Programming stuff

So.. umm. I don't really have any nice programs to show off, actually. [Or didn't, at the time I first wrote this. I like to add things rather than change what's already there, if you hadn't noticed (but even if you had, I still do)] Here's a little perl silliness, though. Also, here's a little perl program I wrote, which isn't "nice" but might be handy. It resizes text files to a given number of characters in width. It's a little ill-tempered, though, and tends to eat paragraph breaks.

In my continuing quest for perl exercises, I wrote this one. It takes in an (html) file and puts a "timestamp" on it, something like:
<!-- Last modified: Tue Sep 10 16:00:23 PDT 1996, by Dan Shiovitz --!>

Here's an actual perl cgi script. It lets you make a link to anywhere without using the "open link" button. Useful only if you're on a public terminal that's disabled the open link feature for some reason. Anyway, that's here.

Here's another "actually usable" thingy-ding. Fill in the from, to, subject, and body fields, and click to mail it off. That's here.

And another. This one picks out web pages from a directory which are not pointed to by any other web page in that directory, ie, dead links. It actually also points out chains of web pages which are not pointed to by anything, unless the files 'index.html' or 'home.html' are part of the chain. That's here.

If you (heart) buttons, look at this page. If you (weird squiggly thing) (garbled letters), go here.

This is more "useful" than most previous things I've done. It's a link obscurer: that is, it allows you to keep people from linking directly to certain web pages and forces them to go through a proxy cgi script to get there instead. The net result is that if you want people to look at ads.html before they get to n00dwimm3n.jpg you can, instead of having them just bookmark n00dwimm3n.jpg and link there direct each time you change it. Anyway, it's here.
[And yeah, this is a pretty sleazy program, in that sense. On the other hand, I don't really believe that information wants to be free. I intend to make my living in some form of information codification, and if there are no restrictions on information such as copyrights or patents, I'm gonna be SOL. On the third hand, there is such a thing as too much restriction on information use. The recent (now-time) lawsuit of ticketmaster against microsoft because M$ had a link to ticketmaster .. and yet I write a program to prevent exactly that. Eh, whatever. I just wrote it because I had a cool idea how, anyway.]