papers on quasi-interpolation at
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The files are in order of increasing age.
ard: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Approximation using scattered shifts of a multivariate function;
Ronald DeVore and Amos Ron
feb 2008
TAMS; xx(x); 2010; xxx-xxx;
quasiaprx: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Quasiinterpolants and approximation power of multivariate splines
Carl de Boor
July 1990
has appeared in
(Computations of curves and surfaces), Dahmen, Gasca, Micchelli
(eds.), Kluwer (Dordrecht, Netherlands); 1990; 313--345;
studia: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
A characterization of the approximation order of multivariate spline spaces
A. Ron
November 1989
has appeared in
Studia Mathematica {\bf 98(1)} (1991), 73--90.
quasi: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
The exponentials in the span of the multiinteger translates of a compactly supported function: quasiinterpolation and approximation order
Carl de Boor and Amos Ron
November 1989
has appeared in
J. London Math. Soc. (2); 45; 1992; 519--535;
Approximation by smooth multivariate splines
Carl de Boor and Ron DeVore
December 1981
has appeared in \TAMS; 276(2); 1983; 775--788;
quasiint: ps ps.Z
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The quasi-interpolant as a tool in elementary polynomial spline theory;
Carl de Boor
has appeared in \TexasI; 269--276;
unifappr: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On uniform approximation by splines
Carl de Boor
has appeared as \JAT; 1; 1968; 219--235;
4oct08 various misprints have been corrected