papers on linear algebra at
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The files are in order of increasing age.
re_shadrin: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On the (bi)infinite case of Shadrin's theorem concerning the $L_\infty$-boundedness of the $L_2$-spline projector;
Carl de Boor
july 2011
has appeared in the Subbotin 75th anniversary volume
Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN; 17(3); 2011, 25--29;
shekht: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On the pointwise limits of bivariate Lagrange projectors;
Carl de Boor and Boris Shekhtman
november 2007
\LAA; 429(1); 2008; 311--325;
zonotopes: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Zonotopal algebra;
Olga Holtz and Amos Ron
september 2007
inverse_basis: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
What is the inverse of a basis?
Carl de Boor
sep 2000
BIT; 41(5); 2001; 880--890;
(the printed version contains a random 7 right in the middle of (4.2), the most
important formula of the paper, and an extra p in the first display on page 889)
jordannf: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On Ptak's derivation of the Jordan normal form;
Carl de Boor
may 1999
\LAA; 310; 2000; 9--10;
encoan: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Multivariate Hermite interpolation (talk at Guernavaca, 13apr99)
Carl de Boor
apr 1999
updated 08feb01 to conform to present-day notation
updated 20apr08 to correct some misprints
empty: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
An empty exercise
Carl de Boor
March 1990
has appeared in
ACM SIGNUM Newsletter; 25(4); 1990; 2--6;
modest: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
An alternative approach to (the teaching of) rank and dimension
Carl de Boor
February 1990
has appeared in
\LAA; 146; 1991; 221--229;
bsplloccond: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
The condition of the B-spline basis for polynomials
Carl de Boor
April 1987
has appeared as
\SJNA; 25(1); 1988; 148--152;
but the journal's final computer-aided processing messed up the paper through
the omission of various words (that happened to lie beyond column 80 on a
line in the TeX file).
Inverses of infinite sign regular matrices
C. de Boor, S. Friedland, and A. Pinkus
November 1980
has appeared: \TAMS; 274(1); 1982; 59--68;
The inverse of a totally positive bi-infinite band matrix
C. de Boor
November 1980
has appeared: \TAMS; 274(1); 1982; 45--58;
The Numerically Stable Reconstruction of a Jacobi Matrix from Spectral Data;
Carl de Boor and G. H. Golub
apr 1977
\LAA; 21; 1978; 245--360;
Comments on the comparison of global methods for linear two-point boundary
value problems;
Carl de Boor and Blair Swartz
summer 1977
has appeared in \MC; 31(140); 1977; 916--921;