-------------------------------------> last change: 14dec99
CS717 - Class Notes
- chapter 0 list of relevant books
- introduction short intro; list of notations
as of 03sep99 (certain to be updated)
- chapter I Linear Algebra , as of (03sep99)(13sep99)24sep99
- chapter I
, for one-sided printing
- chapter II (Advanced) Calculus, as of (03ep99)(23sep99))1oct99
- chapter II
, for one-sided printing
- chapter III Normed Linear Spaces, as of 03ep99
- chapter III
, for one-sided printing
- chapter IV The Continuous Dual, as of (03ep99)(11oct99)(22oct99)28oct99
- chapter IV
, for one-sided printing
- chapter V Baire Category and Consequences, as of 22oct99
- chapter V
, for one-sided printing
- chapter VI Convexity, as of (22oct99)17nov99
- chapter VI
, for one-sided printing
- chapter VII Inner Product Spaces, as of (17nov99)(19nov99)22nov99
- chapter VII
, for one-sided printing
- chapter VIII Compact Perturbations of the Identity, as of (18nov99)(19nov99)06dec99
- chapter VIII
, for one-sided printing
- chapter IX The spectrum of a lm, as of (18nov99)
- chapter IX
, for one-sided printing
- chapter X Linearization and Newton's method, as of 22nov99
- chapter X
, for one-sided printing
- index as of 20nov99