papers on refinable functions at
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The files are in order of increasing age.
boxsubdv: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Box splines revisited: convergence and acceleration methods for the subdivision and the cascade algorithms;
Carl de Boor and Amos Ron
december 2006
\JAT; 150(1); 2008; 1--23;
olgamos: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Approximation order of shift-invariant subspaces of $W_s^2(R^d)$
Olga Holtz and Amos Ron
May 2004
\JAT; 132; 2005; 97--148;
dim1: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
The Wavelet Dimension Function is The Trace Function of A Shift-Invariant System
Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen
jun 2001
\PAMS; 131(5); 2003;1385--1398;
dhrs: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Framelets: MRA-based constructions of wavelet frames
Ingrid Daubechies, Bin Han, Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen
feb 2001
\ACHA; 14; 2003; 1--46;
rst: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Computing the Sobolev regularity of refinable functions by the Arnoldi Method
Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen, Kim-Chuan Toh
oct 1999
\SJMAA; 23; 2001; 57--76;
hoganjia: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Dependency relations among th shifts of a multivariate refinable distribution
Thomas A. Hogan and Rong-Qing Jia
March 1998
to appear in CA
nec_note: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
A note on matrix refinement equations
Thomas A. Hogan
February 1998
\SJMA; 29; 1998; 849--854
hardinhogan: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Refinable subspaces of a refinable space
Douglas P. Hardin and Thomas A. Hogan
February 1998
to appear in PAMS
reg: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
The Sobolev regularity of refinable functions
Amos Ron and Zuowei Shen
March 1997
J. Approx. Theory, {\bf 106(2)} (2000), 185--225.
multiw: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Stability and independence of the shifts of finitely many refinable functions
Thomas A. Hogan
January 1996
revised February 1997
\JFAA; 3; 1997; 757--774;
cdr: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
How smooth is the smoothest function in a given refinable space?
Albert Cohen, Ingrid Daubechies, Amos Ron
May 1995
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis {\bf 3} (1996), 87--89.
smoothwav: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Smooth refinable functions provide good approximation orders
Amos Ron
February 1995
SIAM J. Math. Anal. {\bf 28} (1997), 731--748.
stabindep_texasviii: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Stability and independence of the shifts of a multivariate refinable function
Thomas A. Hogan
February 1995
\TexasVIIIw; 159--166;
stabindep: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Stability and independence for multivariate refinable distributions
Thomas A. Hogan
February 1995
revised August 1997
appeared in
\JAT; 98(2); 1999; 248--270;
stablemask: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Characterizations of linear independence and stability of the shifts of a univariate refinable function in terms of its refinement mask
Amos Ron
September 1992