papers on multivariate splines at
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The files are in order of increasing age.
Complete graphs: the space of simplicial cones, and their path tree representation;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
august 2017
Bivariate truncated powers: complete intersection decompositions and the spline representation;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
june 2017
Truncated power splines: acyclic resolutions of cone polynomials;
Amos Ron & Shengnan (Sarah) Wang
june 2017
The role of inner summaries in the fast evaluation of thin-plate splines;
Michael J. Johnson
november 2011
has appeared:
\AiCM; 39(1); 2013; 1--25;
Matlab and C programs for the fast evaluation of thin-plate splines;
Michael J. Johnson
november 2011
\AiCM; 39(1); 2013; 1--25;
dahmen: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
The way things were in multivariate splines: A personal view;
Carl de Boor
april 2009
in Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive Approximation, R. DeVore and A. Kunoth
(eds.), Springer Verlag (Berlin-Heidelberg, Germany); 2009; 19--37;
boxsubdv: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Box splines revisited: convergence and acceleration methods for the subdivision and the cascade algorithms;
Carl de Boor and Amos Ron
december 2006
\JAT; 150(1); 2008; 1--23;
TPSerror: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Error estimates for thin plate spline approximation in the disc;
Thomas Hangelbroek
december 2006
A note on the limited stability of surface spline interpolation;
Michael Johnson
has appeared
\JAT; 141(2); 2006; 182--188;
Lp_order_SSI: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
The $L_p$ approximation order of surface spline interpolation for $1\le p \le 2$
Michael J. Johnson
apr 2002
\CA; 20(2); 2004; 133--167;
ssiorder: ps ps.Z
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The $L_2$-approximation order of surface spline interpolation
Michael J. Johnson
jun 1999
Math. Comp. 70, 719--737 (2001)
compact: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On the error in surface spline interpolation of a compactly supported function
Michael J. Johnson
sep 1998, dec 1998
Kuwait J. Sci. Eng. 28, 37--54 (2001)
overcome: ps ps.Z
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Overcoming the boundary effects in surface spline interpolation
Michael J. Johnson
nov 1998
IMA J. Numer. Anal. 20, 405--422 (2000)
improved: ps ps.Z
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An improved order of approximation for thin-plate spline interpolation in the unit disc
Michael Johnson
February 1998
has appeared in
\NM; 84(3); 2000; 451--474;
surfspli: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
A bound on the approximation order of surface splines
Michael Johnson
October 1997
\CA; 14; 1998; 429--438;
multpp: ps ps.Z
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Multivariate piecewise polynomials,
Carl de Boor
October 1992
has appeared in Acta Numerica; 2; 1993; 65--109;
aobivar: ps ps.Z
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A sharp upper bound on the approximation order of smooth bivariate pp functions
Carl de Boor and Rong-Qing Jia
March 1992
has appeared in J.Approx.Theory; 72(1); 1993; 24--33;
quasiaprx: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Quasiinterpolants and approximation power of multivariate splines
Carl de Boor
July 1990
has appeared in
(Computations of curves and surfaces), Dahmen, Gasca, Micchelli
(eds.), Kluwer (Dordrecht, Netherlands); 1990; 313--345;
studia: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
A characterization of the approximation order of multivariate spline spaces
A. Ron
November 1989
has appeared in
Studia Mathematica {\bf 98(1)} (1991), 73--90.
polideal: ps ps.Z
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Polynomial ideals and multivariate splines
Carl de Boor, Amos Ron
June 1989
has appeared in
(Multivariate Approximation Theory IV, ISNM 90),
C. Chui, W. Schempp, and K. Zeller (eds.),
Birk\-h\"auser Verlag (Basel); 1989; 31--40;
whatisspline: ps ps.Z
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What is a multivariate spline?
Carl de Boor
August 1987
has appeared
(Proc.\ First Intern.\ Conf.\ Industr.\ Applied Math., Paris 1987), J.\
McKenna and R. Temam (eds.), SIAM (Philadelphia PA); 1988; 90--101;
birmingham: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Multivariate Approximation
Carl de Boor
MRC 2950, August 1986
in (State of the Art in Numerical Analysis),
A. Iserles and M. Powell (eds.),
Institute Mathematics Applications (Essex); 1987; 87--109;
% 10mar09: some references, some notation (for pol.spaces, intervals, etc)
% updated; unfortunately, the picture files are lost.
Convergence of cardinal series;
Carl de Boor, Klaus H\"ollig, Sherman Riemenschneider
August 1985
has appeared: \PAMS; 98(3); 1986; 457--460;
Convergence of bivariate cardinal interpolation;
C. de Boor, K. H\"ollig, S. Riemenschneider
has appeared in \CA; 1; 1985; 183--193;
Bivariate cardinal interpolation by splines on a three-direction mesh;
Carl de Boor, Klaus H\"ollig, Sherman Riemenschneider;
\IJM, 29(4), 1985, 533--566;
Approximation order from smooth bivariate splines
C. de Boor, R. DeVore, K. H\"ollig
has appeared in TexasIV; 353--357;
Topics in multivariate approximation theory
C. de Boor
May 1982
TSR #2379, Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Approximation by smooth multivariate splines
Carl de Boor and Ron DeVore
December 1981
has appeared in \TAMS; 276(2); 1983; 775--788;
Recurrence relations for multivariate B-splines
Carl de Boor and Klaus H\"ollig
May 1981
has appeared: \PAMS; 85(3); 1982; 397--400;
Efficient Computer Manipulation of Tensor Products:
Carl de Boor
oct 1978
has appeared in
ACM Trans. Math. Software; 5(2); 1979; 173--182;
Final production introduced many typos, all marked in the present copy
see Corrigenda, ACM Trans. Math. Software; 5(4); 1979; 525;
Piecewise polynomial interpolation and approximation;
Garrett Birkhoff and Carl R. de Boor;
has appeared in
\Generalmotors; 164--190;
Bicubic spline interpolation;
Carl de Boor
has appeared in
\JMP (J.Mathematics and Physics); 41(3); 1962; 212--218;