papers on polynomial ideals, commutative algebra and AT at
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The files are in order of increasing age.
Complete graphs: the space of simplicial cones, and their path tree representation;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
august 2017
Bivariate truncated powers: complete intersection decompositions and the spline representation;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
june 2017
Truncated power splines: acyclic resolutions of cone polynomials;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
june 2017
stahl: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On Radon's recipe for choosing correct sites for multivariate polynomial interpolation;
Dominik Stahl and Carl de Boor
june 2011
\JAT; 163(12); 2011; 1854--1858;
liron: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
External zonotopal algebra;
Nan Li and Amos Ron
april 2011
hrx: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Hierarchical zonotopal spaces;
Olga Holtz, Zhiqiang Xu and Amos Ron
october 2009
to appear in
TAMS; xx(x); 201x; xxx-xxx;
shekht: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On the pointwise limits of bivariate Lagrange projectors;
Carl de Boor and Boris Shekhtman
november 2007
\LAA; 429(1); 2008; 311--325;
zonotopes: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Zonotopal algebra;
Olga Holtz and Amos Ron
september 2007
laglimit: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
What are the limits of Lagrange projectors?
Carl de Boor
december 2005
(Constructive Theory of Functions, Varna 2005), B. Bojanov (ed.),
Marin Drinov Acad.\ Publ.\ House (Sofia); 2006; 51--63;
MvsD: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Ideal interpolation: Mourrain's condition vs $D$-invariance;
Carl de Boor
jan 2005
(Banach Center Publications Vol.~72: Approximation and Probability),
Tadeusz Figiel and Anna Kamont (eds.), IMPAN (Warszawa, Poland); 2006; 49--55;
texasxi: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Ideal interpolation;
Carl de Boor
dec 2004
\TexasXI; 59--91;
dec05: three footnotes added
polideal: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Polynomial ideals and multivariate splines
Carl de Boor, Amos Ron
June 1989
has appeared in
(Multivariate Approximation Theory IV, ISNM 90),
C. Chui, W. Schempp, and K. Zeller (eds.),
Birk\-h\"auser Verlag (Basel); 1989; 31--40;
newideal: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On polynomial ideals of finite codimension with applications to box spline theory;
Carl de Boor, Amos Ron
December 1988
has appeared in
\JMAA; 158; 1991; 168--193;
% (de.01: corrected (3.8), changed pi to Pi, updated one reference)