papers on numerical analysis at

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The files are in order of increasing age.

The role of inner summaries in the fast evaluation of thin-plate splines;
Michael J. Johnson
november 2011
has appeared:
\AiCM; 39(1); 2013; 1--25;

Matlab and C programs for the fast evaluation of thin-plate splines;
Michael J. Johnson
november 2011
\AiCM; 39(1); 2013; 1--25;

A symmetric collocation method with fast evaluation;
Michael Johnson
appeared in
IMAJNA; 29(3); 2009; 773--789;

Scattered data reconstruction by regularization in B-spline and associated wavelet spaces;
Michael Johnson, Zuowei Shen, Yugong XU
appeared in
\JAT; 159(2); 2009; 197--223;

texasxi: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Ideal interpolation;
Carl de Boor
dec 2004
\TexasXI; 59--91;
dec05: three footnotes added

Divided differences;
Carl de Boor
nov 2004
Surveys in Approximation Theory; 1; 2005; 46--69;

efficdvd: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
An efficient definition of the divided difference
Carl de Boor
aug 2004
in (Approximation Theory: A Volume Dedicated to Borislav Bojanov),
D. K. Dimitrov, G. Nikolov, and R. Uluchev (eds.), Marin Drinov Academic
Publ. House (Sofia); 2004; 58--63;

floater: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
A divided difference expansion of a divided difference
Carl de Boor
nov 2002
\JAT; 122(1); 2003; 10--12;

leibniz: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
A Leibniz formula for multivariate divided differences
Carl de Boor
apr 2002
\SJNA; 41(3); 2003; 856--868;

encoan: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Multivariate Hermite interpolation (talk at Guernavaca, 13apr99)
Carl de Boor
apr 1999
updated 08feb01 to conform to present-day notation
updated 20apr08 to correct some misprints

bmr: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Asymptotically Optimal Approximation and Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations
Martin D. Buhmann, Charles A. Micchelli, Amos Ron
October 1996
\Powellfest; 59--82;

bennett: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On determining the foot of the continental slope
Carl de Boor
November 1995
revised feb'96

On the Sauer-Xu formula for the error in multivariate polynomial interpolation;
Carl de Boor
March 1995
\MC; 65; 1996; 1231--1234;

multdvdf: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
A multivariate divided difference
Carl de Boor
March 1995
\TexasVIIIa; 87--96;
% 25mar02: supplied missing g in (4.1) and completed refs [17] and [18].

symmetries: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Symmetries of linear functionals
Shayne Waldron
October 1994
\TexasVIIIa; 541--550;

extremising: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Extremising the $L_p$-norm of a monic polynomial with roots in a given interval and Hermite interpolation
Shayne Waldron
May 1994

polintelim: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Gauss elimination by segments and multivariate polynomial interpolation
Carl de Boor
March 1994
in (Approximation and Computation), R.V.M. Zahar (ed.),
ISNM 119, Birkh\"auser Verlag (Basel-Boston-Berlin); 1994; 1--22;

sphere: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Strictly positive definite functions on spheres
Amos Ron and Xingping Sun
February 1994
\MC; 65(216); 1996; 1513--1530;

boxeval: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On the evaluation of box splines,
Carl de Boor
March 1993
has appeared in Numer.Algorithms; 5; 1993; 5--23;
an alternative approach, particularly good for multiple directions, can be
found in Leif Kobbelt's paper
Stable evaluation of box splines;
\NA; 14(4); 1997; 377--382;
% available at
% with the corresponding set of m-files at

polinterr: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
On the error in multivariate polynomial interpolation
Carl de Boor
has appeared in Applied Numerical Mathematics; 10; 1992; 297--305;

Computational aspects of polynomial interpolation in several variables
Carl de Boor, Amos Ron
March 1990
has appeared in Math.Comp.; 58; 1992; 705--727;

empty: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
An empty exercise
Carl de Boor
March 1990
has appeared in
ACM SIGNUM Newsletter; 25(4); 1990; 2--6;

Fundamental solutions for multivariate difference equations;
Carl de Boor, Klaus H\"ollig, Sherman Riemenschneider
has appeared in
\AJM; 111; 1989; 403--415;

Local piecewise polynomial projection methods for an O.D.E.\ which give high-order convergence at knots
Carl de Boor and Blair Swartz
summer 1980
has appeared in \MC; 36; 1981; 21--33;

Collocation approximation to eigenvalues of an ordinary differential equation: Numerical illustrations;
Carl de Boor and Blair Swartz
March 1980
has appeared in \MC; 36(153); 1981; 1--19;

Collocation approximation to eigenvalues of an ordinary differential equation: The principle of the thing;
Carl de Boor and Blair Swartz
March 1979
has appeared in \MC; 35(151); 1980; 679--694;

Comments on the comparison of global methods for linear two-point boundary
value problems;
Carl de Boor and Blair Swartz
summer 1977
has appeared in \MC; 31(140); 1977; 916--921;

goodappr: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Good approximation by splines with variable knots;
Carl de Boor
has appeared in \EdmontonI; 57--72;

Subroutine Package for Calculating with B-splines;
Carl de Boor
August 1971
report LA-4728-MS Los Alamos scientific laboratory,
An extended version has appeared as
``Package for calculating with B-splines'', \SJNA, 14, 1977, 441--472.

tr20: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Least Squares Cubic Spline Approximation I -- Fixed Knots
Carl de Boor, John R. Rice
CSD TR 20 April 1968

tr21: ps ps.Z ps.gz pdf
Least Squares Cubic Spline Approximation II -- Variable Knots
Carl de Boor, John R. Rice
CSD TR 21 April 1968
% error in NUBAS corrected 3oct01

Bicubic spline interpolation;
Carl de Boor
has appeared in
\JMP (J.Mathematics and Physics); 41(3); 1962; 212--218;