Zuowei Shen's papers at ftp.cs.wisc.edu/Approx
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The files are in order of increasing age.
Scattered data reconstruction by regularization in B-spline and associated wavelet spaces;
Michael Johnson, Zuowei Shen, Yugong XU
appeared in
\JAT; 159(2); 2009; 197--223;
gsi: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Generalized shift-invariant systems
Amos Ron and Zuowei Shen
jan 2003
\CA; 22; 2005; 1--45;
dim1: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
The Wavelet Dimension Function is The Trace Function of A Shift-Invariant System
Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen
jun 2001
\PAMS; 131(5); 2003;1385--1398;
dhrs: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Framelets: MRA-based constructions of wavelet frames
Ingrid Daubechies, Bin Han, Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen
feb 2001
\ACHA; 14; 2003; 1--46;
rst: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Computing the Sobolev regularity of refinable functions by the Arnoldi Method
Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen, Kim-Chuan Toh
oct 1999
\SJMAA; 23; 2001; 57--76;
hk: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Construction of Compactly Supported Affine Frames in $L_2(\Rd)$
Amos Ron and Zuowei Shen
December 1997
(Advances in Wavelets), K. S. Lau (ed.), Springer-Verlag (New York); 1998;
dframe: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Affine system in $L_2(\Rd)$ II: dual systems
Amos Ron and Zuowei Shen
July 1997
Appeared in:
J. Fourier Analysis and Appl., Special Issue on Frames {\bf 3} (1997), 617-637.
reg: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
The Sobolev regularity of refinable functions
Amos Ron and Zuowei Shen
March 1997
J. Approx. Theory, {\bf 106(2)} (2000), 185--225.
tight: ps ps.Z
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Compactly supported tight affine spline frames in $L_2(\Rd)$
Amos Ron and Zuowei Shen
February 1996
\MC; 65(216); 1998; 1513--1530;
affine: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Affine systems in $L_2(\Rd)$: the analysis of the analysis operator
Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen
December 1995
J. Functional Analysis {\bf 148} (1997), 408-447
ker2: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On ascertaining inductively the dimension of the joint kernel of certain commuting linear operators. II
Carl de Boor, Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen
May 1995
Adv. in Math. {\bf 123} (1996), 223--242.
frame2: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Gramian analysis of affine bases and affine frames
Amos Ron and Zuowei Shen
March 1995
\TexasVIIIw; 375--382;
wh: ps ps.Z
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Weyl-Heisenberg frames and Riesz bases in $L_2(\Rd)$
Amos Ron and Zuowei Shen
October 1994
Duke Math. J. {\bf 89} (1997), 237-282.
frame1: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
Frames and stable bases for shift-invariant subspaces of $L_2(\Rd)$
Amos Ron and Zuowei Shen
February 1994
appeared in Canad. Math. J.
\CJM; 47(5); 1995; 1051--1094;
ker: ps ps.Z
ps.gz pdf
On ascertaining inductively the dimension of the joint kernel of certain commuting linear operators
Carl de Boor, Amos Ron, Zuowei Shen
June 1992
updated Apr 96 to reflect copy editor's changes
has appeared in Adv. Applied Math; 17; 1996; 209--250;