
This is what I do best, I guess. I'm not great at programming, or at writing, or art, or sleight-of-hand, or being amusing, or bridge, or anything .. I *am* pretty good at combinations of them, though. I work best in the spaces between.

Lethe Flow Phoenix is one example of some electronic alchemy in action, I guess, and it's okay. Check it out. The web, of course, is the other example of alembic combination of writing and computers. So check that out too.

Part of working between means recognizing the essential similarity of everything. Most people when they find out I'm a English/CS double major say "Gee, you really picked two different majors, didn't you?" And I always smile and nod and say yeah, but that's not really true.

Writing good code has many similarities to writing a good essay ... or to writing good fiction, for that matter. I don't have it clear enough to expound yet, but the interlinks are there, trust me.

Whatever. That's what I do. Transmutation of one idea into another. Memetic Alchemy. This sounds like pretentious bullshit, and like the joke goes, that's only because it is, but that doesn't make it false. Hypocrisy is not an admission of untruth. This is important because .. mm .. I dunno. My greatest regret is that I am apparently fundamentally unable to understand people, or at least unable to communicate my understanding of them to anyone, including myself. So I think I really know it, and it's no fucking good because I can't tell anyone. Except in the little space inside my head. And people wonder why I spend so much time indoors ..

I don't normally do product placements on this site. But this is an exception. (It's almost enough to make it worth it to run windows 95 ..)