% \magnification=1200\input carlformat\input refmac\def\cite#1{[#1]}\parskip10pt % % %the max-norm of a B-spline % %
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the max-norm of a B-spline %


95/06/22: Cheney inquires about a formula for the max-norm of the cardinal B-spline, something he has been asked by his colleague, Jeremy Levesley, who has a contour integral for it. Cheney has an 8-line fortran program for it. %

I tell him that ter Morsche %
[%Morsche78 % tom \refR Morsche, H. G. ter; The minimum supremum norm of a B-spline; T.H.-Report 78-WSK-05, Technological University Eindhoven; 1978; ]%
has looked at that, as have %
[%MeinardusMorscheWalz95 Meinardus, G\"unther, Morsche, Hennie ter, Walz, Guido; On the Chebyshev norm of polynomial $B$-splines; \JAT; 82(1); 1995; 99--122;] and that I remember some explicit statements there concerning this max-norm in the cardinal case. %

Of course, for large order, % Sommerfeld's % asymptotic expression for $B_n(x/(2h))$ provides the formula $$%
\norm{B_n}_\infty \approx \sqrt{6/(\pi n)}, $$%
which gives the reasonable approximations, at $n=10, 100, 400$, $$%
0.43701937223683,\ \ 0.13819765978853,\ \ 0.06909882989427, $$%
for $$%
0.43041776895944,\ \ 0.13799020407550,\ \ 0.06907291282945 . $$%