papers on (exponential and other) box splines at

These files can be obtained by anonymous from The files are postscript, and are also available as compress(ed) files, as indicated by the subscript .Z, to be uncompress(ed) before using, as well as as (shorter) gzip(ed) files, as indicated by the subscript .gz, to be extracted by gzip -d .
The files are now also available in pdf. For those from before '98, these pdf files might not look very good in an acrobat reader, but will print just fine.
If you have trouble because of file contamination, specify binary as your first command in ftp.
The files are in order of increasing age.

Complete graphs: the space of simplicial cones, and their path tree representation;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
august 2017

Bivariate truncated powers: complete intersection decompositions and the spline representation;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
june 2017

Truncated power splines: acyclic resolutions of cone polynomials;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
june 2017

liron: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
External zonotopal algebra;
Nan Li and Amos Ron
april 2011

hrx: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Hierarchical zonotopal spaces;
Olga Holtz, Zhiqiang Xu and Amos Ron
october 2009
to appear in
TAMS; xx(x); 201x; xxx-xxx;

zonotopes: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Zonotopal algebra;
Olga Holtz and Amos Ron
september 2007

boxsubdv: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Box splines revisited: convergence and acceleration methods for the subdivision and the cascade algorithms;
Carl de Boor and Amos Ron
december 2006
\JAT; 150(1); 2008; 1--23;

boxeval: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On the evaluation of box splines,
Carl de Boor
March 1993
has appeared in Numer.Algorithms; 5; 1993; 5--23;
an alternative approach, particularly good for multiple directions, can be
found in Leif Kobbelt's paper
Stable evaluation of box splines;
\NA; 14(4); 1997; 377--382;
% available at
% with the corresponding set of m-files at

boxtiling: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Carl de Boor, K. H"ollig
Box-spline tilings
May 1989
has appeared in \AMMo; 98; 1991; 793--802;

twopolspaces: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On two polynomial spaces associated with a box spline
Carl de Boor, Nira Dyn \& Amos Ron
April 1989
has appeared in
\PJM; 147; 1991; 249--267;
% (may'99: corrected and updated the references)

newideal: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On polynomial ideals of finite codimension with applications to box spline theory;
Carl de Boor, Amos Ron
December 1988
has appeared in
\JMAA; 158; 1991; 168--193;
% (de.01: corrected (3.8), changed pi to Pi, updated one reference)

ebs4: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Local approximation by certain spaces of multivariate exponential-polynomials, approximation order of exponential box splines and related interpolation problems
Nira Dyn and Amos Ron
January 1988
has appeared in:
\TAMS; 319; 1990; 381--403

BBform: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
$B$--form basics;
Carl de Boor
in (Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends),
G. E. Farin (ed.),
SIAM Publications (Philadelphia); 1987; 131--148;
% 30nov09 supplied the missing Figure 3, and corrected a typo in (3.3) and in
% last display before Section 6.

Bivariate cardinal interpolation by splines on a three-direction mesh;
Carl de Boor, Klaus H\"ollig, Sherman Riemenschneider;
\IJM, 29(4), 1985, 533--566;