Michael Johnson's papers at ftp.cs.wisc.edu/Approx

These files can be obtained by anonymous from ftp.cs.wisc.edu/Approx. The files are postscript, and are also available as compress(ed) files, as indicated by the subscript .Z, to be uncompress(ed) before using, as well as as (shorter) gzip(ed) files, as indicated by the subscript .gz, to be extracted by gzip -d .
The files are now also available in pdf. For those from before '98, these pdf files might not look very good in an acrobat reader, but will print just fine.
If you have trouble because of file contamination, specify binary as your first command in ftp.
The files are in order of increasing age.

Elastic Splines III: Existence of stable nonlinear splines;
Albert Borb\'ely & Michael J. Johnson
december 2018;

Elastic Splines II: Unicity of optimal s-curves and curvature continuity;
Albert Borb\'ely & Michael J. Johnson
august 2017

A constructive framework for minimal energy planar curves;
Michael J. Johnson & Hakim S. Johnson;
december 2016
\AMC (Applied Mathematics and Computation); 276; 2016; 172--181;

Elastic splines I: Existence;
Albert Borb\'ely & Michael J. Johnson;
january 2014
has appeared:
\CA; 40; 2914; 189--218;

The role of inner summaries in the fast evaluation of thin-plate splines;
Michael J. Johnson
november 2011
has appeared:
\AiCM; 39(1); 2013; 1--25;

Matlab and C programs for the fast evaluation of thin-plate splines;
Michael J. Johnson
november 2011
\AiCM; 39(1); 2013; 1--25;

Minimal degree univariate piecewise polynomials with prescribed Sobolev regularity;
Amal Al-Rashdan, Michael J. Johnson
october 2011
\JAT; 164(1); 2012; 1--5;

Compactly supported piecewise polyharmonic radial functions with prescribed regularity;
Michael J. Johnson
october 2011
\CA 35(2); 2012; 201--223;

A symmetric collocation method with fast evaluation;
Michael Johnson
appeared in
IMAJNA; 29(3); 2009; 773--789;

Scattered data reconstruction by regularization in B-spline and associated wavelet spaces;
Michael Johnson, Zuowei Shen, Yugong XU
appeared in
\JAT; 159(2); 2009; 197--223;

A note on the limited stability of surface spline interpolation;
Michael Johnson
has appeared
\JAT; 141(2); 2006; 182--188;

rbf_err_anal: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
An error analysis for radial basis function interpolation
Michael J. Johnson
jan 2003
has appeared
\NM; 98; 2004; 675--694;

Lp_order_SSI: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
The $L_p$ approximation order of surface spline interpolation for $1\le p \le 2$
Michael J. Johnson
apr 2002
\CA; 20(2); 2004; 133--167;

interpolatepsi: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Scattered data interpolation from principal shift-invariant spaces
Michael J. Johnson
feb 2000
\JAT; 113; 2001; 172--188;

ssiorder: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
The $L_2$-approximation order of surface spline interpolation
Michael J. Johnson
jun 1999
Math. Comp. 70, 719--737 (2001)

compact: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On the error in surface spline interpolation of a compactly supported function
Michael J. Johnson
sep 1998, dec 1998
Kuwait J. Sci. Eng. 28, 37--54 (2001)

overcome: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Overcoming the boundary effects in surface spline interpolation
Michael J. Johnson
nov 1998
IMA J. Numer. Anal. 20, 405--422 (2000)

improved: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
An improved order of approximation for thin-plate spline interpolation in the unit disc
Michael Johnson
February 1998
has appeared in
\NM; 84(3); 2000; 451--474;

surfspli: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
A bound on the approximation order of surface splines
Michael Johnson
October 1997
\CA; 14; 1998; 429--438;

perturb: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Approximation in $L_p(\Rd)$ from spaces spanned by the perturbed integer translates of a radial basis function
Michael J. Johnson
May 1995
\JAT; 107(2); 2000; 163--203;

upbound: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
An upper bound on the approximation power of principal shift-invariant spaces
Michael J. Johnson
December 1994
appeared in:
\CA; 13(2); 1997; 155--176;

lowbound: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On the approximation power of principal shift-invariant subspaces of $L_p(R^d)$
Michael J. Johnson
December 1994
\JAT; 91(3); 1997; 279--319;