papers from 2010-14 at

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The files are now also available in pdf. For those from before '98, these pdf files might not look very good in an acrobat reader, but will print just fine.
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The files are in order of increasing age.

Elastic splines I: Existence;
Albert Borb\'ely & Michael J. Johnson;
january 2014
has appeared:
\CA; 40; 2914; 189--218;

The role of inner summaries in the fast evaluation of thin-plate splines;
Michael J. Johnson
november 2011
has appeared:
\AiCM; 39(1); 2013; 1--25;

Matlab and C programs for the fast evaluation of thin-plate splines;
Michael J. Johnson
november 2011
\AiCM; 39(1); 2013; 1--25;

Minimal degree univariate piecewise polynomials with prescribed Sobolev regularity;
Amal Al-Rashdan, Michael J. Johnson
october 2011
\JAT; 164(1); 2012; 1--5;

Compactly supported piecewise polyharmonic radial functions with prescribed regularity;
Michael J. Johnson
october 2011
\CA 35(2); 2012; 201--223;

re_shadrin: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On the (bi)infinite case of Shadrin's theorem concerning the $L_\infty$-boundedness of the $L_2$-spline projector;
Carl de Boor
july 2011
has appeared in the Subbotin 75th anniversary volume
Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN; 17(3); 2011, 25--29;

stahl: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On Radon's recipe for choosing correct sites for multivariate polynomial interpolation;
Dominik Stahl and Carl de Boor
june 2011
\JAT; 163(12); 2011; 1854--1858;

liron: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
External zonotopal algebra;
Nan Li and Amos Ron
april 2011

hangron: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Nonlinear Approximation Using Gaussian Kernels;
Thomas Hangelbroek and Amos Ron
appeared in:
JFA; xx(x); 2010; xxx--xxx;