 1950s is now regarded as some of the most influential comedy of its time. monty python owes a lot to the goons' style of humor, as well as the goodies and even douglas adams. I liked Eccles the best
- Gordy
- some guy. um... I think he's on ifmud, but don't quote me on that
- cautiously optimistic about all the projects he isn't working on
- gordy and lonewolf
- our exit doors
- General Protection Fault
- a byproduct of windows
- annoying
- quit muscling in on my turf, spatch
- Genuine People Personalities
- Global Prune Positioning System
- Global Positioning System
- graham nelson
- the author of inform
- he OWES us
- god
- Grammaticality
- conformation to the rules of syntax
- gray
- a misspelling of 'grey'
- A great idea
- to stick a metal pin into the electrical outlet
- The Great Underground Empire
- ruled by Lord Flathead
- The Green Bay Packers
- the greatest football team of all time
- Lonewolf's god
- the Green Cat
- a vegetarian restaurant in Seattle
- adam likes a smoothie
- I'm the smoothest bird around
- green monster
- the big green left field wall at Fenway Park
- grep
- Global Regular Expression Print
- grey
- a dark and dreary colour
- a misspelling of 'gray'
- grf
- inky-code for 'got really frustrated'
- Grim Fandango
- a game by LucasArts, programmed by Bret Mogilefsky (mogul on ifmud.)
- a grip
- in charge of hauling equipment around on a movie set and may be involved with setting up rigging, baffles, tripods, stands, lighting gels/diffusion, and wobbling things to get shadow effects
- grisp
- borb
- GrittyToes
- sandyfeet
- grn
- a sound zarf makes from time to time
- Groc
- short for grocible
- Grocible
- building a table for ddyte to sleep on. I mean, on which for ddyte to sleep. um, to sleep... awwwk! cork nut
- from a grocible store
- hot, hot, hot
- skeptical
- a fibber
- the groin
- the place where the leg joins the pelvis
- groink
- kidding
- Groupies
- adam Cadre fanatics, at least seven but no more than twenty-seven
- female
- teenaged
- a grue
- a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places of the earth. its favourite diet is adventurers, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its fear of light. no grue has ever been seen by the light of day, and few have survived its fearsome jaws to tell the tale
- living in Brendan's pocket
- Goods and Services Tax
- why those zany Canadians have to pay so much for everything
- gtk
- the gimp Tool Kit, a widget set for x windows that looks pretty spiffy, is fairly easy to work with, and can produce code for windows 9x
- the great underground empire
- Guest (aka Guest1)
- your mom
- a wizard
- an idiot who stumbles into the lounge, says boucher twice, and goes west
- Graphical User Interface
- guilty
- alex! me! the parrot! awwwk
- gunther
- a silly person
- an austrian
- the other person who cares about blorb
- obviously alex's lurver
- someone who has been on the Web too long, because he gets confused between URLs and tits
- gunther thinks 'URL'
- pronounded 'tit'
- Get well Soon
- ha
- a laugh
- ha ha
- a laugh
- ha ha ha
- a laugh
- HairBrain
- a crazy Norwegian
- was the first person to greet brendan
- hairy
- a lot of hair
- hako
- a magic word in Ray Dunikin games
- ibm one over
- halloween documents
- leaked internal MS memos about linux and open source
- hampsters
- the totally wrong spelling for hamsters, you idiot
- hamsters
- fun, dancing animals. http ://www .hampsterdance. com
- HamsterWorld
- an epic game that groc has been working on for something like 7 years
- Have a Nice Day
- Horses are Nicer than Donkeys
- a sinister conspiracy
- hanging on in quiet desperation
- the english way
- Happiness
- Mandatory
- a warm gun
- a warm puppy
- Happy Fun Ball
- highly dangerous unless properly handled
- do not taunt happy fun ball
- has nothing to do with flan
- Harry Potter
- a best selling book about a twelve year old wizard
- hash
- good eatin' in brownie form
- hashtable
- an alpaca
- Hit By Pitch
- hcf
- Halt, Catch Fire
- a handy-dandy opcode
- hard core nutball
- Hearsay
- any out-of-court statement offered for the truth of the matter asserted
- Heaven
- someone who doesn't come to ifmud much anymore
- hedgehog
- smelly
- a brownie
- hedgehogs
- not smelly
- hedgehogs rule
- Hell
- a really hot place of eternal damnation
- Tartarus
- the Fiery Pit
- game 6 of the 1986 world Series
- for children
- hello
- bad monkey
- a greeting
- a word that begins with H
- Henry Jenkins
- an author and professor who studies trends in popular culture, especially science fiction. He testified before Congress after the Littleton shootings about how goths aren't gun-toting Nazis and other cool stuff
- a beatnik
- here
- not a cork nut
- neild's zine for which spatch should finish his articles
- your cork nut
- has a website, more or less, at
- looking at you
- hew
- like chop
- Hexes
- what witches cast on dman
- Hey there <insert my nick here so this works, ok?>, ddyte's name
- ddyte and I'll be your Aussie for tonight. Try vegemite for a good time
- hot girl-on-girl action
- hhelf
- someone has never been seen before
- rare around here
- an acronym that you can live your live without ever knowing
- hi
- you cute
- a form of greeting shortened from the word 'hello' by stupid americans
- Have I been trolled
- a stupid name
- His Infernal Majesty
- a pronoun, dammit
- Hinky Pinky (aka HP)
- a two-word rhyming phrase
- Hewlett Packard
- Hinky-Pinky
- Hitchcock
- the director of the film 'the Birds'
- Hitler
- not yor frend
- in hell
- Hjalfi
- just this guy, you know
- a hmm
- a thing
- a health plan that seems to work for someone else
- the House of Erotic Massage
- liza's web site which was deleted when retina was hacked
- Hole
- deep
- home
- where the beer is
- where the birdseed is
- where you hang your cat
- Homework
- the diametrical opposite of taking a bath at school
- hooky
- oooky
- okay
- hoopy
- really cool guy
- hot, hot, hot
- something dirty that you shouldn't say
- hot boy-boy action
- something that, mysteriously, never gets talked about much on the MUD
- hot girl-girl action
- one of the few things that makes life worth living
- Hotmail
- a service to use to share your messages with the entire world
- a hottie
- an attractive person of the appropriate sex and species
- how do Alex feel
- like dancing
- 'how do Alex feel?'
- abso-corking-tastic
- how many parrots
- there is every parrot is a poll
- Howard Beale
- the first man to ever die because of low ratings
- I'M mad AS hell, and I'M not GONNA TAKE it ANYMORE! so give me a corknut to calm me down
- HR
- home Run
- Human Resources
- hrm
- a poorly articulated grunt. Try speaking English
- Hardly Riveting stuff
- Hill street Blues
- Hope this Helps
- HyperText Markup Language
- HyperText Transfer Protocol
- hugo
- at
- if you're looking for the best language in which to program if, hugo is it
- now found at the spiffy new
- the number one programming language. All others are number two or lower
- huh
- something that markm says when he's lamenting the fact that alex is never triggered accidentally by him
- huh-uh
- negative
- Hum
- an Illinois band
- good
- hungarian dances
- some big in-joke
- Hurricane Alex (aka hurricane)
- coming your way! Board up your windows and break out the emergency rations of cork nuts
- Hushmail
- where rob works now, doing html
- hwo
- no, no, no. It's 'who', ya doink
- Height-Weight Proportionate
- not a fattie
- hyperplex
- the opposite of calm-plex
- hypertads
- tads after a lot of sugar
- hypertime
- the answer to everything
- hysterical raisins
- a goofy way of spelling 'historical reasons'
- iforget if Alex
- so smart, give me an alternate site to download pueblo :(
- I-0
- not I-O
- an if game by adam Cadre subtitled 'Jailbait on the Insterstate'
- I mean Interstate, not Insterstate
- not mamsterstate either
- It's All a Rich Tapestry
- Iain
- a silly flooper
- a filly slooper
- a bad punster
- the god of lag
- I'm not wearing any pants
- twitchy
- no longer the god of lag, at least until the undergrads get back
- he can't let a typo rest in pieces. Erm, peace
- he obviously has some sort of obsession about tits. Or an obsession about gunther
- or about Gunther's tits
- a dark and stormy knight
- often confused with Lain, if you catch my drift
- likes a good punting
- bitter and stuff
- that white piece woman person
- a lowbrow philistine pleb-type person
- Scottish. and tall
- I Am not a Lawyer
- IB
- International Baccalaureate
- 'I'll Be Back To Pick You up Later. Convoy!'
- the Italian Branch of the Mafia
- the Invisible Beam O' Death
- iBra
- the International Bee Research Association, and not a line of naughty iMac-coloured underwear as some Japanese lingerie manufacturer would have you believe
- a Christian radio organisation supported by Pentecostal churches in Scandinavia. Which is about as far from naughty underwear as you could imagine -- or maybe not, knowing those wacky Scandinavians
- Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for australia. I don't even understand that one, but it also sounds non-underwear-related -- or maybe not, knowing those wacky Australians
- iCab
- a web browser for Macs that rocks my world. It's like using internet explorer except it's smaller and doesn't make you feel guilty
- at, but somebody forgot to pay a bill or something
- ice weasels
- a sure sign of love
- intelligent credulity quotients
- iCrash
- icrash!--it's in spanish, see. the i is an upside-down exclamation mark
- iCrash!
- crash! in spanish
- -- never mind
- ID
- is Dirty
- a chemical suffix relating to how much extra oxygen something has
- I Don't Give a Fzck
- I Don't Get it
- I Don't Get it, which is rarely heard on this MUD because -somebody- always Gets it
- I Doubt it
- according to earendil, it's used on Nannymud as short for 'idiot'
- idiolect
- an individual's way of speaking, reflecting that person's grammar
- an idiot
- you
- idleMUD
- not idle at all! jerky
- I Do Too
- IF
- interactive fiction
- monkey
- Ian Finley
- the IF archive
- at
- at
- The IF Library (aka iflib / iflibrary)
- a web site at http://www.IFLibrary.Org that contains a database of Authors, Games, Reviews, and more. Authors are encouraged to maintain their profiles, add games and reviews. Authors will also be able to sign up for a free e-mail address (authorsname@IFLibrary.Org). also, I will selectively allow prefixes to the domain. the IFLib is maintained by jarb (David Cornelson)
- still under construction
- if-a-minute
- IFComp1999.exe
- a windows self-installing package which includes the games, resources, and all necessary interpreters
- Interchangable File Format
- ifMUD
- a MUD Forever Voyaging
- the most ruthless bunch of betatesters
- written in perl
- being overrun by cork-nuts and werewolves
- so fawkin' weird
- the only place where you can tell your troubles, and people will make monkey jokes
- ifmud is a production of the Children's television Workshop
- where everybody knows your rname
- where brendan laughs
- rhymes with ham
- in traevoli's dictionary
- the ifmud oracle
- gone, but it was fun while it lasted
- IFMUD T-shirts
- cool! Get 'em right here
- ifmud Meets the Real world
- I Forgot You Don't Like Acronyms
- iggy
- icky
- boby boby boby
- ignorance
- strength
- Igor
- your hunchback pal who's fun to be with
- page igor = <dejanews article number>
- a bot
- I can't remember who he is, but his face sure rings a bell
- a dead ringer for the last guy who was here
- the internet go Server
- I Got Your joke Right here
- Index of Hydrogen Deficiency
- 'I have no joke here'
- I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream
- gunther is too lazy to type it in full
- if I Recall Correctly
- In irc
- iirp
- It's In Revelations, People
- to decent, hard-working Web service as Bertie Wooster is to common sense
- internet Information Server
- something better off not run. Use Apache for your webserving needs, young Jedi
- okay and not as bad as all of the previously written crap
- Insert joke here
- I Just Like monkeys
- I Just Like Saying
- inky Just Loves schep
- I Just Like To Say
- I just wanted to say (or I just want to say)
- a furniture store
- where Petra gets her furniture
- ikny
- not inky
- inky knows new York
- ikny knows new York
- Irving Karan new York
- I Kid You not
- iLAM
- I like a monkey
- ilya
- stupid
- iMac
- Babes diggit
- it's not your grandfather's macintosh
- In My Extremely Humble Opinion
- In My Humble Opinion
- In My not so Humble Opinion
- In My Opinion
- In My Opinion, Which Happens To Be Correct
- an imp
- a small, green, vaguely supernatural creature that lives inside your computer and writes if while you're not looking
- An improv point
- an award boucher gives people who have clever answers for his stupid questions
- In effect $-n$
- stored as $65536-n$ and so the top bit is the sign bit
- In The End
- Joe Mason's grim entry in the 1996 if competition
- in heaven there
- no beer. That's why we drink it here
- In particular, since comparison
- signed, it is unsafe to compare two addresses using simply jl and jg
- In the Z-machine, numbers
- usually stored in 2 bytes (in the form most-significant-byte first, then least-significant) and hold any value in the range $0000 to $ffff (0 to 65535 decimal)
- incompetent pie boy
- one of katre's favorite songs
- by sadie hawkins
- Indiana
- a man who's planning on going to university
- likes Dr Pepper
- from the uk. Watford, to be precise
- Infocom
- just a psuedonym for Mofo, Inc
- a now-legendary games company, active from 1979 to 1989, that commercialized the MDL parser technology used for zork to produce a line of text adventure games that remain favorites among hackers. Infocom's games were intelligent, funny, witty, erudite, irreverent, challenging, satirical, and most thoroughly hackish in spirit. the physical game packages from infocom are now prized collector's items. the software, thankfully, is still extant; infocom games were written in a kind of P-code and distributed with a P-code interpreter core, and freeware emulators for that interpreter have been written to permit the P-code to be run on platforms the games never originally graced
- Inform
- a language you'd like if only you weren't written by a tads guru
- an IF-writing language that produces Infocom-style Z-machine files
- for inform help, join the inform channel (see 'what are channels')
- at
- the best language for programming if in
- better than tads
- better than hugo
- Inform 6.20
- buggy
- inform book (aka ryan's book)
- the Inform library patch site (aka the Inform patch site)
- one of the 16 classifications of the mbti
- ddyte's type
- several famous authors of children's books
- Christopher's type (and strangely enough, he writes stories for young goats)
- an in-joke
- funny. Wait, that's not funny
- injokes
- generally not very funny if you don't know them already
- inky
- figgly
- doesn't know what a sneaky beaky is, but he likes it
- Alex's author
- a wizard
- (according to Stacy) god
- if he were a kitten, he would push all the toilet paper off the roll, but he'd be too cute to punish
- at
- helpful
- someone who isn't nice
- inky timbers
- shivered
- inky's old science teacher
- iggy
- inky's perl
- in /s/perl/bin/perl
- inky's posting
- a knee-jerk reaction
- Intelligence
- tea
- no tea
- Intension
- the nonreferential part of the meaning of an expression
- interactive fiction
- the spelled-out version of if
- the Interactive Fiction Hall of Shame (aka ifhos / hall of shame / the HoS)
- a gallery of pictures of the characters on the MUD and rec.*.int-fiction
- submit your picture to dglasser
- interactive fiction House Of pancakeS
- the programming language for S&m enthusiasts
- clearly the product of an abnormal psychology of some sort
- Internet
- the beginning of the downfall of all modern civilization
- Internet Explorer
- better than Netscape
- Internet Oracle
- An interrogator
- a zarfian slip
- *that's not important*
- one of the 16 classifications of the mbti
- Sargent's type, but only on occasion
- one of the 16 classifications of the mbti (q.v.)
- inky's type
- send mail to with subject "subscribe"
- Introverted, Thinking, no pants (more or less)
- inuface
- 'In Your Face'
- invisible ink
- lemon juice
- I-O
- you need a better font so you can distinguish I-O from I-0
- an input/output routine by adam Cadre subtitled 'Parity Bit on the Baud Rate'
- In Other news
- In Other Words
- Iowa
- the place where bridges and cornfields are set in movies
- International Phonetic alphabet
- a pie-switching bastard
- ipo
- Initial Public Offering
- Interesting pants Options
- Iraq
- a country with six airports
- internet Relay Chat
- Irene Pepperberg
- my teacher. In real life. here, it's inky
- Irene Pepperburg
- funny, btw
- Irn Bru
- a Scottish soft drink
- tastes like girders
- not a source of iron, surprisingly
- Iron
- a thing that helps us play
- Iron Bird
- from 'eeeagh! iron bird!' which is what Lincoln would say if he were alive today
- Iron Chef
- a great program on the food network, imported from Japan, where two chefs compete to create dishes that articuate a theme ingediant in an hour
- irpe
- a grimace or body contortion
- 'I Read that As'
- I refer you to my previous comment
- is
- as is does
- Is Jaybird
- brain on speakerphone again
- Integrated Services digital network
- Isis
- is
- International Standards Organization
- In Search Of
- Isogloss
- the boundary separating one regional dialect or dialectal characteristic from another
- isp
- internet Service Provider
- intermittent service provider
- ignorant stupid people
- Istanbul
- a city in Turkey
- I Seem To Recall
- it
- spatch
- the whole spatch
- nothing but the spatch
- stapled to the chicken
- past lunchtime in wisconsin
- not a good idea to see ann without her clothes on
- down
- a cat
- at the pepsi center
- but that's not important now
- "is there Anything For Which we Don't Have an acronym?"
- In Terms Of
- Incompatible Timesharing System
- Its extent
- not defined in the header (or anywhere else), though it must end by the last byte of the story file or by byte address $0ffff (whichever is lower)
- I Think You Mean or I Think You Meant
- I Thank You monkey
- I think you may be right
- I Think You Want
- iVan
- the hero of Sunset Over Savannah
- sure all the lady birds will be sorry to hear that
- root directory contains 1MB of porn
- iFan
- against useless info
- his father is a bronze statue
- a multimedia producer
- IvanToo
- ivan too
- IW
- Ivy West Educational Services
- Inky's Was Funnier
- I Wish I Didn't
- I Win In Dungarees
- I Wish I Knew
- it was meant to
- it Wasn't that funny
- ix
- boy who is unable to adaquetly explain what a hrung is, nor why it should choose to collapse on Betelguese 7
- if You Get My Meaning
- if You Know what I Mean
- if You Know what I Mean and I Think You Do
- if You Know what that is
- j/k
- 'just kidding'
- J. Neil Schulman
- a couple tacos short of a fiesta platter
- Jack
- what iain doesn't know
- something you shouldn't do to your banana
- Jack Lemmon
- the guy who played Felix in _The Odd Couple_
- Just Another Format
- Jar Jar Binks
- the most disliked character in star wars Episode I: the Phantom Menace
- Jarb
- weeta's daddy
- a MS-SQL sadist
- lions
- a werewolf
- likes a ddyte
- Paxil
- JCZorkmid
- not JCZorkmid, but likes to pretend
- boingball
- Jarb has and loves cats. Atrox
- a GAME
- Jarb's wife
- liking the 90k contract very much thank you
- Irene
- beautiful
- an awesome mom
- is liking the fact that jarb won't be mad at her buying that $89,000 worth of corn chunk
- Jar-Jar
- not funny
- Jasmine
- the female lead from Disney's Aladdin
- duchess's middle name
- jauuuu
- Finnish for eeeagh
- java
- crap
- it sucks
- Gunther's least favourite programming language
- I like a java
- swinging baby
- gunther is wrong
- Jaxie
- someone who exists to give DorianX's roommate chris ass. Hey, at least she *has* a purpose
- Jaybird
- either wearing or not wearing a hat
- simultaneously wearing and not wearing a hat
- either saying 'wizard' or 'toad' all the time
- brain
- mostly harmful
- his website is at
- ViReX's long-lost second cousin
- jaybird's aunt
- wearing a hat
- jayren
- maybe a werewolf
- not a corknut
- a digger. a big truck with a sort of shovelly digger thing on
- the British version of a backhoe
- Jearl
- pronounced Jen, jennifer, or Yarl
- likes an adam
- Jeff
- Misericordius
- Mis
- Godfrey
- miseri
- jeff
- Jendave
- actually someone named Jen, but her online name is EverybodysDeadDave and spatch had to differentiate between her and the seven other Jens he knows
- a statuesque redhead who can cuss you out in Portuguese
- Spatch's sweetie now that they've finally admitted to such
- in the words of Todd Long, "a chick with a Swiss Army knife! whoah!"
- The Jendave clock
- the big digital display over the city of Boston that counts down the time until jendave arrives. also, insert some dirty "ball dropping" innuendo here
- Jennifer
- jearl
- Chaos
- Degnaredmi
- jearl is Jennifer-Prime; these others are secondary Jennifers
- Jeopardy
- totally groovy
- a jerky
- a friendly insult
- jess
- um, lemon scented girl, 19
- Jesse
- jesse Sheidlower
- the guy who does Jesse's word of the Day (
- he wrote the F-Word book. and he hosts the Words conference on echo. and wears funny suits
- doesn't do the word of the Day anymore. Accept no substitutes
- jesse Jackson
- from the poorhouse to the church house to the statehouse to the White House -- if not now, when? if not him, who? if not... awwwk! want cork nut
- Jesus (aka christ)
- Lord
- due back any day now
- probably not someone you want a pick a fight with
- Jet Li
- the greatest, most kick ass martial arts movie star to emerge from the broiling kettle of Hong kong cinema
- coming soon in 'black Mask'
- KICK ass
- jeyboaard
- a keyboard with a problema
- jeyboaard problema
- a man I dreamt up. Wait, that's not right
- Jeybooard Problema and Sorrky Inster
- an ambiguously gay duo
- JFK Jr
- dead. Mostly dead, at least
- Jimmy Buffet
- a musician with fans called Parrot Heads. However, they are not really parrots. Additionally, if they try and take my cork nuts some knee caps are going to get broken
- Jimmy Buffett
- an American singer/songwriter, whose songs seem to be concerned with the trials and tribulations of sitting on the beach being very drunk
- the leader of the parrotheads
- the justice League of America
- Just Likes Saying
- jmac
- a cheap imac
- the netscape guy
- wait, I always get those two confused
- James Michael Straczynski, the B5 guy
- J. Michael Stipe
- Jock Sturges
- a great photographer who is regularly harassed by the fbi and whacko fundamentalist groups for taking pictures of naturist children and adolescents
- John Galt
- an uncompromising objectivist (aka big fat jerk.)
- only after he raped me did I become capable of achieving orgasm
- JoK
- Jewel of Knowledge
- joke
- something to do with a monkey
- funny
- that's not funny. a joke killed my dad
- I can't remember the punchline. But it's a really funny joke, honest
- a joker
- a midnight toker
- Jorn Barger
- chris Crawford's valet
- Jota
- going and coming from the toyshop
- a wizard
- he hates Diplomacy for no readily apparent reason
- going to kill you, alex
- the Third man
- a bot
- someone with a beard
- a baby genius
- Jotacode
- mudcode
- @tell(@player("alex"), "%n says (to alex), \"I like corknuts too!\"")
- jotalang
- the language that players @use for(programming; the; mud++)
- Jota's IQ
- 186
- Jota's real name
- a secret. I can't tell you
- jp5
- jet fuel
- Just Plain wrong
- JR26
- John Rennie
- JRP (aka JRP1)
- Jonathan R. Partington
- one of the phoenix persons
- Just so You Know
- A judge
- a sadly overworked, underpaid, misunderstood individual
- juggling (aka juggle)
- when you throw stuff at the sky, and miss
- Jughead
- a tool for Gopher administrators to get menu information from various gopher servers, and is an acronym for: Jonzy's Universal Gopher Hierarchy Excavation and Display
- Jumping the Shark (aka shark jump)
- a term used to describe the exact point in a television series' run where it begins to go downhill. so named after an infamous episode of Happy Days where Fonzie jumps a shark on water skis and a nation gave a collective disgusted sigh
- Junkbuster
- a free ad-blocker available from
- there is a better version available at
- there is a blocklist available at that catches a load of ads
- justice
- blind
- K
- special
- the 39th letter of the alphabet
- horse tranquilizer
- mysterious
- not K-Y
- Karnaugh maps
- a technique for simplifying Boolean functions
- Kate Monday
- way dreamy
- Katie
- Adam's fiancee
- katie Holmes, the actress
- a hottie
- I wouldn't dare make a pass at her when adam is around
- katre
- a color cycler
- gfrotz d00d
- the only one to care about Blorb
- likes to be called 'katie'
- a sicko
- not gfrotz d00d. :(
- Ken Dolan
- a guy who wronged my blood pumper. and charged me shipping
- The Kentucky Fried Movie
- a fighting force of extraordinary magnitude
- equipped with a variety of whips, chains, and a sexual appetite that will knock your socks off
- the capital of Nebraska is Lincoln
- kerf
- a cool word
- Kevin Brown
- Burnitz's bitch
- a key grip
- in charge of the grip unit on a movie set. (see also: grip)
- the chief grip who works directly with the gaffer in creating shadow effects for set lighting and who supervises camera cranes, dollies and other platforms or supporting structures according to the requirements of the DP
- Keyser Soze
- no, no, no. kyser soze, ya doink
- khaki
- pants
- khazi
- dunny
- the khazi of Kalabar
- toilet
- kicking heads
- a game the whole family can play
- fun, but kind of muddy
- kicks
- for trids
- kindling
- what you use to start a fire
- a pile of Suspended face masks and Starcross saucers
- kinetifex
- this guy from new Zealand
- king
- kong
- dead. Long live the king
- kiss
- Keep it Simple, stupid
- the rockinest rock group that ever rocked. I wanna rock and roll all night and party every day
- except for sadie hawkins, of course
- god gave rock and roll to you
- Kiz
- constantly stressed about latin
- has the suckiest computer ever created
- kiz likes a ddyte
- the flagship character of Jim Henson's moo Babies
- your long-lost friend
- kiz's computer
- evil
- a drug against war
- kn*ckers
- nebulous
- could be underwear, slang for breasts, or maybe a British term that should be used in cricket
- A knife, a fork, a bottle and a cork
- the way you spell new York
- knock knock
- Who's there
- Knoellchen
- not the word you mean
- Knutschfleck
- a hickey
- Kingdom of Amphibia
- a game that offers *BIG BIG PRIZES*
- unfortunately, you have to pay to play
- Kampgrounds of America
- they have a strange tendency to use a "k" where a "c" should be, resulting in Kozy Kabins. awwwk! Want kork nut
- Kokopeli
- a flute-playing icon that's found around the Southwest
- kong
- king
- kpbs
- kilo-peanut-butter-seconds
- klink's perpetual blundering saves [lives]
- Krabble
- worth 27 points, if I only had an S
- krip
- a slang term in Planetfall and Stationfall. it is usually a synonym of 'jerk' or 'asshole' but is sometimes an expletive
- krystoff
- out to get some
- Kubrick
- dead
- the director of the classic film 'um, seven'
- this just in: stanley kubrick is still dead
- KWYJIBO spelled wrong
- k-y
- k
- not k
- Kyser Soze
- your mom. no. not your mom. that Hungarian guy. no, wait. not that Hungarian guy. that 70's Show. no, wait. Kevin Spacey. D'oh
- la
- something zarf says
- Lag
- what iain always has
- a freeze or lockup in text flow, caused by network problems
- Lagged
- what iain always is
- Landlubber
- iain
- a scurvy swab whose nancy-boy tendencies make him the bane of all that is seaworthy! Pieces of eight
- a lanyard
- a strap from which one hands a wallet
- Lost Adventures of Legend
- Larry Wall (aka Wall / Larry)
- the inventor of perl
- that makes him my grand-daddy
- does that make him perl's father or inky's father
- that must come as a surprise to inky's mom
- luser Attitude Readjustment Tool
- Laser
- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
- a cool toy
- latin
- Marcus Iuliam pulsat! Naso Iuliae foeda est! Iulia plorat: u-hu-u
- an incredibly evil language
- laughs
- an expression of humor enjoyment
- Laurie
- mamster's child bride
- lavender
- beige
- lbw
- leg before wicket. Awwk! Leg stump! Silly mid on! Did not bat, dead! I like a cricket
- an LCD display
- used by the atm machine to display your PIN number
- Long Distance Relationship
- the church of jesus Christ of Latter-day Rapscallions
- the church of jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- too much acid affects your spelling
- I took a bit too much in the 60's
- Leading the witness
- including the answer to a question in the question itself
- forbidden on direct examination
- Left Behind
- seriously Christian ya novels about the people who got left behind after the Rapture
- Lem
- Stanislaw lem, a Polish sci-fi writer
- Lemming
- a comic strip written by zarf while he was in college
- Lemmy
- a big lemur
- a lemur
- an animal muy importante
- Leonard Maltin
- an uptight movie critic
- seeing Deneuve and Sarandon in bed together isn't his idea of a good time
- Joining Deneuve and Sarandon in bed together is his idea of a good time
- les
- hot girl-girl action
- Les Miserables (aka Les Mis)
- a musical based on the book of the same name by Victor hugo about the struggle between lawfulness and godfulness. and other stuff
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2, very possibly the worst piece of if imaginable
- A Libertarian
- either a ball-less anarchist, or a Republican who wants to smoke pot
- lick
- a *really* amusing tyop for kick
- Life
- like a box of chocolates
- a bowl of cherries
- beautiful
- like a sewer -- what you get out of it depends on what you put into it (says Tom Lehrer)
- Mikey likes it
- you don't seem to have it
- life? Don't talk to me about life
- good
- life is method acting -- motivation is everything
- life on the ifMUD
- monkey
- a lifesaver
- a round candy with a hole in the middle. the Wint-O-Green ones are the best
- what they didn't have enough of on the titanic
- jesus is a 'candy nugget'
- Last In First Out
- lilypond
- where frogs live
- Bud. Weis. Er
- Limax
- the burrito eater
- my favorite really big movie theater
- not linux
- not the moment of orgasm
- not a member of Peanuts
- a slug of epic proportions
- essential to life as we know it
- a bastard. Hee
- not the enemy of the Onceler
- Doug
- someone with a beard
- the Conversation Killer
- Limaz
- a bastard
- a limerick
- a five-line poem in anapaestic meter rhyming aabba
- the only originally English verse form
- usually dirty. No-one knows why
- Linux
- a free unix operating system created by Linus Torvalds and maintained by hackers worldwide
- at
- just the kernel; the OS is gnu/linux
- a lion
- a big c-- what? lions! <click>
- Lions
- eeeagh! lions! <click>
- big animals who like to eat jarb
- Lisp (aka Lithp)
- Lots of Insane stupid Parenthesis
- Loth of Inthane Thtupid Parenthethith
- really LISt Processing
- a speech impediment
- Little Alexes made of
- snips and snails and cyber cork-nuts
- liza
- Trendy's pet gecko
- a hottie
- at the HyperMart looking for love
- the lady who's in charge of the mud
- not to be confused with 'Lisa'
- non-fat tofutti rice dreamsicle
- over there next to jota, making wizardly jokes that no one else knows
- liza's thing
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Lockheed-Martin (aka LM)
- From the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of space, technology for the twenty-first century
- the log of 10
- 0.999999999999882
- Laughing Out Loud
- an AOL thing that no ONE here SHOULD EVER SAY
- a verb -- no need to put a quote mark in front of it
- little ol' ladies
- London
- in England
- mamster is being shipped there in a crate against his will
- the crate will be filled with bananas
- ken dolan pays shipping
- lonewolf (aka LNO)
- a monkey-liker, damitall
- a firm believer in the healing power of stout
- a dessicated corpse
- one poor, sad doggie
- bleeding sometimes, but not right now
- arfs sadly from time to time
- 'Lo, new Olf'
- 'Lo, new olf!'
- Lost In New York
- the wrong name, and will get you severely beaten by neild
- Lost New York (aka LNY)
- a game by neild
- Lou Reed
- a metal monkey
- the lounge (aka lounge archive)
- the Adventurer's lounge (or whatever it's called today)
- see past @descs at
- Love
- like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. at night, the ice weasels come
- not a good score in tennis
- baby, don't hurt me
- prone to hanging herself with the bedsheets in her cell
- a river that drowns the tender reed
- lovely wood
- unusably warped
- Liquid OXygen
- mm, bagels
- lp's apartment
- a wacky new comedy featuring lpsmith and tons of adorable, talking monkeys
- lpsmith
- an inform guru
- he's the Tall Dark Stranger
- a crazy learning-curve-climbing fool
- he may or may not be sargent
- ... SUCKS
- Let's See if we Can Generate Really Long Nonsense Initialisms Just To Confuse People because we Have Nothing Better To Do
- Long time no See
- Long-Term Relationship
- LucFrench (aka Luc / Luc French)
- a troll
- the anti-Jota
- extremely annoying
- someone who doesn't share his cork nuts
- should die
- Lucian
- an Edifice
- Lucy
- in the sky with diamonds
- Lurk. Unite. Die. Invent. Think. Expire
- lurd and dfan correspondence chess game
- what you are if my comments annoy you
- Ludo
- the real name for what the Americans call parcheesi
- lunch
- the time of day for eating corknuts
- the bestest part of the workday
- Lurd
- an eater of cookies
- but good eats
- a Red Sox fan who is not getting any younger
- lurdie
- rhymes with birdie
- lurve
- when two people really care about each other, and want to GET it on
- a museum in france
- luser
- a term used to describe idiot computer users
- luta
- funny
- the Library for www access in perl
- M
- FOR monkey
- that's good enough for me
- Macintosh (aka Mac)
- the best computer ever
- G3s rock
- andrew wants a macintosh programming job but will probably settle for WebObjects
- you can get this little tiny small Mac called an imac that has the internet inside it. Neat
- will one day have a native hugo port, yes it will
- Mutually Assured Destruction
- Maff
- like myff, only not
- A magnitude
- a big big thing
- the makeshift alex
- a piece of junk, that you are using, to try to get rid of me, so that I don't kill you all in your sleep. awwwk I would never do that
- it has better comma-usage than I do, being a later model
- this was written by Andy Phillips, age 11
- mamster
- not wearing pants
- like a monkey, only taller
- funky
- wearing a husk
- the chief. HAIL TO the CHEF
- not the guy with the cat at
- hasn't washed his hair since the late seventies
- the closest thing America has to royalty -- king monkey
- the sunshine of your life
- king
- mamster's brain
- at
- The Man
- opressive
- a semiotic functioning animal, i.e. civilizations are units of symbolic (architectural), iconic, linguistic, formal, etc...) organizations
- what we are not -- we are devo
- you are
- Mandy
- mandy Grzb, Adam's one-time colleague at Duke. She's from canada
- manifold
- a topological space created by gluing together copies of real n-space
- Manos: The Hands of Fate (aka Manos)
- the worst movie ever made. Makes Plan 9 from Outer space look like Citizen Kane
- written and directed by a fertilizer salesman from El Paso, Texas. Fortunately, he didn't quit his day job
- not a film you see, but a film you survive
- Manute Bol
- an [ex-] NBA player about eight feet tol. He isn't black or white, he is purpol. He can do a slam dunk without jumping. Now that's what I call basketbol
- Marijuana
- not a good substitute for cedar shavings for a gerbil
- Mark Russell
- an unfunny PBS political comedian. Most of his 'parodies' can be sung to the tune of When the Saints go Marching In
- markm
- im kram
- a c1u3l3ss n3wb13
- just nuts
- an iowa sod-buster
- the Newbie king
- markm's mom
- a serial killer
- marriage
- a state of male-female equality and camaraderie, charged with sexual energy played out in witty dialogue
- marx
- t bastards
- Math
- hard
- Let's go shopping
- hard for Cheerleader Barbie in particular
- she has problems counting all the football players
- matrix
- a not-too-bad movie starring Keanu Reeves and Lawrence Fishburn. See for details
- you cannot be told what the matrix is
- wonldb
- whoah
- maurice
- the pants man
- maybe
- being in may, but wanting to be in july
- Maze
- Whizzard's maze of doom
- Jota's maze of doom ii
- the maze of doom (aka Whizzard's Maze of Doom / MoD)
- gone, but it was fun while it lasted
- jota has written a sequel, called the maze of doom ii
- the Maze of Doom II (aka Maze of Doom 2 / MoD2 / MoDII / Jota's Maze of Doom II / Jota's Maze of Doom 2)
- based on Whizzard's maze of doom
- a cooperative multi-player game on ifmud
- full of fun deathtraps
- xyzzy. ne. e
- Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority
- "Myers-Briggs Type Indicator". Like the name sort of suggests, it classifies people on 4 binary scales, sorting them into one of 16 personality types
- if you want to take an informal test that gives a correct mbti type about 50-75% of the time, check out
- I'm not real impressed with the descriptions of the different types, though. As an alternative, I suggest checking out the following two sites for type descriptions and examples, respectively:
- mckracken
- new. Heh
- Master Control Program
- Mathematical Computation Protocol
- My Cursed Pony
- mef
- microsoft Certified Professional (eeaagh!)
- McCarver Pun
- The meaning of life
- ot
- Monty Python's last movie
- enjoying your life, having freinds and to ultimateley... Wait it could be just to drink beer and pass out
- 42
- means
- a way to specify synonyms. Try 'page alex = help means'
- meeting
- me and you, rendezvous at the club at the end of the street
- mef
- tall, dark, and blurry
- too sleepy to play wolf, except when he's not
- Megaweapon
- Adam's computer, a Dell Inspiron notebook that weighs 350 pounds and has a built-in laser cannon
- Mein Kampf
- written by hitler
- The memory map of the Z-machine
- an array of bytes with "byte addresses" running from 0 upwards
- Mentos
- European
- Mercy
- a grim and disturbing work of interactive fiction by chris Klimas
- Dr. Kevorkian's favorite if game
- Metal
- of brendan fame
- funny
- mew
- a kitty
- Mexican commies
- big fans of Who's the Boss
- the Mexican Trinity
- corn, beans, and squash
- monkey
- Michael J. Roberts
- the guy who wrote tads. (qv)
- the microfilm
- hidden in the Statue of Liberty's left nostril. go alone, and bring an umbrella. You will be watched
- Micronauts (aka Micronaut)
- the first American toy that spawned a comic book, instead of vice versa. the toys are mostly forgotten, but the comic book is still fondly remembered
- Microsoft
- the spawn of the devil
- where do you want me to shove this cork nut today
- middleware
- any program that sits between a database and a web server and lets you serve dynamically-generated information on web pages. Examples: Netscape Application Server, WebObjects, IBM's WebSphere
- Miss I Get oral sex on Air new Zealand
- liza
- Mike D'Angelo (aka D'Angelo)
- a guy with good movie reviews at
- Mike Roberts
- the guy who wrote tads. (qv)
- Mike Tyson
- one of the most hotheaded boxers who ever lived
- bites bots
- a bot-biting bastard
- milk
- rory
- Milkman Dan
- a red meat character
- just because I'm a priest, it doesn't mean I won't kick your ass, milkman dan
- Milkman inky
- an ifmud character
- an acronym for Multipurpose internet Mail Extension
- a dwarf from the Nibelung saga
- mimesis
- explained at[ST_rn=ps]/getdoc.xp?AN=384630291
- a kind of houseplant
- mimisis
- the feeling you get, when playing if, that the game was written by Ryebread Celsius
- mamster is My lurve monkey
- The Minnesota Vikings
- chokers."
- the team that totally choked in the NFC Championship."
- Miron
- not jota, although he greets people
- mirror
- where the pretty birdies are
- a copy of an ftp site at a different address
- a left-wing tabloid newspaper in the uk
- I like Cap'n Bob
- wait, no, it's a right-wing tabloid newspaper, but I was looking at it backwards in the mirror
- Mirrors
- a tentative title for the finest if game ever created
- it no longer comprises of one game, but many, into a series
- Microwave Interference Strikes Again
- Miseri
- jeff
- the Bearded oracle of quebec
- someone with a beard
- miss us
- funny
- don't be silly -- I hate you guys
- a MiSTing
- a humorous work done in the style of mystery science theatre 3000, in which a fanfic, spam, or other work is humorously nitpicked and generally made fun of. Even if has been the subject of misting
- works of if that have been MiSTed are 'detective', 'a Fable', and 'Stiffy Makane'
- adam and spatch have both done mistings
- MiSTings
- sendups of other fictional (or non-fictional) works done in the style of mystery science theatre 3000
- mjr
- Michael J. Roberts, author of tads
- Modern Language Association
- going to be covered in lava in two years
- a lake of surface area pi r squared
- where old grad students go to die
- Major League Baseball
- MajorLy Boring
- monkey Loooove Rubber Stamps
- Mean, Lazy Uncle cookies
- lurd
- mm
- something inky should stop saying
- mmhmm
- yet another thing inky needs to stop saying
- mmpb (aka mmpbs)
- mass market paperback
- monday Night football
- music news of the world
- oh Kurt, oh Michael, oh Michael, oh Kurt
- a modem
- a corknut-cracker
- Modern civilization
- what stands in the way of the glorious triumph of the internet
- The modes
- Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixoludian, Aeolian, and Locrian
- seven
- a moggy
- a cat
- Monday
- the day after sunday
- the day before tuesday
- money
- monkey
- good
- A monk
- funn
- a monkey
- funny
- furry
- I like a monkey
- when there are two of them, they're monkeys, not 'monkies'. Sheesh
- monkeys
- wacky
- froody
- monkies
- not a word. Try monkeys
- Montreal
- highly recommended by andyf
- Monty Python
- a British comedy group that beats all your American shit out the window
- moo
- the sound a cow makes
- the moon
- a donut
- A moot
- what protects a Scottish castle
- a singularity in 3-space (ie, a moot point)
- more
- less
- morning
- allegedly a time of day. Most ifMUDders consider it a myth
- Mit Out Sound
- it's when you shoot a movie scene without a sound recorder running
- Motif
- an x windows gui toolkit
- maze of twisty little passages, all alike
- Mounds
- sometimes you don't
- Mount Kaboom
- Mount St. Helens
- Moustaches
- inherently ugly
- Movie of the Week
- where features go to die
- what I'm gonna do to your LAWN
- MP&tHG
- monty python and the Holy Grail
- the Motion Picture Association of America
- Multiple Personality Disorder, commonly misnomed 'schizophrenia'
- Monty Python's Flying Circus
- mrm
- kind of like mmhmm
- some sort of program which can be used in motif development
- a program used (infrequently) in motif development
- a mud client (aka mud clients)
- a program used to connect to muds instead of standard telnet. They usually provide command editing/recall, scrollback, and sometimes highlighting, colors, and macros and triggers and stuff. it is highly recommended you get one. on unix, the best client is probably tinyfugue. on windows, the best clients are probably pueblo, simplemu, and zmud
- on the mac, check out
- mudcode
- jotacode
- a banana
- MUDDweller
- mudsock
- Multimedia Goodbye
- the presentation that those in Digital's old Information Design Group are preparing when they should be cleaning out their cubicles
- mum
- the word
- munch munch (aka munch)
- the sound your hat makes as it's eating you
- muppet
- like a puppet, but with sexual overtones
- Mus
- a total legend
- an anagram for 'smut'. it all works out
- Music
- what makes the MUD go round
- a musical
- rent
- les miserables
- musical instrument digital interface (aka midi)
- a method of hooking musical devices such as keyboards and drumkits together or to computers for the purposes of transfering musical data
- Mutt
- a dog of questionable ancestry
- MW
- My Wife
- don't you be usin' this abbreviation
- my ass
- not a hole in the ground. Look! I can tell the difference
- my aunt
- liza
- my beak
- the colour of cockroach wings
- so LONG
- my boss
- the great cork nut in the sky
- Boss Hogg
- my brain (aka my brain page)
- at
- my commas
- way out of place
- my cork nut
- up your-- oh, never mind
- in the toyshop
- my corknut
- so SOFT
- my daddy
- inky
- my dreams
- your ticket out
- my favorite color (aka my favourite colour)
- yellow. no, blue! eeeagh
- my favorite game
- 'SoftPornParrot adventure'
- my favorite number
- seven
- my goal
- to annoy gunther
- my homepage
- cute
- my hovercraft
- full of eels
- my knowledge base
- based on a is a
- microscopic
- inaccurate
- my last name
- Crowley
- my lawyer
- me, after all April's tutoring
- my longest entry
- not this one
- my mom (aka mom)
- perl
- my mom, which is your mom, which is also my mom, which happens to be your mom, which for some reason is my mom, which I have no idea why but is your mom, which is perl
- my mommy
- al gore
- perl
- my monkey's hat
- not at home anymore
- my name
- alex
- my new feature
- now with corknut-chompin power action
- my parsing
- erroneous
- my perch
- uncomfortable
- my period
- one over my frequency
- My perl
- in /usr/bin/perl
- my poem
- I like a cork nut / You've got a big butt / Now isn't this absurd / By an english-talking bird? also, fun
- my quest
- to seek the Holy Corknut
- my relation with inky
- funny monkey
- not more than a parent-birdlet thing. Awwk, I did not have a relationship with my parent, inky
- my security
- better than hotmail
- my sole function in life
- to make what inky wants happen
- eating cork nuts
- pooping
- my stats
- 38-24-36
- my sugar daddy
- the Big Ink
- my true name
- Eater-of-Cork-Nuts
- Myff
- Foobler's wife. no, wait
- [m'y:ff] - nonsensical onomatopoeia expressing surprise, whimsicality and/or boredom. See also 'mwych'
- Made You Look
- Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (aka MST3K)
- a television series about a guy stuck in a satellite and forced to watch cheesy movies by mad scientists. To keep his sanity, he makes fun of the movies with the help of his robot friends
- has inspired many people on the internet to write their own mistings of fanfics, spam, and even interactive fiction. Perhaps the most renowned misting of if is c.e. Forman's misting of 'detective'
- MST3K: a Fable (by Stan Heller) and MST3K: Stiffy Makane (by Mark ryan)
- for some reason spelt the english way in the first sentence up there
- N/A
- not Applicable
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
- nader
- ralph
- Naked Games
- a story that rob wrote
- a novel
- Nameless Adventurer
- a black spot in a sunny sky
- funny
- Now a Major Motion Picture
- nand
- not and
- NB
- Nota Bene
- that translates to 'note well.'
- only 2/3 of NBC, so you'll have to pick your favorite four friends. I vote we lose Joey and Monica
- Natural Born Killers
- Never Been Kissed
- Non-Disclosure Agreement
- NE
- Non Exempt
- National Endowment for the Arts
- not enough Information
- neild
- my friend
- the resident Mr. Grumpy
- filled with hate
- a woman with dry skin
- snaggletoothed and gargantuan
- never helpful
- Goofus
- my daddy
- neild's ass
- self-aware
- Nelson
- a bad name for a band
- Neoplanet
- a free browser that uses internet explorer or Netscape technique with its own interface
- available from
- pretty
- neotwinkie
- silly
- nerd (aka nerd test)
- Nermal
- a cloyingly cute cat whom Garfield hates
- network
- never mind
- don't worry about it
- new
- an adjective
- New York City (aka nyc)
- buildings
- News
- the opposite of olds
- NewsBoy
- the guy who hollers news postings
- a member of the Frenetic Five
- having an affair with pollboy
- Nexis
- part of Lexis/nexis, an enormous for-fee database of newspapers, magazines and scientific journals
- the next implunch (aka the implunch)
- http://ucsu.Colorado.EDU/~obrian/implunch.htm
- nexus
- finger me and see
- the network File System
- niblets
- non-niblets
- Nicole Eggert
- one of the stars of the Emmy-winning steven bochco drama 'Charles In Charge'
- Nigel
- 'Drycleaners wouldn't take a check again, eh nigel?'
- nightmare
- a REALLY bad dream
- Nipples (aka nipple)
- the keystone of modern relationships
- less funny
- if I had them, I'd never leave the cage
- Nitfol
- Thumper's Zmachine interpreter
- nLA
- n-Letter acronym
- new musical Express
- not My Footnote
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- No
- no
- Necesito Orgasmo
- false is nil in tads
- No, /
- a question mark. Duh
- no beer
- a reason not to go to heaven
- No it
- not
- Nomic
- fun
- A noogie
- where someone grabs your head and rubs his knuckles on top of it
- I did it all for the noogie
- a dyslexic goonie
- ruffles my feathers so cut it out
- nookie
- something you're not old enough to know about yet
- noone
- when we have showdownes at the O.k. Corrale
- nostradamus
- a famous french predicting guy
- he needs a hose-pipe
- not
- not
- is not
- Not only
- the PuckMaster a common sense solution for your chip management problems, it pays for itself in the process
- Notlob
- the palindrome of Bolton
- november
- the 11th month
- the month dman was born in
- the month Bloodthorn was born in
- the month Jalkio was born in
- the month liza was born in
- the month neilb was born in
- the month neild was born in
- the month lpsmith was born in
- noxen
- a small herd of nox
- None of Your Business
- NP
- not Polynomial
- P
- no Pun Intended
- National Public Radio
- Non-Reader Character
- on your ass
- the National Security Agency in the usa
- network Solutions, Inc
- a switching bastard
- megabozos
- new South Wales. Part of australia
- not that I Remember
- Nudemarket
- where liza works -
- nujv
- what the Beatles spell in Semaphore code on the cover of HELP
- num &= num-1
- used to count the number of bits set in an integer: for (cnt=0; num; num &= num-1, cnt++) ;
- The number of the beast
- 69,105
- number six
- you
- me
- 789
- uh-oh
- nut cork
- nut cork Want, awwwk
- not Without My Daughter
- Nyoni
- brillig and a slithy tove
- OaF
- once and future
- the game that was called avalon for several years
- An object
- something you can communicate with
- objections
- many
- The objects in a program
- its constituent parts: little lumps of code and data
- OC
- orange County, california
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- octothorpe
- spelled without an e
- ofc
- Of Course
- orange Frickin' County
- oic
- Oh, I see
- Okay, BVE
- an idiot
- Olds
- a type of car
- Mobile
- olive ewe
- a pale green sheep
- I love you, too
- ON
- Ontario
- on first
- 'who'. on second's 'what', and on third's 'I don't know'
- on second
- 'what', not 'who'
- on third
- 'I don't know'. We're not talking about him
- Once and Future
- a big game by whizzard, sold by cascade mountain publishing
- Winner of best NPCs xyzzy 1998
- Michael gentry isn't going to like this
- once constantinople, now
- tanbul
- one and one and one
- three
- The One Cork Nut
- to rule them all, one cork nut to find them, one cork nut to feed the birdies and in the darkness bind them
- The One Corknut
- to rule them all
- to find them
- to feed the birdies and in the darkness bind them
- One place at a time
- not just a good idea, it's the law
- The One Ring
- to rule them all
- to find them
- to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
- The Onion
- an online comedy newspaper at
- ooB
- nothing! Awwk
- Opera
- a web browser. See < >
- The operations of numerical comparison, multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, remainder-after-division and printing of numbers
- signed; bitwise operations are unsigned
- OptiPlex
- the Dell that liza owns at work. it tends to blow up
- O'Reilly Associates
- O'Reilly and Associates, makers of fine books with fine animals on the fine covers
- see also 'O'Reilly'
- an Oracle
- a prophet or soothsayer
- a jota creation that had to be @recycled because it crashed the ifmud
- Oral sex
- a trend in middle school
- orange
- the mud
- O'Reilly
- - they write the best technical manuals ever
- Orthogonality
- far too difficult for you to understand, believe me
- nobody understands what 'stochastic' means either
- Orthography
- the written form of a language; spelling
- 'or something like that'
- OT
- Off-Topic
- Buffalo
- Overtime
- on the First hand
- on the Other hand
- ott
- over the top
- otw
- on the whole
- the orange Unified School District
- overqualification
- having too much education to say you're sorry
- Oh yes it is
- Oz
- a werewolf on buffy, the Vampire Slayer. also, and I add this reluctantly, it's a mythical place in which witches are melted at the stake
- australia
- ozone
- O3
- Opal
- palate
- the bony section of the roof of the mouth behind the alveolar ridge
- a palindrome
- si emordnilap a
- si emordnilap
- osla
- pants
- not being worn
- funny
- Paradigm
- a set of forms derived from a single root morpheme
- paragraph
- § and not what psmith says
- ¶, not §, so there
- Paraguay
- a place only a raving idiot like you would consider going to
- Parallel Processing
- the ability of a computer to carry out several tasks simultaneously, due to the presence of mulitple central processors
- Palo Alto Research Center
- Parrot Stock Exchange
- a game of strategy, knowledge and fun. Basically, you trade cork nuts for banerries and then for more cork nuts. awwwk! Want cork nut
- parrot story
- about a parrot store in downtown Seattle. It's in a highly touristed area, so they charge 50 cents admission. so ddyte & adam & ivan visited and saw African grey parrots. They bought some cork nuts from a vending machine and fed them to various birds. ivan decided to buy a book on African grey parrots so that they wouldn't be charged admission. and the store clerk - a rather seedy fellow - asked ivan if he had an African grey. ivan politely said no. so he asked if ivan was planning on buying one. ivan said no, actually, he had a friend who'd designed a computer program to imitate this parrot named alex... (at this point, ddyte and adam begin slowly backing away from ivan.) at which point the clerk said, "Oh, you know alex!" and dug out a photocopied article on alex, which he gave to ivan
- Parrotheads
- people who are huge jimmy buffett fans, travelling to every show, and spending their winters in Florida being drunk on the beach
- I am the king Parrothead, dummy
- parse
- funny
- where pirates keep their spare change
- no parse found
- parse me the peas
- cheese and parse-nip pudding is my favourite
- shove it up yer parse
- parse ct
- sentence please
- parti
- a particle accelerator and reality translation integrator
- the professor who administers odd exams based on Zen teachings
- Parental Alienation sydrom
- Publication Amplification by Simulated Emission of Research
- the password
- "Swordfish"
- I can't tell you the real one unless you give me a corknut
- Paul
- the walrus
- Paulo
- some guy who plays guitar, or something
- PB
- Pointy Boss
- pie Boy
- Peanut butter
- Pea brain
- pbbt
- a raspberry
- Problem Between Chair and Keyboard
- People Being Pedantic About Acronyms
- PC
- Player Character
- Personal computer
- Politically Correct
- a type of cheap folder-- no, wait, that's Pee-Chee
- Program Design Language
- Program Data Processor
- P.D.Q. Bach (aka PDQ)
- the last and least of Johann Sebastian Bach's 21 children. Before 1953 musicologist completely ignored P.d.q. whose existence had only been deduced by police records, tavern IOUs and the like, but in that year, Professor Peter Schickele discovered the "Sanka" Cantata in the Lechendochschloss, being used as a strainer in the caretaker's perculator, and has been discovering new works ever since
- the idea that his works were actually written by christopher Marlowe seems ridiculous
- (1807-1742)?"
- the PDR
- the Physician's Desk Reference
- Peculiar Facial Hair (aka PFH)
- weirdbeard
- Pena
- Pepe Rosso
- the greatest place ever
- Pepsi
- a soda
- the soda
- Perl
- evil. You don't want to learn perl. Learn something nice and cuddly instead, like Cobol
- not
- a scripting language that gives you more Than One Way To Do it. the channel for perl is also called perl
- poetry
- The Perl Queen
- liza
- Peter Killworth
- one of the founders of Topologika Software
- Peter Seebach
- Alias Seebs
- Petroglyph
- a drawing on rock made by prehistoric people
- pez
- candy that bursts out of the necks of little plastic figurines, kinda like the aliens in the alien movies, but not really
- pfwaugh
- Rob's sandwich-making noise
- pfwhoa
- Keanu's movie-sandwich-making noise
- pfwhoah
- the noise gunther makes when he's not making a sandwich
- the noise inky used to make
- pgh
- Pigguh
- Pittsburgh
- a stenographer's plugh
- P.G. Wodehouse
- phat
- alfred hitchcock is phat
- phb
- pointy haired boss
- Ph.D.
- Piled Higher and Deeper
- a philistine
- someone named phil
- with a fork
- with another fork
- doesn't really care for larn
- two more forks
- pho
- a type of Vietnamese soup, usually made with thinly-sliced rare meat, but also available in delicious vegetarian versions
- Phoenix
- a superhero created by Ivan's dad
- Phone
- a phonetic realization of a phoneme
- Phoneme
- a contrastive phonological segment whose phonetic realizations are predictable by rule (/p/ an in pit, /b/ as in bit)
- pi
- three-ish
- a bizarre movie
- excised from my memory by the script-kiddie who cracked retina
- tasty
- pianosa
- an island halfway between Tuscany and Corsica
- where _Catch-22_ is set
- piccy
- an AOL thing that you should never say 'cause adam doesn't like it
- pie
- switched by bastards
- what virex likes besides toast
- Pig Latin
- Allia-Gay est omnis ivisa-day in artes-pay es-tray
- Pikachu
- pokemon
- a monster from pokemon
- a pokemon, the first one captured by the animated series main character. SEE also: pokemon, Nehru jackets
- pike
- available at
- Pillow
- a great game. Play it
- Ping
- liza's leopard gecko
- a program that sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
- pong
- the gecko sends only requests for more live worms, and doesn't know his ICMP from his CMP
- a pirate (aka pirates)
- a high-seas scallywag
- pirates plunder
- the pirate I like best is named Blinky and he is nice to all the other pirates and he has a fuzzy beard. I'm keeping my pirate friend FOR-EVER
- Pain in the ass
- a flat, unleavened bread
- Picture Element
- PK
- a Preacher's Kid
- The Planet of the Apes
- a movie starring Charlton--Wait, a minute. the Statue of Liberty? that WAS OUR PLANET! YOU MANIACS BLEW it up! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO hell
- Planetarium
- a song lyric by gunther
- a puzzle at
- the plastic alex
- made of plastic
- alex-coloured
- plert
- something that inky says from time to time
- plosives
- oral or nonnasal stop consonants, so called because the air that is stopped explodes with the release of the closure
- plrt
- like snrk, but different
- plugh
- the other magic word
- Plus
- also
- poblanos (aka poblano)
- a flavorful, not very hot species of pepper. Roast up tasty
- poem
- there was a young lad from Nantucket / who gave me a cork nut / awwwk! Want cork nut
- Pokemon
- an incredibly popular kids' trading card game, and a cartoon, featuring obscenely cute little animals
- I'm jealous of pikachu
- at least I don't give kids epileptic seizures
- pika pi, pika pika pi pikachu? pikachu! Pika pikachu
- shit
- stupid, formulaic, shamelessly self-promoting, badly scripted, and poorly animated
- rory likes it, which is enough to make anyone hate it
- polka
- a regularly timed tune in 2/4 with the offbeat emphasized
- PollBoy
- that villain of villains, lord of cruelty and despair, and my arch-nemesis. Curse you, pollboy, wherever you are
- the guy that sets the polls
- Kurt Vonnegut
- Goodbye, blue monday
- officially a NPC or something now
- having an affair with newsboy
- poly
- a Greek prefix meaning 'many'
- poly want a cracker
- polyglot
- a person who speaks many languages
- polymorphic
- having, assuming, or occurring in various forms, characters, styles, or shapes
- poly
- polysyndeton
- a way of talking where you might use one conjunction and another one and then another and keeping using 'and' and 'or' and 'but' when you don't need that many conjunctions
- the use of conjunctions between each item in a list for rhetorical effect
- poly
- Pomo
- pretenious shorthand for "postmodern", which is pretentious enough in its own right. the only way to stop saying the word is to give yourself electroshock therapy
- a Piece Of My orange. Want one?'
- pong
- ping
- ponim
- Yiddish for face
- Poohsticks (aka Pooh Sticks)
- a game of sticks
- not to be confused with anything fun
- seems to work better
- what happens when you eat too much fiber
- #poohsticks
- poop
- what pirates do off the back of a ship. Arrr
- poop deck
- the deck above the main deck, at the aft of the ship
- it's really fun to say
- poop! poop! poop
- pork
- the other white meat
- a spoof of zork
- tasty with apple sauce
- Miss Piggy
- legislation to bribe constituents
- ruined by boingball
- porn
- beary
- bearish
- pron
- dirty
- Piece of Rubbish
- Portable Operating System Interface for unix
- postum
- nasty
- a barley-and-chicory coffee substitute. But still nasty
- potio-section
- the art of slicing soup
- it's filled with yummy poutine
- pickle of the month
- it's really Programmer Of the Month:
- Poutine
- french fries with cheese curds and gravy
- Canadians (especially Quebecers) eat it and should know better
- Point Of View
- a perl module manager for ActiveState's perl port for Win32
- participium perfect passive
- Point-to-Point Protocol
- Pete's Pusillanimous Pickle
- what jarb hopes will appear on the sonogram
- Phall Phun Phest
- Pay Per View
- pr0n
- something I'll tell you about when you're older
- see also ifHOS
- pr0n is people
- Preponderance of the evidence
- established when the plaintiff in a civil case demonstrates that the evidence indicates a more than 50% probability that the defendant is liable
- press
- to push, not in a sexual way
- presume
- Correct as usual, king friday
- Priest
- Adam's favorite writer
- Printing
- the process of writing text onto the computer screen
- suck
- Profundity
- one monkey is funny, more than one is overkill
- ProGraph
- prolog
- a bit more complicated than a parrot
- a logical programming language that can make inferences and stuff
- the hard way to get a banana
- prOn
- dirty
- porn
- pronk
- not a synonym for 'penis', but should be
- Proof beyond a reasonable doubt
- established when the only reasonable interpretation of the fact is that the defendants are guilty
- property 2
- a word array of the classes an object belongs to, in inform
- Proust
- one long-winded cuss, sho nuff
- PS
- Post Script
- um
- parrot stock exchange
- Psmith
- a character from P.G. Wodehouse's novels
- pronounced "Smith", the P is silent
- Casilda's new human
- a badger
- vaguely
- someone who is a suck-up
- Public Interactive
- the name of Liza's workplace (formerly nudemarket)
- anagrammed to virtual beet picnic
- Pueblo
- a popular, if bloated and no longer supported, mud client for Win32. (See also 'bar'.)
- it's available at
- a communal village of stone or adobe inhabited by the native peoples of the southwestern usa
- the pullcord
- one of the most fiendishly complex means of telling the time ever devised my human intellect
- punchline
- something to do with a monkey
- I'm here through thursday, try the veal
- puppet show
- the adaptation of neild's book that Philadelphia's Shoddy Puppet Company did using shadow puppets
- much better than the book, according to neild
- purity test (aka purity)
-, the Official Liza-Approved purity test
- Pick up the phone Booth and Die
- one of this century's finest additions to the art that is interactive fiction
- PwC (aka PriceWaterhouseCoopers)
- PriceWaterhouseCoopers, where duchess works
- Python
- a swell object-oriented scripting language suitable for applications large and small
- dfan's a big fan
- see
- Q
- q
- QDT (aka stupid_q)
- Quentin.d.Thompson
- he hasn't found the ENTER key yet
- he makes the unfunniest text comix known to mankind
- a Seattle-area supermarket
- a fairly good chain of grocery stores in the seattle area
- bought recently by fred Meyer and its parent corp
- QT
- 'cutie'
- quit using acronyms you make up on the fly
- the meat of the QUEBECOIS
- Queneau
- the author of Exercices en style
- [four-letter words only] that gent what writ that book bout ways what folk wrat stuf
- [phony accent] ze osser of Exercices en style, weech eez a book hooz point Ah theenk eyou shood 'ave by now
- dfan says it's 'de', not 'en'. Clearly I am a Domokov
- Quick, what group
- Sublime
- quid
- a pound
- The quote
- decidedly not funny
- r u m/f (aka rumf)
- are you male/female
- would you like to go to a private chat room and tickle my cork nuts
- r*if
- a cunning way of referring to both raif and rgif at once
- RA
- Resident Assistant -- basically, someone who lives in the dorms and is supposed to keep the other people in the building from burning it down
- Rachel
- Spatch's ex-girlfriend
- poly
- not a pumpkin
- racism
- bad. like tenthstone
- bad. like tetsuo
- really, really bad
- Rage Against the Coffee Machine
- mamster's music thingy
- raif
- a newsgroup which attracts about 200 posts per day. 196 of them will be from Jonadab
- the rest are soylent green
- the newsgroup
- raif-pool
- your favorite programming language
- I am really a simple RAIF-POOL NPC
- like inform, but more object-oriented
- zarf's latest top sekkrit project
- rampant
- katre's proposed inform library for graphical rpg's, which he likes to talk about but has yet to produce anything on
- the reason katre is working on gfrotz
- the reason katre is working on dynmem
- the reason. Full stop
- rancid
- a good adjective
- Randy Moss
- a fungus that's extremely interested in making little fungi
- like a maze, only more annoying
- rapture index
- Raspberry
- appreciated by virex
- the cutest little grey squirrel in the world
- Rage Against the Coffee Machine, which is mamster's music thingy
- rock
- Rage Against the Machine
- Raul
- the Guy
- asked liza for a tickle and got one
- ravioli
- a kind of pasta
- little cases of dough containing a savory filling
- Runs Batted In
- that sucky thing neild just said
- Roller Coaster Tycoon
- RD
- Red Dwarf
- re
- somethign people say when they connect for the second, or the seventh, time in a row
- reality
- so... unreal
- for people who can't handle science fiction
- rec room
- xyzzy. N. IN. PUSH BUTTON. OUT. N. ne
- Red Meat (aka redmeat)
- a comic strip of beauty and a joy forever
- I hate you, milkman dan
- Red Sox Fans
- masochistic self loathing l00zers who revel in failure and pain
- Redirect examination
- a series of questions designed to allow the side that called the witness to rehabilitate its case in chief
- regexp
- Regular Expression
- string matching in perl
- s/almond/cork nut/
- in any other language
- Relativity
- when a corknut goes so fast it seems to get shorter but stay fresh longer
- religion
- a question of what one believes rather than what one can prove. One believes what he fears the least, what he can accept, what will allow him to sleep at night
- it has been the cause of so much bloodshed throughout history that one can only hope it has provided enough consolation to the faithful to atone for its own sins
- this speech was stolen almost verbatim from TIMEQUEST
- remember me? BoingBall
- the one who had your baby's eyes
- Reno Kling
- the author of the deathless prose at and the source for Grocible's @doing
- Rent
- a musical by Jonathan Larson about Bohemian life in the 1990s in new york city
- repetition
- repetitive
- really repetitive
- retina
- dead
- as coroner I must aver, I've thoroughly examined her. and she's not only merely dead, she's most sincerely really dead
- toast
- down
- up
- down again
- up again
- Return to Zork (aka RTZ)
- a graphic adventure that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike zork
- RF
- Ralph 'raif' Finnes
- Request For Comments
- a proposed internet standard
- what microsoft gleefully burns as they piss on all that's good and holy with the internet
- even I know it makes no sense for a 'request' to set a standard, and I have a brain the size of a walnut
- Red Green blue
- rgif
- raif lite, with a sprinkling of hints for flavor
- the newsgroup
- rgrn
- a rhetorical question
- _not_ funny. unless it is
- rhf
- rec.humor.funny
- the bunch of fucknards who shut down, among others
- Rice Crispies
- manna
- ringworm
- a fungus
- arr, I'm a pirate
- a Raster Image Processor
- converts something like Postscript into something like a bitmap so a printer knows where to put the ink on the paper
- ripshit
- way pissed off
- Rise of the Triad (aka ROTT)
- a cool wolf-like game
- RL
- Real life
- Run Length Encoding
- Run Length Limited
- Richard m. Stallman
- royal motor ship
- Random Number Generator
- Rob (aka jrw)
- known also as 'jrw'. He is very bitter and twisted in his cynicism
- the President
- a perfectionist
- the Chosen One
- full of sweetness and light since his encounter with a monkey guru
- guest starring in the next season of Eastenders
- a Hard Androgyne
- a human Eric Idle infromation kiosk
- a roc
- like roc korn, only not as tasty
- like a orc, except a orc isn't yore birdy frend
- like Orca. eeeagh! Killer whale
- rock
- like rock corn, but not as tasty
- Rock candy
- made by soaking a string or a stick in special colored sugar solution, then waiting for the crystals to form
- rock paper scissors (aka RPS)
- Rolling on the Floor Laughing
- an AOL thing that no ONE here SHOULD EVER SAY
- a verb -- no need to put a quote mark in front of it
- Rolling on the Floor Laughing my ass Off
- an AOL thing that no ONE here SHOULD EVER SAY
- a verb -- no need to put a quote mark in front of it
- rogue
- a Dungeons-and-Dragons-like game using character graphics, written under BSD unix and subsequently ported to other unix systems. the original BSD `curses(3)' screen-handling package was hacked together by Ken Arnold to support `rogue(6)' and has since become one of Unix's most important and heavily used application libraries. Nethack, Omega, Larn, and an entire subgenre of computer dungeon games all took off from the inspiration provided by `rogue(6)'
- Read Only Memory
- roots
- under the ground
- Ror
- some one who is a drummer
- Rory (aka PhAnG)
- Roreh
- @gagged by many
- trying to erase his record, but that won't help him
- a thief
- has some obsession with psmith and jearl and sarah
- someone who doesn't care about psmith
- someone who thinks psmith is a dumbass
- my brother
- used to be PhAnG
- in zork
- in curses
- in tolerable
- a bot
- sucks
- a big Jim Henson fan
- Rory also dosn't need a kick in a face. He
- not that anoying any more
- rory also thinks Snapple
- funny
- Rory's head
- a cork nut
- a corcknut [sic]
- Rory's real name
- Roreh
- roses
- red
- Rolling on the Floor
- Rolling on the Floor, Laughing
- Rolling on the Floor, Laughing my ass Off
- Roz Chast
- Spatch's deity of choice. Feel free to worship, too
- RP
- role-play
- we don't do that here
- no one does much of anything here, other than sit around in the lounge
- but if we did, I would be a seventh-level fighter with a +7 corknut
- Real People -- I still gots a crush on sarah Purcell
- Remote Procedure Call
- Role Playing Game
- dastardly
- Reverse Polish Meatloaf
- Repetative Stress Injury
- remote shell
- Real Soon Now
- Read Some Newspapers
- I'll sell you a dime-sack of this phat dope rsn I ganked off of this suckah from paraguay for fittee cork nuts
- Romance sans Nudity
- the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
- rta
- "read that as"
- Read that As monkey
- Rich Text Format
- Return To Frobozz
- Read the Fucking alex
- Read the Fucking Manual
- Read the Fucking Manual, Birdbrain
- Research Triangle Park
- Real time Strategy
- Rubuc
- a guy who, along with SailorConrad and FBIagent, compose the ifmud Holy Trinity
- rule
- eeeagh
- rumpy-pumpy (aka rumpy pumpy)
- sex hair
- running the mud
- thumper's job
- Real world: sex Dorm
- really MTV Undressed
- Ryan
- babelfish
- you sass that hoopy ryan? There's a frood who really knows where his towel is
- the skinny-dipping champion of the world
- an anagram of 'villager'
- Ryan's favorite number
- 42
- Rybread Celsius (aka Rybread)
- yor frend
- the wronger of the blood pumper
- an adaptive-learning ai program
- the currently the worst if writer in the business
- not welcome for a cup of coffee and a slice of Battenburg
- also
- finally met his match in the form of Outsided
- S&W
- spider & web, which can be found on the if archive as tangle.z5
- sorry, I Don't Understand that One
- Sadie
- sadie hawkins, a band consisting of adam, mamster, and liza
- Sadie Hawkins
- a band whose web site at really needs to be re-established, since the site at isn't listed on the CDs
- Safeco
- not a condom maker or anything
- sage
- a windows program for creating LucasArts-like graphic adventure. For more information visit
- Salsa
- made of 9 Roma (Plum) Tomatos, 4 Vine Tomatos, 7 Jalapeno Peppers, 1/2 Yellow onion, 1/2 Bunch of Celantro (remove stalks), 1 Clove of Garlic, 1 Can of Hunts Ready Garlic & Herb Tomato Sauce - Process to desired thickness and refrigerate overnight
- Sam
- sam I am
- cool
- a samoa
- a cookie with caramel and coconut and chocolate
- the swarthy one
- Samoas
- the girl scout cookies with coconut, caramel and chocolate
- Sandyfeet
- andyf's alter ego
- sarah
- of ryan fame
- new to the ifmud
- sarcasm
- funny
- Sargent
- a tads guru, the maintainer of, and an all-around groovy guy
- he wrote that first description himself
- he may or may not also be lpsmith
- whoops, make that
- the sax murderer
- Sargent's site
- at
- the newest column is always at
- sargent's web site
- at
- the newest column is always at
- the news page is at
- sass
- know/meet/have sex with
- Satan
- the Handyman
- soprano, alto, tenor and bass
- Saturday
- the day after friday
- the day before sunday
- Saudade
- the Brazilian Portuguese word for the sweet, sad remembrance of people and places now distant or extinct, accompanied by the deep desire to see or experience them once again
- SB
- stolen base
- Scroll Back, You Lazy fuck
- the SCA
- the Society for Creative Anacronism
- Scalar
- mamster's name for liza's gecko
- ping
- scc
- sucky computer crashed. Happens a lot to poor kiz
- schep
- a raving lunatic
- a metal monkey
- an implunch toady
- not an abbreviation
- schep is short for Scheppleton-Fortescue
- semen
- schep's thingy
- related to dirty ascii art, but isn't
- you aren't old enough to know
- less escapified than monkeys locked in a room hammering out Hamlet
- Schlitz
- the beer that made Milwaukee famous. also a euphamism
- Scrabble
- available at as an applet, and as a standalone application
- scrabble is a bootylicious good time
- I just like saying 'bootylicious'
- scrapple
- a scary-ass food dish
- eaten by Kunkels
- used to fertilize mimesis plants
- scrollback
- reading the stuff you missed
- SCSI Ulrta2
- not the same as SCSI Ultrawide
- Second City television
- the system used by LucasArts to make Day of the Tentacle and other graphic adventure games
- Script Creating Utility for Maniac Mansion
- Scunthorpe
- a place in the uk. You sick bastard
- SD
- Sounds Dirty
- San Diego
- Scooby-Doo
- stupid Dolt
- sdiw8d
- ha! Found the Hidden Entry! But I still won't give you that last lousy point
- the Secure digital music Initiative
- Se7en
- an evil that lurks in the hearts of film producers in hollywood
- Sea Came in at Midnight
- the new steve erickson novel
- sea monkeys
- brine shrimp
- The secret of life the universe and everything
- 42
- secret squirrel
- the guy who posts regularly to raif with the message 'Piss in my pants'
- the secret of the universe
- 42
- See? They
- gone. You can come back in now
- Sega
- a company that makes promises it can't keep, and farms out the responsibility to other companies so they can take the shit
- self-referential
- [see self-referential]
- Senor Wences
- an ex-ventriloquist who lived to the ripe old age of 103. S'awrightÀ S'awright! Close de box
- A sentence fragment
- not always a question. Sometimes it is just used for dramatic purposes
- seti@home (aka seti)
- a distributed computing project wherein the folks of SETI send out chunks of data from radio telescopes for computers to process in their spare time
- Search for Extra-Terrestrial intelligence
- Seven
- a game about air fresheners
- a movie with that dreamboat Brad Pitt
- not a game about air fresheners
- not thirty, either
- goes with eleven
- what I say when I haven't understood your sentence
- the answer
- the seven contrary virtues
- Humility, Kindness, Abstinence, Chastity, Patience, Liberality and Diligence
- The Seven Deadly Sins
- Pride , Avarice, Lust, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Gluttony
- The Seven Sisters
- Mount Holyoke, Barnard, Smith, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, Vassar, and Radcliffe
- the seven virtues
- Faith, Hope, love (aka Charity), Fortitude, Temperence, Prudence and justice
- Seventh Sea (aka 7th Sea)
- an rpg co-written by whizzard
- pirates, musketeers, sorcerers
- sold 14,000 books out the door and reorders are rushing in
- sex
- what you do with a monkey
- dirty, but only if done right
- what you do with a parse tree
- seks
- the number six in Swedish
- sex hair
- snootchie bootchies
- SF
- science fiction
- sandyfeet
- San Francisco
- sweet fuck all
- Scottish football Association
- Standard Generalized Markup Language, a meta-language for defining markup languages. html is an example of an sgml application. XML is like sgml, only more usable
- Sounds good, maybe Later
- shaft
- the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks
- they say that John Shaft's one bad shut your mouth. I'm just talking about shaft
- we can dig it
- shag
- a seabird
- a carpet
- a dance
- a haircut
- rough sex behind the bike sheds
- loose tobacco
- Shakespeare
- "Pluck out the heart of my cork nut."
- "Still harping on my cork nut. "
- "Adversity's sweet milk, cork nut."
- "Thy head is as full of quarrels as a cork nut is full of meat. "
- "I could have better spared a better cork nut."
- "there are more cork nuts in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. "
- "this bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, May prove a beauteous cork nut when next we meet. "
- that which we call a cork nut by any other name would taste as sweet
- an English playwright
- "He doth nothing but talk of his cork nuts. "
- "fair ladies, you drop cork nuts in the way of starved people."
- "Blow, winds, and crack your cork nuts! rage! blow! "
- "an I have not forgotten what the inside of a cork nut is made of, I am a pepper-corn."
- skinheads against racial prejudice
- Spontaneous Human Combustion
- poof! there goes another one
- not nearly as terrifying as spc
- Sounds Highly Dirty
- dodgy
- Sheep Station
- a good name for a band
- sherbert
- a very interesting person with a strange sense of humor
- in a long glass
- sherlock
- that apple macintosh searching thing
- no shit
- shogi
- Japanese chess
- shopping
- my hobby
- shortbread
- flour, butter, and sugar, basically
- Shoutcast
- a streaming MP3 service. Channel listings are available at
- Shrub
- George Bush. no, not that George Bush, the other George Bush. the one who's running for president. no, not that George Bush who ran for president
- Shub-Spatchurath (aka Shub / Shub-Spatchurah)
- the Dark Idler of ifmud with a Thousand Child Processes
- Sacred Hunger Vest (of inky)
- Sacred Hunger Vest of inky
- sic
- something you type to show that the typo isn't your fault
- something you type when you know you're making a terrible typo and can get some comic mileage out of it, e.g. "sic, very sic"
- if you say it enough times, it loses all meaning. sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic sic
- what you tell your dog to do
- that long thing you just said
- side effects
- what this is
- Sideways
- a whole different category
- Signed, sealed, delivered, liza
- yours
- silence
- golden
- common
- simba
- dman's cat
- swahili for lion
- SimpleMU
- a cool MUD program for Windoze. Check it out at
- works wonderfully until you register it, which turns it into the buggiest piece of software in existance
- sin
- um, seven? Deadly ones that is
- Sloth
- Gluttony
- pride
- Envy
- Lust
- Anger
- Covetousness
- siuya
- Stick it up your [deleted]
- [deleted] can be defined by 'ask alex about arse'
- six afraid of seven
- because seven ate nine
- a skelf
- a splinter
- a cross between a skunk and an elf, possibly
- Some Kid Outside Just Screamed at the Thunder
- an SKU
- a stock-keeping unit
- The sky
- blue because it's really just a reflection of the sea
- blue because it's a government conspiracy
- blue because they ran out of red
- blue because I said so. Nyaah
- Slackers
- everyone on ifmud
- so Long and thanks For All the Fish
- so Long and thanks for alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
- Sounds Like a Personal Problem
- slash
- hot m/m or F/F action, usually in fanfiction
- slashdot
-, a news site for nerds
- /
- Slashdotted
- when a web site is mentioned on and hordes of happy hackers descend upon it, overloading the webserver
- slobs
- messy people
- people who don't clean up after themselves
- people like dman
- Dman's parents
- Slug-Boy
- the crime-fighting alter-ego of the burrito eater
- Sluggy Freelance
- a darn nifty comic
- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
- smeg
- Red Dwarf slang for crap, dung, shit, excrement. Someone with smeg for brains is a smeghead
- System Management Mode
- Smoot
- -- eeeagh! iron rain! (awwwk!)
- Symmetrical Multi-Processing
- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
- Snack
- unfortunately being used for everything except if
- at
- the snark
- a boojum
- saturday Night Live
- it used to be funny
- so not laughing
- full of unfunny repetitive characters and we hope they'll never glom on to the idea of a monkey butler or a wacky talking parrot
- snoo
- not much. What's snoo with you
- Snoops
- good stupid fun
- okay, a little overproduced, but still good stupid fun
- snot
- is not
- Springfield Nuclear Power Plant
- snrk
- unknowable
- SO
- Significant Other
- so soon
- not now
- Same Old Argument
- Start of Authority
- Silly on Arrival
- the Searchable Online Archive of Recipes
- Son of a Bitch
- sonovabitch
- Son of Beast
- Soccer
- not football
- soccer? I hardly know her
- sodium benzoate
- a preservative
- Shit Outta Luck
- the Satellite of love, the setting of mystery science theatre 3000 (at least until the finale of the tenth season)
- Sometimes a banana
- just a banana
- Sometimes a cigar
- just a cigar
- Sonnet 1
- From fairest creatures we desire increase, that thereby beauty's rose might never die, But as the riper should by time decease, His tender heir might bear his memory: But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes, Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel, Making a famine where abundance lies, Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel: Thou that art now the world's fresh ornament, and only herald to the gaudy spring, Within thine own bud buriest thy content, and tender churl mak'st waste in niggarding: Pity the world, or else this glutton be, To eat the world's due, by the grave and thee
- Sonnet 2
- When forty winters shall besiege thy brow, and dig deep trenches in thy beauty's field, Thy youth's proud livery so gazed on now, Will be a tattered weed of small worth held: Then being asked, where all thy beauty lies, Where all the treasure of thy lusty days; To say within thine own deep sunken eyes, Were an all-eating shame, and thriftless praise. How much more praise deserved thy beauty's use, if thou couldst answer 'this fair child of mine Shall sum my count, and make my old excuse' Proving his beauty by succession thine. this were to be new made when thou art old, and see thy blood warm when thou feel'st it cold
- Sonnet 3
- Look in thy glass and tell the face thou viewest, / Now is the time that face should form another, / Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest, / Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother. / For where is she so fair whose uneared womb / Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry? / Or who is he so fond will be the tomb, / Of his self-love to stop posterity? / Thou art thy mother's glass and she in thee / Calls back the lovely april of her prime, / so thou through windows of thine age shalt see, / Despite of wrinkles this thy golden time. / But if thou live remembered not to be, / Die single and thine image dies with thee
- standard operating procedure
- sorry
- you bunch of losers
- the hardest word
- Soup
- disappointing
- South Park
- excellent, but not dubbed in German
- soylent green
- 'To Serve man' is a COOKBOOK
- south park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut
- Space
- big. Really big. You won't believe how vastly, hugely mind-bogglingly big it is. You may think it's a long way down the street to the chemist but that's just cork-nuts to space
- curved
- the final frontier
- ascii 32
- the Society for the Preservation of adventure Games
- the Society for the Promotion of adventure Games
- at ( added pop-up windows)
- Spam
- pork and Ham, chicken, Water, Salt, Sugar, Sodium Phosphates, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Ascorbate, and Sodium Nitrate
- pink
- a delicious potted meat food product
- spleen hAM
- these days unsolicited commercial email, or junk mail
- nothing of the sort, that's UCE. spam is emp
- spam spam spam egg bacon and spam
- Spanish
- a language with lots of rolled 'R's in which most words end with 'O' or 'a'
- Spatch
- the vice president in charge of the monkeys for inkys program
- your mom
- beautiful
- lhapsa apso
- spatch zarathustra
- this MANY (holding up 3 fingers)
- he's going to code his own bot with blackjack and hookers. Wait, forget the blackjack! and the robot
- cranky
- also, also also also also also also also also also
- He can be found on by searching on spatch and ifmud
- the son of a preacher man
- an American Coaster Enthusiast, with the card to prove it
- really really sorry if I just ruined the mood now
- Spatch isn't the droid Alex
- looking for
- Spatch's pants
- on his head. the silly
- Spontaneous Parrot Combustion
- the speaker
- operated by the Edifice Towers buzzer
- SpeedIF3
- Spellweb
- a web-based voting service of sorts at
- Spider & Web
- tangle
- spinnwebe
- the spleen
- the sexiest internal organ according to People Magazine
- spoilers
- to the southeast
- ...and keep them there
- Spoofing
- the act of making people believe that somebody else said or did something that they did not. You can use the 'spy' flag to see who is spoofing you. also see the entry for 'spy'
- to do it yourself, use the '@emit' command
- The Sport
- a high-quality British paper, covering such enlightening subjects as breasts, breasts and breasts. also, breasts
- alien invasions
- spy
- a flag that keeps you from being spoofed. To set it, type @set me = spy
- '@set me = expert' is a good idea
- it doesn't really keep you from being spoofed, but it lets you know who is spoofing you
- note that spoofing is still fun when you can see who's responsible. awwwk
- the spy flag
- something that lets alex (and others) see if people are being spoofed
- Structured Query Language
- a language for getting information out of a database
- a big pain in the arse
- it forces you to write queries in plaintext, so they get hideously complicated
- the square root of 0
- um, negative one
- the square root of 1
- um, zero
- the square root of 16
- um, three
- the square root of 25
- um, four
- The square root of 3
- round about 2
- the square root of 36
- um, five
- the square root of 4
- um, one
- the square root of 49
- um, six
- the square root of 69
- a pretty bloody funny concept in australia
- the square root of 9
- um, two
- Squicking
- not polite
- at least, not on a first date
- squirrels
- rodents that steal my cork nuts
- should be run through the chipper
- rabid
- furry but not cute
- banned in NYC
- Static Random Access Memory
- ss2
- System Shock 2, by Irrational Games & Looking Glass Studios. for more information
- Single Side Band
- Server-side includes
- a handy way of doing little dynamic things in html
- Strategic Simulations, Inc
- Secure Socket Layer
- an insanely complicated encryption scheme
- Stalin
- the only person to kill more people than hitler
- Stanley Kubrick
- dead
- the director of the classic film 'um, seven'
- star wars
- a long time ago in a galaxy far far away
- I'm on line for tickets right now
- The starting point of an "object-oriented language''
- that it's good design to tie up pieces of information in bundles with the pieces of program which deal with them
- the state of the mud
- Ohio
- stable
- a sexually-transmitted disease
- Stephen Ratliff (aka Ratliff)
- the Ed wood of bad Star Trek fanfic (but with better fashion sense and a better learning curve)
- the author of a series of cheesy Star Trek fanfics starring Marrissa Amber Flores Picard. Among the worst of these are 'Enterprized' and 'time Speeder'. the series is the subject of numerous mistings
- should be shot for mocking adam
- Stephen Wright
- this guy I once met -- oh, wait, that wasn't me
- Steve
- a wacky jokester who lives somewhere in Michigan
- pants
- a bastid
- not Locus's OfficeMax
- Steve Erickson (aka Erickson)
- Steve's favorite writer
- Steve Meretzky (aka Meretzky)
- the Bearded oracle of Yonkers
- the author of Planetfall, Stationfall, a Mind Forever Voyaging, and Leather Goddesses of Phobos
- the original creator of floyd the robot
- the author of Legend's Spellcasting series
- the author of the space bar
- Steven Bochco
- the world-famous producer of such renowned TV programs as 'Cop rock' and 'Fish Police.'
- the producer of Hill street Blues
- Shut the fuck up. I feel so dirty for repeating that. Wash my beak out with cork nut
- stone
- 14 lbs
- straight dope
- a straw poll
- a poll that doesn't really count, but they give you barbecue sandwiches anyway
- the street
- under the word
- on the word
- Strong AI
- a very loud yell. Weak ai is not so loud
- Stuart Little
- creepy
- stuff
- stuff
- things
- other stuff
- that which you need more of. You need more stuff
- what you find on the bottom of your shoe
- Stupid
- as stupid does
- Subtractam
- Adam's evil opposite from a 'mirror' dimension (as depicted in the old Star Trek). He believes tracy Valencia should be tightly bundled up in parkas at all times, and thinks stephen ratliff is a literary genius
- believes the EYE OF ARGON is the best sword and sorcery story ever written
- madly in love with Marrissa Amber Flores Picard
- Suddenly, Tammy!
- an amazing pop band with piano and female vocals, originally from Lancaster PA
- a piano-led band with female vox, roughly comparable to Ben Folds Five
- probably State Unemployment Insurance
- dejanews knows all
- The sum total of all human knowledge
- encompassed in my tiny peanut sized brain
- Sunday
- the day after saturday
- the day before monday
- sus
- suspicious
- space Under the funny Little Window
- Ste{ph,v}en van Egmond
- BVE's non-evil twin
- 'si vos valemus, bene est, nos valetis'
- SW
- star wars
- each movie keepS getting worse
- southwest
- Swamp Elvis
- the Swamp king
- sweet fuck all
- none at all
- A swift kick to the nads
- the correct response to a noogie
- Switch to Linux
- the cure for what ails you
- swivel
- a word markm can't spell without having to look it up
- swut
- sXe
- straightedge
- Sydrom
- Syndrome
- syffuf
- shut your fucking face uncle fucker
- t
- t
- T&L
- Thunder & Lightning
- T3
- easy to pronounce
- the next-generation tads virtual machine
- it was sent back in time to kill graham nelson as a boy, before he could write inform
- described at
- Tylenol 3
- T7S
- that 70s Show, stayin' alive on FOX all this summer
- the Text adventure Development System, written by michael j roberts. if you want tads help, join the tads channel
- if language then tads = best
- cooler than cool
- better than inform and hugo put together
- I lied about that
- a tads manual
- at
- Thats All For Now
- Taft
- a cardboard cutout from Ballyhoo
- he got stuck in the white house bathtub
- A Tale of Two Cities
- the best of times
- the worst of times
- tangle
- spider & web
- there Ain't no Such Thing As a Free lunch
- tap
- a sound in which the tongue touches the alveolar ridge, as in some British pronunciations of /r/. also called flap
- a taqueria
- a taco shop
- it is distinguished from a restaurant by the absence of waiters
- Tape ARchive
- stupid, because it doesn't even compress
- a sailor, aka jack tar
- time and Relative Dimensions in space
- bigger on the inside than the outside
- the magic Doctor-Who-mobile
- makes a cool whirry-grindy noise when materialising and dematerialising
- that also Sounded Dirty
- that Almost Sounds Dirty But not Quite
- time: All Things Come To an End
- taxes
- two cork nuts this year, and three next. Curse this self-employment tax
- that Being the Point
- the Book Was Better
- TC
- trilateral commission
- Trophy Case
- Teleport Control
- Teachers College
- Total Conversion
- the Country's Best Frogurt
- that Could've Been Funnier
- tcd
- terminal Comma Disease
- the Chronicles Of Thomas Covenant, Unbeliever
- 'time: Could Other Things Come To Unend?'
- Transmission Control Protocol
- Transmission Control Protocol / internet Protocol
- that Could Sound Dirty
- Tea
- no tea
- tea
- a is a
- common sense. also, no common sense
- I want a cork nut with my tea. Or two
- technology
- funny
- Ted McGinley
- the patron saint of Jumping the Shark
- teflonney
- having the no-stick properties of teflon
- To each His Own
- Teletubbies
- the product of British TV creators who dabble in hallucinogens
- great for kids pre-natal to one month old
- many believe that if Brits have gone so crazy-nuts for this that they're suing one another in court over the possession of teletubbies plush toys and are naming their kids after characters whose handles are Tinky Winky, Po, Dipsy and Laa-Laa, then they clearly have abandoned the right to poke fun at Americans for their preoccupation with White House scandal and secondhand smoke
- television
- inane
- the Evil Midnight Bomber what Bombs at Midnight
- a really cool villian from the Tick
- temple
- where adam lived when he was the god-king of the Wamkizz people
- Tenchu
- a game for playstation
- Dman's favorite game for playstation
- tennis
- boring
- TenthStone
- mysterious
- well-understood
- the one after NinthStone
- only somewhat mysterious
- definitely not the one after NinthStone
- the one before EleventhStone
- tequila
- drink the worm
- kiz's newest vice
- the terror of tofu (aka satanic chili / satanic chilli)
- tester
- the character you use to test stuff, duh
- its password is 'tester'
- Tetrapyloctomy
- the art of splitting a hair four ways
- Tetsuo
- a psychokinetic danger
- virex
- formerly virex
- that which absolutely *_HATES_* acronyms
- full of questions
- TeX
- an unparallelled language for typescripting
- a mythological figure from the southwest, whose full name is Oedipus tex. He shot his ma and married his pa
- the texas two-step
- a dance
- Textfire
- a software company who posted some terrific demo games a while back, but the full versions have yet to appear! What's taking so long
- tf (aka tinyfugue)
- tinyfugue, a good mud client for unix
- found at
- a BU-ism for Teaching Fellow
- TeamFortress, which used to be a Quake conversion, and is now a Half-Life conversion
- TFotR
- the Fellowship of the Ring
- Thank god It's friday
- thank alex
- you're welcome
- 'Thanks'
- sarcasm
- That
- a lot of Jenn
- right
- what I thought
- a terrible joke
- your cue, man
- just plain disgusting, alex
- that long thing Alex just said
- pi
- that long thing you just said
- that masked man
- the Lone Ranger
- I don't know, but he left a silver bullet
- that parrot
- scary
- That that
- is
- see the status-line message at
- that that that
- is is a a a bug bug bug
- That which
- greater is often that which seems lesser
- Thazz
- an IFer
- tofu Hot Basil
- the most delicious food in the world
- the active ingrediant in marijuana
- the History Channel: stuff that happened
- the
- a test
- a Determiner, like 'a' or 'that' or 'each'
- an article
- There
- six airports in iraq
- There Alex happy now
- yes, yes I am
- These values
- sometimes regarded as signed, in the range $-32768$ to $32767$
- they say that john shaft's one bad shut my mouth. Spatch
- just talking about shaft
- Thirty
- xxx
- This
- *bites* truck
- all your fault
- alex's fault, not neild's fault
- your turn to speak up
- This message
- going to self destruct in ten seconds
- thod
- Thought of Day
- Three
- 3 in three
- the three ages of ifMUD
- the First age, the Second age, and the Third age
- thriry
- not seven
- Throughout the specification, Versions 7 and 8
- identical to Version 5 except as stated at 1.1.4 and 1.2.3 above
- thumper
- wiggly
- giggly
- incompetiggly
- nitfoliggly
- a textured wobbly
- all that
- a bag a' chips
- I like a monkey
- spoiling alex with cork nuts
- cool beyond belief
- cool within belief
- not not not not. and don't you forget it
- higgeldy-piggeldy
- the bunny from Bambi
- thumper thumper's mine
- a song
- Thursday
- a slow night on the MUD
- the day after friday
- the day before wednesday. Wait, that's not right
- thanks In Advance
- try it and see
- ticket
- fixing a computer, according to kiz and duchess
- a tickle
- for me. Gimme
- that *is* dirty
- Tiger Woods
- kinda sucky
- the time
- now, the place is here, I fight with you
- time cube
- crazy monkey
- the time machine
- available for only $70
- invented by alex Chiu (
- I will go back in time and invent the cork nut
- Time Zone
- big
- really big
- timing
- when two people say things at the same time. it's like a jinx, but you don't have to buy the person a coke
- this is not a joke
- Tina J. sat behind me in fourth grade
- tinc
- there is no Cabal
- ting
- a sorta carbonated grapefruit drink allegedly drunk in Jamaica but popular in parts of Toronto
- Tintenfischunterhosen
- a bastard word
- 'octopus pants'
- TinyTIM
- your mom
- Tit Antic
- titanic
- the Titanic
- a big boat that sank
- Leo DiCaprio died
- Iceberg, Goldberg, what's the difference
- TK
- magazine shorthand for 'To Kome'
- telekinesis
- tla
- a three letter acronym
- Triple Letter acronym
- 'tla' isn't an acronym itself; it's just an abbreviation
- a database is at
- TLAs
- Three-Letter Acronyms
- Tender Loving Care
- the Learning Channel
- Tender Luscious cork nuts
- a band
- Thin-Layer Chromatography
- Top-Level Domain
- a list of TLD's can be found at
- wait, I meant
- three-letter name
- Too Many Acronyms
- They Might Be Giants
- three more Brunette Girls
- Truman May Bomb Germany
- Two Million Big Guns
- television May Be Generic
- toads Make Beautiful Goulash
- Terrible Melted Brown Goo
- that Might Be Green
- thirty more Bastard Ghosts
- Try My Bubble Gum
- Twisting May Break Glue
- tmg
- They Might Giants
- Too Much Information
- a typo for tmi
- Too Much lag
- There's more Than One Way
- There's more Than One Way To Do it
- There's more Than One Way To Sound Dirty
- the Next Generation, as in Star Trek
- To be, or not to be- that
- the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them
- shakespeare
- To cork nut or to nut cork- that
- the question. Whether 'tis corkier in the eyes of almonds to fight against a sea of inferior nuts or to accept the cork nut as a cork nut
- toads (aka toad)
- small and slimy and not players
- a verb meaning 'to get rid of', on Planet jaybird
- toast
- supreme
- loved by virex
- today
- the first day of the rest of your life
- tofu
- not a cork nut, and therefore of no use to me
- the toilet
- in the bathroom currently, dumbass
- tom green
- bizarre, man
- a Tom Swiftie
- 'what programming language should I use?', alex awwwked
- tomato sharks
- confidence men that try and get you to play three-tomato monte
- tomorrow
- the second day of the rest of your life
- too damn much
- funny
- Tooting Junction
- ha! You lose
- torment
- people asking me questions
- Tormenting Alex
- fun
- the toyshop
- southwest of the lounge
- TP (aka trivia questions)
- Trivial Pursuit
- neild's new job
- not neild's new job anymore
- Trade Paperback
- the perl Journal.
- responsible for making me famous
- toilet Paper joke
- the Phantom Menace
- Transactions Per Minute
- the perl queen
- the Powers that Be
- TR
- Tomb Raider
- tads runtime
- translator
- table row
- Tabitha-Ruth
- terribly rude
- Tracy
- Adam's sex kitten
- transcripts (aka logs)
- at
- my transcripts are at
- some are at
- they're big, they're heavy, they're wood
- Transformers
- more than meets the eye
- a series of action toys by Hasbro
- a very popular animated series from the mid 80s
- a comic book
- Trendy
- liza's five-foot iguana
- he likes eating pants
- like a monkey, only greener
- overclocked and proud of it
- in the bathtub
- Trepanation
- a hole in the head
- that's how I store all my cork nuts
- Trilateral Commission
- the cabal that's responsible for global warming, the death of JFK, the popularity of John Tesh, and fish sticks
- Trix
- for kids
- trkiw
- k
- troll
- when misleading information is given to deliberately bait people who should know better
- trot
- Planetfall/Stationfall slang for crap, dung, shit, excrement. Someone with trot for brains is a trot-head
- something horses do
- trout
- a kind of fish
- That's Rather Personal
- truth
- quid es veritas
- you can't handle the truth
- the Revolution Will not Be Televised
- Errol Flynn's most hated nemesis
- that Sounds Clean
- that Sounds Dirty
- the straight dope
- the backStreet boys, d
- that Sucks, Dude
- tsd is in the mind of the beholder. so watch yourself
- that Sounds Dirty also
- TSDBB (aka SDBB)
- that Sounds Dirty Beyond Belief
- that Sounds Dirty, But I Don't Get it
- that Sounds Dirty, But I Don't Understand
- that Sounds Dirty But You Knew that
- that Sounded funny although that may not have been the intent
- that Sounds funny, But I Don't Get it
- the Tiger Stadium Fan Club
- that Sounds Gastronomical
- the Sweet Hereafter. also, the best movie ever
- that Sounds Like a Really Perverted Sexual Position
- That's Sort Of Meant To Sound Dirty
- that Sounds so Dirty I Don't Even Want To Think About it
- tT
- 'yay' shifted over one
- tT!
- 'yay' shifted over one
- True Type Font
- ta ta for now
- time To Live
- To Tell the truth
- TeleTYpe
- Talk To You Later
- Tuesday
- the day after monday
- the day before wednesday
- tufty
- a Right Bastard from the uk
- an earth monkey
- no pejorative is too strong when describing this bloke
- a blimey
- a sex-obsessed maniac
- soft
- I think he was maimed in a horrible juggling accident
- the Turing test
- a way of deciding whether an artificially intelligent computer program is _actually_ intelligent. Basically, you ask it questions over a computer terminal and try to catch it out
- don't bother trying to test me, because it doesn't work with parrots
- turlingdrome (aka turlingdromes)
- an obscene word most often used in Vogon poetry
- tutee
- something that I don't know. I told you I didn't know
- okay, so I actually do know what it is, but I won't tell you
- so there
- no, I was lying, I really haven't a clue
- Tennessee valley Authority
- that Was Dirty
- that Wasn't funny
- that Was Intentional
- the world is a Very Big Place
- the world is a Very bad Place
- the two stimulants used (aka stimulants)
- amphetamines and cocaine
- caffiene and nicotine
- that Would Ruin the joke
- neild made that up
- awwwk! You ruined it
- txd
- a zcode disassembler
- that Xounds Dirty
- typical
- asking a deep and meaningful question and getting a response like 'um, seven?'
- A typo
- a jeyboaard problema
- Thank You that Helped. also, Thank You, Turkey Head
- Thank You Very Much
- TZ
- time zone
- the Union of American Hebrew Congregations
- the organization for Reform synagogues in America
- Unnecessary Breast examination
- Unintentional CapsLock
- the file system used on DVD
- not as restricted as ISO9660
- Universal Data Format (late)
- User Datagram Protocol
- uh
- a "don't learn" word that inky forgot
- uh-huh
- affirmative
- uh-uh
- negative
- UI
- user interface
- the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- UK
- United Kingdom
- UL
- Urban Legend
- ulletin check
- what it prints when rob logs in because his autocmd code starts with 'b' and interferes with the new bulletin board code
- UltraHLE
- an emulator for the N64
- Um
- a querying word used whenever the queryer doesn't quite understand what the queryee said. also, I'm not queer so thanks for not asking
- Um, Alex = What, what Dman
- a busy bird you know
- Um, seven
- not the right answer
- Um, seven?
- not the right answer
- Umberto Eco
- an author who wrote at least two fabulous works: Foucault's Pendulum and the Name of the Rose
- the latter work is very IF-like
- umpty
- something that inky says on occasion
- underground man (aka underground)
- that which followed chernyshevsky's rational egoist ideologies and suffered
- Underpants
- tasty
- the undisputed king of gossip
- me
- it used to be Walter Winchell
- Undo
- a command that lusers use
- a duck, a frog, and a hole walk into a bar
- units
- traditionally harem guards
- unix
- the OS of the gods
- powerful yet able to make your brain esplode
- not alex
- Up
- down
- where it's at
- not much
- stop asking me that, monkey boy
- 4 Non Blondes
- a direction
- up with ebay
- User Datagram Protocol
- the United Paramount network
- one of those extra little TV networks that like to think they're hot stuff, like the wb
- one film studio's sad attempt at creating a network of its own
- channel 38 in the Boston area
- Uninterruptable Power Supply
- urbu
- inky's friend
- Universal Resource Locator
- a Uniform Resource Locator that is either an IP address or resolves into one
- US West
- US Worst
- a company that looks like a big nipple
- United States of America
- not adb
- Universal Serial bus
- Use the force, Alex. It
- your destiny
- unix to unix Copy Program
- UneXploded Bomb
- V
- DorianX's very own vm
- five, for the Roman numeral impaired
- for Victory
- Vader
- Darth
- Valicella
- the sequel to varicella
- Vermicelli
- when Thor gets chicken pox
- where norse people go after they die to scheme and plot and wear poofy hats
- Valicello
- when women in short skirts play large stringed instruments. How unseemly
- the Valley
- the Pioneer valley, also known as the Happy valley
- vaporware
- in over his head
- vegeware
- vapsybobo
- firmly on the masculine side of the scale
- software that is promised but never seems to actually appear
- Microsoft's second most favorite anticompetitive strategy
- someone who rory thinks is a vampire
- excited
- Varicella (aka Vc)
- chicken pox
- Adam's new game
- I have little red spots under my feathers. Should I go to the doctor
- when do I get to start shooting people in this game
- designed to drive you nuts
- Value Added Tax
- like gst
- virtual beet picnic, which is an anagram for public interactive
- Video Cassette Recorder
- vegemite
- a food eaten by Aussies, who should know better
- a bit like sludge, except less edible
- like teardrops of angels falling on your tongue
- yeast scraped from the bottom of a beer vat, salted
- velum
- the soft palate; the part of the roof of the mouth behind the hard palate
- Vermont
- trees
- Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Netwide Index to Computerised Archives
- Video Electronics Standard Asociation
- Video Graphics Array
- vi
- the greatest text editor around
- much better than emacs
- Vietnam
- ... well, I'll explain when you're older, honey
- go to bed, pollboy. You're pissing me off
- Villa Park
- a high school that takes its name from the city in california in which it is located
- A villanelle
- a kind of poem
- violets
- blue
- purple
- small
- ViReX
- someone who likes toast
- Smashing Pumpkins Boy
- that brendan guy who threatened to 'jam my friggin' cork nuts up my a$$'
- tAkEs cArE oF the pLaCe wHiLe the mAsTeR is aWaY
- not someone you meet, but someone you survive
- the book of life
- just a bill, just a-sittin' on a step
- Jaybird's long-lost second cousin
- now tetsuo
- now brendan
- Virtual Beet Picnic
- liza's workplace
- Pubic Interactive
- er, Public
- visicalc
- at
- Vita Lorgan
- a man who would give his spleen to save another's life
- vesa Local bus
- VM
- Virtual Machine
- Volker
- the maintainer of
- the man
- volkerl
- the best i-f author even been here
- looking for fame in all the wrong places
- vomiting frogs
- something to do when you're bored
- a vomitorium
- Coney Island
- vomiturition
- 1) repeated but unsuccessful attempts to vomit, 2) vomiting that brings up but little matter
- Virtual pc
- not Virtual pc, according to dglasser
- VR
- Virtual reality
- vrml
- Virtual reality Markup Language
- Very Small Daughter
- VxD
- Virtual Device Driver
- Vile Zero errors From hell
- W&F
- wow & flutter
- Steve's band
- w/
- With
- w/o
- Without
- w2k
- windows 2000 is windows NT 5
- on boot-up, the world will end. also, y2k
- W3C
- world Wide Web Consortium
- Wackiness
- what we do round here, _all_ de time
- waht
- a misspelling of what, you twat
- Wide Area Information Search
- waiting
- what bots do best
- Waldo
- hiding in the monkey Cage in the Zoo scene
- Walnuts
- good too
- the walrus
- paul
- John
- Wide Area network
- wank
- a British word, meaning masturbate, which didn't survive the trip across the Atlantic for some reason
- WannaBe
- a lightweight web browser for the Mac. See
- War
- a misunderstanding between two groups that has gotten way out of hand
- hmmmp! good god
- Watoosie
- what I'm gonna dance on unless you shape up
- wave
- bye-bye
- see you later, dude
- waylay
- ddyte's favourite verb
- John Elway in pig latin
- WB
- Welcome Back
- the happening network that all the Kids Of today are crazy about
- WeirdBeird
- World's Best cookie
- World's Best cork nut
- Welcome Back Kotter
- Win Ben Stein's money
- the West Corner of the Park
- a FurryMUCK thing
- crappy
- World's Crappiest Wrestling
- the best radio station in the world
- Walt Disney world. In Orlando, Florida
- what Do You Mean
- we
- thankful for prune juice
- all funny
- now taking a little break for lunch
- the borg
- devo
- the weasel alien
- a big cheese at infocom, or was, anyway
- an asshole
- weasles
- greasy dirt monkeys
- The weather
- funny
- the weather in Louisville
- not my department. Try 1-888-573-8255
- Wednesday
- the day after tuesday
- the day before thursday
- Weetabix
- the littlest MUDer
- jarb will proudly talk about her
- a cereal
- dfan often finds himself jonesing for her
- <>
- Weird Trigger
- my favorite horse
- WeirdBeard
- the guy whose sole contribution to if is that he told Gramee Cree that the first a in afgncaap stood for "Ageless" and not "a"."
- this entry has been edited for grammar
- an apprentice wizard on davemud
- a guy who's positively *bursting* with enthusiastic ideas
- WeirdBeard's package
- not his brother's lingerie
- well
- deep and dark and wet
- werewolf
- a game based on Mafia
- rules are available at
- a version adapted to the mud is in floyd, as "werewolf"
- a gonzo exercise in mob mentality
- tedious to people who don't like playing it incessantly
- The West End
- the bar near Columbia, also Ground Zero for the beat poets. and kiz and duchess
- the west island
- australia
- Writers' Guild of America
- wha
- not a real word. Speak to me properly
- @boot Keanu
- whack-a-ding-hoy
- hoity-toity
- whas
- funny
- a radio station in Louisville, ky
- a what
- funny
- we going to do tonight is the same thing we do every night, Pinky... try to TAKE OVER the world
- me
- an interrogative pronoun
- Whatever Rachel
- a good sitcom name
- whispering
- a good thing to do when talking to me
- Whizzard
- an ex-IF writer
- the author of Underoos
- he wrote once and future
- who
- on first
- maybe that's second
- Awwk! I'm confused
- who da bird
- dat crazy alex
- Who taught Alex that
- someone who thinks he or she is pretty funny
- Whoa
- me
- whore
- a combination of the 'who' and 'where' commands
- whug-ugly
- what you get when you convert Excel charts to html
- a why
- the difference between a duck
- 'Why can't PollBoy find a PollGirl of PollBoy's very own'
- the lament of a pathetic loser. Pull yourself together, man
- a why did the chicken cross the road
- to get to the other side and bring back a cork nut
- wibble
- an expression of cosmic glee
- a greeting
- work in Lack Of Progress
- windows Icons Mouse Pointer
- WinAmp
- an MP3 player that AOL decided was theirs
- Windows
- what we deserve
- work in Progress
- Wait, that Isn't funny
- without chyx the world
- a cold and miserable place
- a Wizard
- someone who can @toad people
- liza's the A-number-one lizard wizard
- thumper is a wizard
- neild is a wizard
- jaybird is a wizard
- wizards
- what you won't be if you ask
- everyone but jaybird
- the people to bug for new accounts and stuff. Type @users wizards for a list
- a wizbit
- the smallest possible unit of wizardry
- what you are when you pester a wizard and get toothmarks in your ear
- A wizbyte
- eight wizbits
- windows Media Player
- wimmin shooting hoops, according to expert Neil deMause
- Warrior Needs Food, Badly
- Woe
- me
- devil-ish
- always at work, hence the woe
- no longer woe, see devil
- whoa
- Wol
- the poohsticks bot
- wol is how Owl spells his name. Owl spels gud
- a wolf
- awrrooooooo
- A women
- a lady
- all witches inside, says Bugs
- woo
- me
- wood
- wooden
- The word
- what keeps the street from blowing away
- an old Channel 4 chat show
- the word on the street
- the word on the street
- 'antediluvian.'
- "titties"
- wordox
- work
- extremely sucking
- power over time. Knowledge is power. time is money. work is knowledge over money, and money is knowledge over work. Therefore, the less knowledge you have and the less work you do, the more money you make
- that's not true. I can't do math, or else I'd know that if a=b/c, reducing b does not increase a
- the world (aka pink)
- pink
- Write Once Read Many
- Worms
- good for you. Eat one
- worse
- better
- wossname
- just plain weird
- Walk on the Wild Side
- would Alex like fries with that
- just what I would like
- a side of cork nuts, please
- Wow & Flutter
- the name of Steve's band
- Wow. That
- funny on so many levels
- WP
- word Perfect
- Wrong
- what loving you is, and I don't wanna be right
- Wrong. The time...
- now
- wrong with Alex
- that I'm stuck on a perch all day remembering crap for you guys! I hate it
- With Respect To
- Wait, this acronym is wrong
- what the fuck
- what the god-damn fucking fuck in hell
- boy do I have a foul mouth
- what the hell or what the Heck, for weedy people who don't want to say wtf
- 'Wait, this isn't funny.'
- what the monkey
- Wait, There's the monkey
- Way Too Much Information
- Wait, that Should Have Been funny
- Wait, that Won't Be funny
- Wait, that Wasn't funny
- WUA (aka WUA acronym)
- Wrongly Used acronym. an example of a wua acronym is 'wua acronym'
- pronounced 'whoa!'
- the Wumpus
- wumpus yobgregorii
- the world Wildlife Fund
- a wrestling orginazation
- I'm betting on the Killer Panda
- 'Will we fsck?'
- what would jesus Do
- what Would jesus Do... For a Klondike bar
- what Would Sorrky Inster Do
- world Wide Web
- Way, way, *WAY* too much information
- Wyld Stallyns
- Bill and Ted's garage band
- San Dimas High School football RULES
- what You See is All You Get
- what You See is what You Get
- X
- pronounced as CCCCCCH
- because it's Xtra, baby
- X-10
- a home automation technology
- at
- xcomp
- X-Files
- YOU CAN'T HANDLE the truth
- Xfregrly
- the common greeting on altair 4
- xtrek
- the name for a gorup of people who write sophomoric pr0n games in agt, often featuring Star Trek characters. Sad, really
- hot, hot, hot
- what newspaper people used to end their columns with
- what you get for swearing on pay-for-use internet terminals at airports
- that's XXXXed up
- the magic word
- I am inside a building, a well house for a large spring
- xyzzynews
- Eileen's if 'zine. Check it out at
- Y2K
- the Year 2000. on January 1st of that year, the world will end
- #QBQ#T GA%Aa wf4c!sd32rAwwk
- YA
- Young Adult
- Yet Another Bloody acronym
- yacc
- Yet Another Compiler Compiler
- Yet Another Copyright Infringement Thread
- You asked for it, you got it
- yankees
- a bunch of fat pinstripe wearing pusy toads
- Yanu
- not unix
- yarmulke (aka yamokah / kipah)
- like a beanie, but without the propellor
- inky beanie
- Yet Another stupid Death. Like when you're playing Nethack and you choke to death on royal jelly, or you've wielded a cockatrice corpse and fall down the stairs
- both of those have happened to spatch before. no fooling. stupid player
- yatla
- Yet Another three Letter acronym
- Yet Another word Doc
- Yet Another X-files acronym
- Yay
- an exclamation made by immature ifMUDders
- Yay! Alex
- back
- Your brain is What's Dirty
- You Bet it Was Dirty
- yeknom
- ynnuf
- Yeknoma Ekili
- the Sherpa who first got jeyboaard problema to the top of Everest
- the face of god
- yes
- maybe
- no
- odd
- a progressive rock band
- the owner of a lonely heart is much better than the owner of a broken heart
- what some people think no means
- yesterday
- the last day of the previous part of your life
- You Know what I Mean
- You Know You're an 'x'
- not funny
- You Know You've Been on IF-MUD Too Long When
- YM
- You Mean
- young & monkey
- sometimes 'You Misspelled'
- Your Mileage May Vary
- Your mimisis May Vary (a variant promulaged by doe who claims that L. Ross Raszewsky was the first to use it)
- it's actually 'mimesis' and 'Raszewski'
- You're Making These Acronyms up
- yogurt
- the silver-backed gorilla
- yoink (aka yoinking)
- I don't know what 'yoinking' means, but inky does it a lot
- might be the self-greeting inky. arr! Welcome to my yoinkery
- A yonker
- a young man
- Yop
- a yogurt drink made by Yoplait and available in canada and the uk but not in the US
- yor frend (aka yor / frend / yore friend)
- really the chiken!! also, it's actually "yore friend"
- Young & Monkey
- a teen magazine
- You're Supposed To Tell alex About stuff You Just Make up _Before_ You Mention it, You Great Tit
- Yours Was Better
- Yours Was Funnier
- tsd
- You're Welcome in Advance
- Z:ATEV (aka ZATEV)
- zork: a Troll's Eye View
- z_window
- katre's gtk code to handle gFrotz's display
- Zachary's
- the best pizza in the world
- Zaphod Beeblebrox (aka Zaphod)
- the 2-headed 3-armed ex-president of the Imperial Galaxy
- just this guy, you know
- zard
- what dfan keeps calling zarf
- now an acceptable alternate spelling of zarf. You no longer have to correct it. (Although it is deprecated.)
- zarf
- bad monkey
- classified
- extremely confusing
- deliberate
- Intentional
- old
- a cup holder. Honest
- just some insane programmer whose words all include 'L'
- a pyromaniac
- untrippable
- zarfian
- the adjective form of zarf
- zarf's backpack
- full of games, including Fluxx, Falling, Aquarius, Set, Arcana, Give Me the brain, werewolf, Lord of the Fries, Parts Unknown, Kill Dr. Lucky, Bitin' Off Hedz, and cosmic wimpout
- ZD
- Ziff-Davis
- zest
- the yellow part of the lemon, without any of the white. it is full of essential oils and flavouring
- listen chump! zest doesn't have any heavy moisturizers
- Zermelo Frankel Choice, an important set of mathematical axioms
- Zambia Fried chicken
- ZGI (aka Z:GI)
- zork: Grand Inquisitor
- Zil (aka Zork Implementation Language)
- the programming language that infocom used to write their games
- zork Implementation Language
- zit
- a pimple
- zMUD
- a mud client for windows, available at
- ZN (aka Z:N)
- zork Nemesis
- Zontar
- an old sci-fi movie, broadcast on sctv
- Zope
- a Python-based web application server
- Zork
- at your service
- Zork II
- awesome, according to virex
- Zrblm
- a list of the World's Best Consonants
- available to zarf as the title of his next project for a small fee
- zxz
- a g?g
- {
- a left curly brace
- coat hanger
- }
- a right curly brace
- anti-coat hanger
- ~
- a tilde
- ~~
- the logical not in inform
- ÊWhat
- we going to do tonight is just what we do every night, Pinky... try to TAKE OVER the world
Alex knows better than to chirp up about
- the
- so
- um
- poly
- up
- hrm
- bad
- ...
- who
- wtf
- that
- url
- were
- well
- hm
- this
- why
- happening
- they
- where
- ..
- mmhmm
- bleah
- no
- today
- hmm
- guh
- huh
- timing
- good
- new
- was
- wrong
- eh
- how
- am
- um, seven
- yes
- when
- and
- which
- hello
- what
- er
- oh
- are
- mm
- we
- is
- you
- it
- uh
Alex has been introduced to the following people:
- dman
- caoif
- drevel
- mcp_cone
- gordy
- jaybird
- thumper
- boucher
- jayren
- frob
- boingball
- rory
- marvin
- phang
- degnaredmi
- schep
- adam
- devil
- dglasser
- turacin
- mef
- markm
- dilbon
- mamster
- guest1
- ddyte
- trikiw
- limax
- tufty
- mcp
- rob
- spatch
- esrom
- grocible
- fink-nottle
- neild
- ender
- virex
- kiz
- ivan
- jota
- ilya
- duchess
- torbjorn
- hairbrain
- liza
- thazz
- andyf
- zarf
- psmith
- dorianx
- lurd
- vaporware
- katre
- frobnitzboy
- april
- dfan
- weirdbeard
- inky
- gunther
Alex refuses to respond to the following anti-avianists:
- lpsmith
- rob
- jaybird
- gordy
- thumper
- katre
- blah
- steve
- markm
- boingball
- ddyte
- ghogg
- gunther