papers from 2015-19 at
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The files are in order of increasing age.
Elastic Splines II: Unicity of optimal s-curves and curvature continuity;
Albert Borb\'ely & Michael J. Johnson
august 2017
Complete graphs: the space of simplicial cones, and their path tree representation;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
august 2017
Bivariate truncated powers: complete intersection decompositions and the spline representation;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
june 2017
Truncated power splines: acyclic resolutions of cone polynomials;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
june 2017
A constructive framework for minimal energy planar curves;
Michael J. Johnson & Hakim S. Johnson;
december 2016
\AMC (Applied Mathematics and Computation); 276; 2016; 172--181;
A comment on Ewald Quak's "About B-splines";
Carl de Boor
october 2016
\JNAAT;45(1); 2016; 84--86;